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1、2022年考博英语-大连工业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The train came to a/an ( ) stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.问题1选项A.hastyB.incidentalC.swiftD.abrupt【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项hasty“草率的,匆忙的”;B选项incidental“偶然的”;C选项swift“迅速的,敏捷的”;D选项abrupt“突然的”。句意:火车突然停了下来,许多乘客从座位上摔了下来。选项D更符合语境。2. 单选题After his recove

2、ry from illness, he is determined to( )hat he had been doing to attain the goal.问题1选项A.assumeB.consumeC.presumeD.resume【答案】D【解析】形近词辨析题。A选项assume“承担”;B选项consume“消耗,挥霍”;C选项presume“假定,推测”;D选项resume“(中断后)重新开始,继续”。句意:他病好后,决心继续为实现目标而努力。选项D符合语境。3. 单选题In general , the( )amount that a student spends for hous

3、ing should be held to one-fifth of the total for living expenses.问题1选项A.acceptableB.advisableC.availableD.applicable【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项acceptable“可接受的”;B选项advisable“明智的”;C选项available“可获得的”;D选项applicable“可应用的”。句意:一般来说,学生在住房上的花费应控制在可支配的生活费的五分之一以内。available其后常接介词for或to构成形容词短语,作后置定语。所以选项C正确。4. 单选题Excell

4、ent films are those which( )national and cultural barriers.问题1选项A.transcendB.traverseC.abolishD.suppress【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。A选项transcend“胜过,超越”;B选项traverse“穿过;C选项 abolish“废除,取消”;D选项suppress“抑制”。句意:优秀的电影是那些超越国家和文化障碍的电影。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world, has dramatized h

5、ow the careless use of the earths resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The over development of motor transport, with its increase of more cars, more highways, more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has contributed to the near destruction of our cities. The disaster

6、has arrived in the form of the energy crisis.Our present situation is unlike war, revolution or depression. Worldwide resources exploitation and energy use have brought us to a state where long range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which endang

7、ers the future of our country, our children, and our earth, but a movement forward to a new norm in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems.This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of morality and the revelation that lawbreaking has reached into t

8、he highest places in the land. There is a strong demand for moral revival and for some devotion that is vast enough and yet personal enough to enlist the devotion of all. In the past it has been only in a way of defense of their own country and their own ideals that any people have been able to devo

9、te themselves wholeheartedly.This is the first time that we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in cooperation with all the other inhabitants of this planet, who share with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans. There is a common need to reassess our present

10、 course, to change that course and to devise new methods through which the world can survive. This is a priceless opportunity.To grasp it we need a widespread understanding of nature if the crisis confronting usand the worldis a crisis that is no passing inconvenience , no by product of the ambition

11、s of the oil producing countries, no environmentalists mere fears, no by product of any present system of government. What we face is the outcome of the invention of the last four hundred years. What we need is a transformed life style. This new life style can flow directly from science and technolo

12、gy, but its acceptance depends on a sincere devotion to finding a higher quality of life for the worlds children and future generation.1.Which condition does the author feel has nearly destroyed our cities?2.The author in the second paragraph states what we need in our present situation is( ).3.Acco

13、rding to the author, what is one example of our loss of morality?4.By comparing past problems with present ones, the author draws attention to the( ) .问题1选项A.Lack of financial planning.B.The breakup of the family.C.Natural disasters in many regions.D.The excessive growth of motors.问题2选项A.a continuat

14、ion of our present serious stateB.worldwide resources exploitation and energy useC.a movement forward to a new norm to planet research workD.a state where long-range planning is essential to us问题3选项A.Disregard for law.B.Lack of devotion.C.Lack of cooperation.D.Exploitation of resources.问题4选项A.signif

15、icance of this crisisB.inadequacy of governmentsC.similarity of the past to the presentD.hopelessness of the situation【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段第二句“The over development of motor transport, with its increase of more cars, more highways, more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has contributed to the near destruction of our cities. 汽车运输的过度发展,伴随着更多的汽车,更多的高速公路,更多的污染,更多的郊区,更多的通勤,已经导致了我们城市的几乎毁灭。”由此可知,导致城市几乎毁灭的是汽车运输的过度发展。选项D选项汽车的过度增长为正确答案。2.细节事实


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