A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异

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A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异_第1页
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A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异_第2页
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A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异_第3页
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A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异_第5页
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《A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第20页吉林华桥外国语学院本科毕业论文(2003级)姓 名: 学 号: 1201030207院 系: 应用英语分院专 业: 英语(国际贸易方向) 指导教师: A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color words Between Chinese and English 论颜色词折射出的中西方文化差异姓 名: 院 系: 应用英语分院 专 业: 英语(国际贸易方向) 指导教师: 吉林华桥外国语学院Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages InstituteAbstractColor is perception of people

2、 to the objective world. In human language there are a great number of color words recording colors in the world. Since these color words are often used in human language, gradually, they are endowed with rich cultural connotations. In cross-cultural communication, different nations with different c

3、ultural backgrounds or people from the same nations with the same backgrounds, but belonging to different social groups or social classes have different perceptions of various colors .The different perceptions of colors result in a series of cultural meanings of color words. Changes in the meaning o

4、f color words are determined by culture of which the substantial content is in turn reflected by the cultural meaning. This paper makes an elementary research into the differences between cultural connotation of English and Chinese color words from the following three aspects: Firstly, the introduct

5、ion of the definition of language and culture and their relationship. Language and culture are connected with each other .On the one hand, language is the carrier of culture; culture is loaded in language. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture and meanwhile reflects culture

6、. So the understanding of a culture requires the understanding of the corresponding language and vice versa. Color words are part of human language. Secondly, on the basis of semantics and pragmatics, it intends to discuss color words. Finally, it makes a comparative analysis of connotations of colo

7、r words in English and Chinese from different angles. Through analysis of color words, this paper is to point out the cultural differences between English and Chinese words, then to achieve the purpose of avoiding ambiguity and misunderstanding and improving the cross-cultural communication ability.

8、Key Words: language; culture; color words; differences 摘 要颜色是人们对客观世界的一种感知。在人类语言里,存在着大量记录颜色的符号颜色词。这些词语在语言中经常被使用, 从而使其具有丰富的感情色彩和文化内涵。在跨文化交际中,由于不同民族、不同文化背景或虽属于同一民族、同一文化背景,但分属于不同社会集团或社会阶层的成员,对各种颜色符号的感知是不一样的。由于对颜色感知的不同,使得颜色词具有丰富的文化内涵。颜色词的意义受到文化制约,反之,文化意义又反映了文化的基本内容。本文从以下三个方面就颜色词所折射出的中西方文化差异进行基本的探究:首先,介绍了

9、语言和文化的定义以及它们之间的关系。即语言和文化之间相互联系。一方面,语言是文化的载体;文化是语言的传播者。另一方面,语言受文化影响并由文化塑造,同时语言也反映了文化。其次,基于语义学和语用学相关理论,本文对颜色词进行分析讨论。最后,站在不同角度上,就颜色词对中西方文化进行对比。本篇论文的写作目的在于:通过对颜色词对比分析,揭示其所蕴含的中西方文化差异,避免歧异和误解的产生,从而提高跨文化交际能力。关键词:语言;文化;颜色词;差异Contents.Language and Culture.11.1 The Definition of Language and Culture.11.1.1 Wh

10、at is Language .11.1.2 What is Culture.11.1.3 The Relationship Between Language and Culture21.2 Color and Culture. .21.2.1 Basic Color Words.21.2.2 Color Words and Culture.3.Analysis of Color Words from Semantics and Pragmatics Angles.42.1 Color Words in Semantics.42.2 Color Words in Pragmatics.5.Ex

11、ploration of Color Words.53.1 The Origin of Color Words.5 3.1.1 The Origin of Color Words in Chinese Culture53.1.2 The Origin of Color Words in Western Culture73.2 The Connotative Meaning of Color Words93.2.1 In Chinese Culture93.2.2 In Western Culture93.3 The Application of the Expanding Meaning of

12、 Color Words.103.3.1 In Economy103.3.2 In Policy11 3.3.3 In Society and Social Life113.4 Color Words in Aesthetics.123.4.1 The Favorite Words Chinese People.123.4.2 The Favorite Words Western Countries People.133.5 The Translation of Color Words.133.5.1 The Free Translation.133.5.2 The Parallelism o

13、f Translation14 IV.Conclusion.14Bibliography16A Survey of the Cultural Differences in Color wordsBetween Chinese and English.Language, Culture and color words Language and culture are in a dialectical relationship. Every language is part of a culture, and it serves and reflects cultural needs. Many linguists have come to realize that language and culture are so inextricably related that you can not understand or appreciate one without the other. In the first part, it gives a brief introduction of the definition of language and



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