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1、Lesson 1 A private conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good _.The play was very _. I did not _ it.A young man and a young woman were sitting _ me. They were talking _. I got very angry. I could not hear the _. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did

2、 not pay any attention. In the end, I could not _ it. I turned round _. I cant hear a _! I said angrily.“Its none of your business,”the young man said _. “This is a private conversation!”Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?It was Sunday. I never _ on Sunday. I sometimes _ until lunchtime.Last Sunday I _. I

3、looked out of the window. It was _. “What a day!” I _. “Its raining again.” _, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. “_by train,” she said. “Im coming to see you.” “But Im having breakfast,” I said.“What are you doing?” she asked. “Im having breakfast,” I _.“Dear me,” she said. “Do you always get

4、 up so late? Its _!Lesson 3 Please send me a cardPostcards _ spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to _. I visited museums and _ public gardens. A _ waiter taught me a few words of_. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not _. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays _ quic

5、kly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I _. I got up early and bought _. I spent the _ in my room, but I did not write a single card!Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 I have just received a letter _ my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been _ for six months. Tim is an en

6、gineer. He is working for a big _ and he has already visited a great number of different _ in Australia. He has _ bought an Australian car and has _ to Alice Springs, a small town in the _ of Australia. He will _ visit Darwin. From there, he will _ to Perth. My brother has_been abroad before, _he is

7、 finding this trip _exciting.Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 Mr James Scott has a _ in Silbury and now he has just bought _ garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is _five miles from Silbury, but Mr Scott cannot get a _for his new garage, so he has _bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon _ the first _ fro

8、m Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird _ the distance in three_. Up to _, Mr Scott has sent a great many _ for _ parts and other _ messages from one garage to the other. _ this way, he has_his own private telephone _.Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西巴顿斯I have just _ to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar

9、_at my door. He asked me for a _and a glass of beer. In _ for this, the beggar stood _ his head and sang songs. I gave him a_. He ate the food and _ the beer. _ he put a piece of cheese in his _ and went _. Later a neighbour _ me about him. Everybody _ him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls_every

10、house in the street _ a month and always _for a meal and a glass of _.Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚 The plane was late and _ were waiting at the _all morning. They were _ a valuable _ of diamond from South Africa. A few hours _, someone had told the police that _ would try to _the diamonds. When the plane

11、arrived, some of the detectives were waiting _ the main building while others were waiting on the _. Two men took the parcel _ the plane and carried it _ the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping _at the door, two others _the parcel. To _ surprise, the_ parcel was full of stones and _!Les

12、son 8 The best and the worst 最好的和最差的Joe Sanders has the most beautiful _ in our _. _ everybody enters for The Nicest Garden _ each year, but Joe _ every time. Bill Friths garden is _ than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and _ more flowers and _, but Joes garden is more _. He has made neat_and has b

13、uilt a _ bridge over a _. I like gardens too, but I do not _ hard work. Every year I _ the garden competition too, and I always _ a little prize for the_garden in the town!Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇_ Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the _day of the year and a large _ of people had _ under the Town Hall clock. It would _ twelve in twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes _ and then, at five _ twelve, the clock _. The big minute _ did not move. We _ and waited, but nothing


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