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1、Unit 2 This is my sister【重点知识梳理】一、写出缩写形式1. what are =_2. who are = _3. who is =_4. they are = _二、重点短语1. 一张你的全家福 a _ _ your _注意:短语首字母一般不大写哦!2. 玩得开心(3种)_ _ _3. 在下一张照片里 _ the _ _4.在第一张照片里 _ _ _ _5.我的堂妹_ _6.他的父母亲 _ _ 7.她的家庭 _ _8. 家谱 _ _9. 我的全家福(两种)a _ _ my family my _ _10.我的狗的名字(两种) my _ _ the _ _ my do

2、g三、重点句式:1、他是谁?_ _ she ?2、这些是我的哥哥。_ _ my _3、那些是你的父母吗?是的,他们是。_ _ your parents ?Yes, _ _.4、这儿是我的两张漂亮的全家福。Here _ two _ _ _my family.5. 这儿有一张我的全家福。_ _ a photo of my _. = Here is my _ _.6、这两个女孩是我妹妹。_ two _ _ my _7、第一张照片里是我的父母。My _ _ in the _ _.8、那些是我的朋友。_ _ my _ .9、这些是什么?是照片What _ _ ? _ _.10、那是你的朋友吗?_ _ _

3、 friend?11、这是他的父母吗?_ _ _parents?12、这是我的父母亲。This is _ _. (变成复数) _ _ my _.13、我明白。_ _【知识拓展】一、 倒装句(用be动词的适当形式填空) 1. Here _ a photo of my family.2. Here _pictures of my friends.3. Here _ my book.4. Here _ my keys 5. In the next picture _my brothers, Bob and Eric.6. In my bag _ my English book.7. In the r

4、oom _ my parents.二、名词所有格1、对于有生命的事物,其名词所有格形式一般在词尾加“s”;以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加“”Janes bed _ my sisters book _ my parents son _2、对没有生命的事物,其名词所有格常由of短语构成狗的名字the _ of the dog 我的全家福 a _ _ my family3、表示两者共同拥有的人或物(共有)时,只在后一个名词使用所有格形式即可。 如果表示两者各自的所属关系(各自所有),则每个名词都分别使用所有格形式。Mary and lilys room (房间属二人共同所有)Marys and Lil

5、ys rooms (两人各自的房间)三、单数句变复数句1. 代词的变化: this_ that_ it/she/he_2. be动词的变化: am/is_ 3. 名词的变化. 规则变化:1.一般情况+s:pen_ ruler_ key_ photo_ 2.以ch,sh,s,x结尾的要加es. watch_ box_3.辅音字母+y的要变y为i再加es。注意:元音字母+y结尾的直接加s。family_ dictionary_ boy_【精练习题】一、单复数句互变.1. This is my pen. my .2. Whats this in English? Its a ruler. What

6、in English? .要特别注意复数变单数哦3. Is that a jacket? No, it isnt. ? No, .4. This isnt my brother. _ _ my _ .5. He is my uncle. _ _ my _ .6. She isnt his sister. _ _ his _ .7. These are my friends. my .8. Are those oranges? Yes, they are. _ _ _ ? Yes, _ _ .9. They arent my cousins. my .10. How are your broth

7、ers? They are fine. How your ? fine.二、完成句子1. These are my keys. (改为否定句) These _ _ my keys.2. Thats my sister. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ sister?3. This girl is my cousin. (对划线部分提问) _ _ this girl ?4. Here is my family photo. (改为同义句) Here is a _ _my family .5. My dogs name is Coco. (改为同义句) Coco is the _ _my dog.

8、三、用适当的代词填空。1._ is my mother. _ is my father. _ are teachers.2.-Are these your brothers? Yes, _ are.3._ name is Gina. _ am a student.4.-How are _? Fine, thank _ !5.-Whats _ name? He is Tony.6.-Whats his telephone number? _ is 643-0274.7. This is _ family. (I)8. Are these _ grandparents? ( she)9. -Is this/that his brother? -Yes, _ is./ No, _ isnt.10.-Is this girl your sister? -Yes, _ is./ No, _ isnt.11.-Whos this girl?- _ is my friend.【错题归档】_


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