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2、共66个功能意念项目以及24个话题项目。下面是最常用的一些情景交际语境。1.Introduction(介绍)This is Mr Smith.Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you.2.Greetings(问候)How are you doing?Very well,thank you.3.Thanks(感谢)Thank you very much.Its a pleasure./My Pleasure./Thats OK./Youre welcome./Dont mention it./Thats all right.4.Apologies(道歉)Im sorry for

3、 losing your radio.Thats OK./Its all right./Never mind./Its nothing./Forget it./It doesnt matter.5.Invitation(邀请)Would you like to have a cup of coffee?Thank you./No, thank you.6.Asking for permission(请求允许)Would/Do you mind my smoking here?Of course,you can./Go ahead,please. / Im sorry,its not allow

4、ed./Im afraid not.7.Expressing wishes and congratulations(祝愿和祝贺)Im going to have an English Exam.Good luck!I have just won the first prize in the maths competition.Congratulations!8.Offering help(提供帮助)Shall I help you with that?Yes,please./Yes,thanks.No,thanks./Thank you all the same.9.Making appoin

5、tments(约会)Lets make it at 5:30.All right.See you then.10.Making telephone calls(打电话) Hello! May I speak to Tom?/Is that Tom speaking?Just a moment, please./Sorry. He isnt in just now. /Hold the line, please. /Hello. This is Mary speaking.11.Having meals(就餐) Would you like something to eat/drink?Yes,

6、Id like a drink./Id like rice and chicken.No,thank you.Ive had enough.12.Seeing a doctor(就医)Whats the matter?Im not quite myself./I feel terrible(bad,horrible.).I have a headache./There is something wrong with.13.Shopping购物What can I do for you?/May I help you?I want/Id like a pair of sports shoes.1

7、4.Asking the way(问路)Excuse me.Where is the post office?/Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office?/Can(Could) you tell me the way to the post office?/How can I get to the post office?Its over there./Go down this street until you see the tall red building.You cant miss it./You can take bus No.23.

8、/Turn left at the first crossing./Sorry,I dont know.Im a stranger here.15.Talking about weather(谈论天气)Whats the weather like today?/How is the weather today?Its nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/foggy.16.Sympathy(同情)My mother is ill.I have to stay at home and look after her.Im sorry to hear that.17.

9、Frequency(频度)How often do you go to movies?Once a week.18.Praise and encouragement(赞扬和鼓励)You speak excellent English.Thank you.典题链接英语是一种交流工具。为考查考生的能力,交际用语在高考中一直有所体现。高考对日常用语的考查范围主要集中在以下5个方面:1.请求许可与回答:May I turn down the radio a bit?_,if you insist.A. NoB. My pleasureC. All rightD. Thats right本题选C项。上文

10、在征询意见,请求许可。下文尽管有点不乐意,还是同意了。All right,OK都可以。如果没有if you insist,可以爽快地说Go ahead/Yes,of course.Do you mind my smoking here?_.A. No, please dontB. I dont want you toC. Im afraid I dontD. Id rather you didnt本题选D项,用Id rather主观愿望句表示不同意。用虚拟语气显得比较客气,委婉。如果直截了当地说,就用Im afraid I do.这样显得有点不客气。2.请求帮助、提供帮助、接受帮助或拒绝帮助W

11、ould you do me a favor of posting this letter?_.A. Its my pleasureB. No troubleC. Yes, thats rightD. With pleasure本题选D项。With pleasure是Ill do that with pleasure.(我很乐意)的省略。而A项是你帮过忙,别人致谢时,你的回答。我很荣幸。Let me carry the bag for you, professor.Thank you._.A. Go aheadB. Here you areC. I can manageD. Take it本题

12、选C项。I can manage(it).我自己能行;A项go ahead 前面说过,是别人请求许可时的爽快回答;B项意思是给你;D项是叫别人收下什么时说的。Sir, can I ask a favor?_A. Im sorry, but what?B. Sure, what is it?C. Yes, you could. D. Id love to.本题选B项。先同意,然后问是什么。C项对别人应该说Yes, you can.有求于人时才用委婉的could;而D项与上文不符。3.就餐场合How do you want the beef?_.A. SmallB. ThinC. HotD. Me

13、dium本题选D项。上文问的是牛肉要几成熟?只有D项Medium(七八成熟,不老不嫩)是正确的回答。当然还有rare(嫩一点)或Well-done(老一点)。Can I help you, sir?_.A. Yes, you canB. No, I dont need any helpC. Of course, if you likeD. No, thanks, Im being served本题选D项。对话发生在餐馆。服务员问:先生要点些什么食物?顾客回答:不,我已经点过了。选项A和C人称用错;选项B语气不委婉;Im being served. 已经点过,只是点的东西还没上来。故选D。4.问

14、路Its several blocks away. Let me draw you a map._.A. ThanksB. Oh, I would really appreciate thatC. Thatll be OKD. Oh, you dont have to本题选B项。就上下文来说B项最合适,A、C两项略显冷淡了点,对于帮了大忙的人,光Thanks和OK不足以表达感谢之情。_.Oh, look at my poor sense of direction.A. Let me help youB. This way, pleaseC. Here it isD. No hurry本题选B项。这是发生在路上的对话。根据下文“看我这方向感!”,可知走错路了。所以上文应该是“这边请!”5.祝贺和祝愿Happy Fathers Day, Dad!_.A. You are welcomeB. Thats all rightC. Thank youD. The same to you



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