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1、 走遍美国学习笔记精校版Episode1 46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT 1速读句子:1 May I take a picture of you and your little boy?2 Its an album of pictures of the United States表达方式0 表示同意,欣然承受:Its fine to take our picture.1 比thanks更诚挚的感: I appreciate your help. It was very nice of you. thanks a lot2 描述住处的简洁说法:They are in Th

2、essaloniki3 不得不的另一种表达:Ive got to go.4 失陪的表达:Will you excuse me?5 那是干嘛的?Whats it for?单词Hispanic 西班牙的46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT 2 速读句子: 1 . and dinners at six thirty.2 lost-and-find office 弱读,d不发音表达方式 1 原指望: I was expecting him here at five forty-five.2 现在的另一种说法:at this hour3 试穿:try it on4 棒极了:Terrif

3、ic !5 请问.:The number, please, oflost-and-found office单词 officer 警官 uptown 住宅区 downtown商业区platform 月台 canvas 帆布 sweater 毛衣lost-and-find office失物招领处提示:of 几乎全部弱读,注意分辨ACT 3速读句子:1 And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. (超快的,after every meal 全连一块了)2 Marilyn and Richard called.Theyll be

4、here soon, and then well eat. 注意节奏和连读3 Well, shell be here later. She has to work late tonight.注意连读4 I hope its pasta. 注意连读5 Oh, it was no trouble. 注意弱读6 Im late for dinner at my house. 注意节奏7Where does she live? 注意弱读8 With a family in the Bronx.注意弱读9The train is just up the street. It wont take me l

5、ong at all. 速读,注意节奏10 It might be a little cold.注意弱读表达方式1冰淇淋的量词: Scoop of2胶卷的量词:8 Rolls of film3不辞辛劳的:Took the time and trouble to.4 好的,(承受对方的建议):Id appreciate that.5 只能(以前偶用just比较多): I can only stay a few minutes. 6 地铁就在前面:The train is just up the street. eg: Two miles up the road.路的前方两英里处7 花时间:tak

6、e sb long eg: It wont take me long at all.单词pasta 通心粉Episode 2 The Blind Date 相亲ACT 1速读句子:1 Dont worry about being late. Its fine. 弱读加连读2 Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 连读表达方式:1 距离的简洁描述:Wooster Streetis two blocks. 还有两个街区The 83 is about two house2 左转:make a left turn make left at green

7、street turn to the left3 靠左的:The 83 is to the left4 (口语)对妇女的礼貌称呼(夫人, 太太, 女士, 小姐):maam5 为某一状况而抱歉的简洁表示:Excuse the mass.6 和某人很熟:I know the owner very well.手边的是:Hi, Betty. Ill be at 555-1720辨音:I am on the top floor I am on the top four单词:红绿灯: Traffic light 停车: ParkingACT 2速读句子:1 Any friend of Miss Stewa

8、rts is welcome at Somsaks.连读,弱读2 Its our first date. 弱读3 Ill phone you.连读表达方式:1 nice to meet you 的另一种说法:Please to meet you.2 表示赞同(我也是): I do too.3 点菜(我要):# Id like a glass of tea # Ill have .4推荐某物:# would you like. # May I bring you.5我去准备了:Ill take care of everything.6 饿的另一种说法:Starving. 辨音:I knoweur

9、ope CPA.I know you re a CPA.单词:ginger 蒜 garlic 葱: shallot淡啤酒,麦芽酒:ale酥炸,煎:Crispy fried花瓣:petal会计:cpa = certified public accountant.注册会计肚痛:stomachacheACT 3速读句子:1 You ordered enough for three or four people, 连读2 Your downstairs neighbor let me in3 Its a bonsai tree for your new apartment.4 Does that me

10、an that I can see you again? 连读5 well go out to dinner. 弱读 连读6 I wont leave early./ 注意语气和节奏表达方式:1 什么都没吃#Didnt get a thing to eat . # Didnteat anything.语气略有不同2表示原因的另一种说法:I think its important for me to be there since(因为)her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了。 3老实说. #As a matter of fact. # To be frank # To be hone

11、st # Frankly4 失陪:Excuse myself.5不介意:#Not at all #Im not complaining6关系好:You two must be close.7 偶尔:Oh, I date occasionally8忙于某事的另一种说法:my work keeps me busy9 时光流逝:With time.10 早起:I have an early start tomorrow11 时间过得好快:Where did the time go?12 路上小心:Have a safe trip home.13 试探人家是否有异性朋友:Is there anyone

12、 else in your life?单词:盆景 bonsai tree 肚子疼(不严重的)tummy acheEpisode3 grandpas Trunk 祖父的行箱 ACT 1 速读句子: 1 At six oclock this evening.连读2 Are we picking himup at the station?连读 3 It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.连读 4 Wont he miss being in Florida? 弱读连读 5 But I think hell like being her

13、e with the family.弱读 6 Ill put together some photos of Grandpa 连读,失音 7 Grandpa is tells us hell get here by himself.粘连 8 But Im sure he has (his) a few bags with him(withinm) on the train.连读 9 I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpas closet. 弱读 10 hows everything here? 连读 表达方式0 咖啡好了:Theres coffee ready 1 去接某人: pick sb. up at somewhere 2 收拾房间:set the room 3 说的也是:Thats for sure. 4好主意的另一种说法: neat idea. 绝妙 5 他了不起:He is something 汤姆真是个了不起的人物。口语要素1Tom is really something.


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