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1、at the cost of 以为代价 at the invitation of 应的邀请at the thought of 一想到 at will 任意In line with 与一致 in relation to 涉及In return for 作为对的报答 in the course of 在的过程中No less than 不亚于 nothing but 只不过No more than 至多 By all means 尽一切办法By means of 依靠 for fear of 以免For lack of 因缺乏 for the benefit of 为的利益For the conv

2、enience of 为。的方便 for the purpose of 为了的目的In accordance with 与一致 in addition to 除以外In answer to 回答 in combination with 与相结合In comparison with 和相in compensation for 作为对的赔偿In conflict with 和冲突 in contact with 和接触In contradiction with 同矛盾 in contrast with 和相对照In exchange for 交换 in favor of 有利于In harmony

3、 with 和相和谐 in honor of 向表示敬意In memory of 为了纪念 in need of 需要In place of 代替 in terms of 从的角度In the case of 就来说 in the eye of 从观点来看In the interest of 为了的利益 in the grasp of 在掌握之中In touch with 和不断接触 in behalf of 代表In advance of 在之前 on account of 为了的缘故Under the direction of 在指导之下 under the control of 在的支配

4、之下With the intention of 抱着的目的 on the ground of 根据With the permission of 经许可 at choice 可随意选择At ease 自在 at first glance 一眼就Beyond bearing 忍无可忍 beyond effort 力所不及Beyond expression 无法形容 beyond question 无可争辩Beyond comparison 无与伦比 by degrees 逐渐的By nature 天生的 for nothing 白白的For experience 凭经验 in alarm 惊惶地I

5、n circulation 在传播中 in demand 需求In dilemma 进退两难 in large 大规模地In site 在现场 on credit 赊账On purpose 有意 with concern 关切地Without choice 不分好歹 at a loss 不知所措In a temper 发脾气 by the book 按常规At night fall 在傍晚 at ones own charge 自费By all appearance 显然 in any case 无论如何In either case 无论发生那种情况 in no case 绝不in good

6、taste 风格高尚的 with sincere pleasure 由衷地喜悦 重要动词与介词的搭配Identifyas.确认是 stand by 信守Qualify.for. 使有资格 inherit.from.从继承Profit from 利用 be involved in 参与Mislead.into.误导以至 count on 指望Apply.to. 把应用于 adapt.to.使适应于Expose.to.使暴露于 owe.to.把归因于Reducebyto.将减/降了至relate.to.把。与。联系在一起Compromise with 与妥协 confuse.with. 将与。混淆

7、Restrict.to.限制为 combine.with.将与。结合Enrich.with. 用丰富be faced with. 面对Impress.with.使对印象深刻 equip.with.用装备Reason with 与讲理 threatenwith. 以威胁Serve as 起到作用 define.as.把定义为。 写作必备短语上篇1. 我们真诚的希望 it is sincerely hoped that2. 不惜一切代价 at all cost3. 不知所措 be at a loss4. 绝望地 In despair5. 渴望 be eager to do / be despera

8、te to do Have a strong desire for doing sth6. 对很感兴趣 be enthusiastic about / be keen on be crazy about be fascinated by7. 处在最好的状态 be at ones best8. 情绪高涨 be in high spirits9. 没有做的心情 be in no mood to do10. 用心做 be engaged in doing sth11. 经理痛苦磨难 go through pains12. 反思 reflect on13. 使生气 make sb annoyed14.

9、 处于状态 in a state of15. 渴望 long for16. 直截了当的说 come straight to the point that17. 很容易地 with ease18. 对感到吃惊 be amazed at19. 对表示同情 feel sympathy for20. 对产生重大影响 have a tremendous impact on Have a great influence on Have a strong effect on21. 加深感情 deepen ones affection22. 使流泪 bring tears to ones eyes23. 突然

10、有了一个好主意 A good idea flashes across ones mind24. 努力没有白费 ones efforts pay off25. 面对 be exposed to26. 付出代价 pay a high price for27. 耐心地 with great patience28. 心满意足地 to ones hearts content29. 昧着良心做事 do sth against ones conscience30. 坚持不懈地追求目标 persist in pursuing ones goal31. 怀有对的激情 have great passion tow

11、ards32. 认真接受某人忠告 take ones words to heart33. 深受鼓舞 be much motivated by Be much inspired by34. 泪水涌上的眼睛 tears well up in ones eyes35. 为的行为承担责任 pay for ones action36. 强调提高环保意识 highlight the consciousness of environment protection37. 激发灵感 spark ones inspiration for38. 对产生负面影响 have a negative influence on39. 培养创造力和创新精神 train ones creativity and innovation40. 被社会潮流所淘汰 be thrown out of the tide of the society41. 激励个性发展 encourage ones personality42. 把理论和实践结合起来 combine theory with practice43. 做某


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