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1、ExercisesB部分1 Many people in China now cannot forget what had happened in the 10-year turmoil and no one can bear 1going through1 that again.中国有许多人现在不会忘记发生在10混乱、没有人能忍受穿越那了。2 If you want to quit your job, you have to move out of the apartment, which 1goes with1 the job.如果你想要辞去你的工作,你不得不去离开公寓时,要和工作。3 T

2、he documents came 1in response to 1various suggestions put forward by the public.这些文件来针对不同的建议提出了以公众。4 I was born and 1grew up1 in a world of silence, a world of hard work and necessary patience.我出生并成长在一个世界的沉默,世界上的努力工作和必要的耐心5 He met with some trouble when he was reported to 1have had an affair with1/

3、be having an affair with his secretary.他遇到了一些麻烦,有报道称,有一腿的/有外遇呢?他的秘书。6 We should not 1turn a blind eye to 1the fact that her marriage would not break up if love and loyalty count for anything.我们不应该视而不见的事实,她的婚姻不分手如果爱和忠诚让比分发生变化。”7 Some people believe that some lies are necessary to 1hold 1our people 1t

4、ogether 1and better our relationship.有些人相信一些谎言是很有必要的,可以把我们的人们联系在一起,而超过我们的关系。8 He has been 1watching for1 every mail as he cherishes a hope that one day his missing brother will contact him.他已经连着看他珍视邮报的每一个希望,有一天他丢失的弟兄要跟他联系。9 European TV was a fairly dull affair 1in comparison 1to American TV, but occ

5、asionally it was enlivened now and then by American imports.欧洲电视是一种相当单调乏味中比较美国电视,但偶尔是不时被使美国的影响。10 I still feel it is rather difficult for us to 1draw a line between 1white lies and dirty lies.我还是觉得它对我们来说相当难的画了一条线在善意的谎言和肮脏的谎言。改错1 The first English immigrations to A what is A now the United States cro

6、ssed the Atlantic long after Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies and South America.孙怡律师第一批英语是现在美国之后很长一段时间穿越了大西洋西班牙殖民地成立于墨西哥,西印度群岛和南美洲。2 Wed rather have long waits A than have Ano shifting of the scenes, with all the actors on the stage doing nothing.我们宁愿要长时间的等待比没有阴暗的幕后,对

7、所有演员在舞台上什么都不做。3 The teacher said that if we believed something was true and good we should hold on to Dit.D老师说,如果我们相信什么是真的,好,我们应该坚持它。4 The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if Dignored.D下面的文本和对话关注文化中西方社会,能创造

8、出误解如果忽略。5 When sailors are not supposed to be at work on the ship, they Cgo ashoreC and look around town.水手不一定要在工作,他们在船上上岸,看看周围城镇。6 Abraham Lincoln once spoke of democracy by saying that he would not be a slave and nor Dwould he be Da master.林肯讲到民主的时候,说他不会成为一个奴隶和更不愿意成为大师。7 I didnt mind their coming

9、late to the lecture, but Cobjected to Ctheir making so much noise.我不介意她们的迟到编造讲座,但反对他们的吵闹。8 Its true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer; we wont take the new one, Cthough, Cbecause we dont feel as safe on it.这是真的,旧的新路直接而且一会儿,我们不会接受这份新工作,虽然,因为我们也不觉得自己是安全的。9 Dont make the examiner spend too much time trying to get youD to say something.D别让考官花太多时间想办法让你想说些什么。10 On seeing the young girl falling into the lake, Eric C sprang to his feet Cand went to her rescure.看到这个小女孩掉入湖中,埃里克挺身而出,为他的脚,俄罗斯南部北奥塞梯共和国去了。1材料2



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