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1、广西百色市田阳县实验中学-七年级英语上学期期末测试试题外研版(时间:20分钟 满分:120分)题号听力一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(20分)第一节:听单词,选图画。请听五个单词,选择与你所听到的单词相符的图画。(共5分)(读两遍) 1._ 2._ ._ 4_ 5_第二节:听句子。选择对的的答语。(共5分)(读两遍)( ) 6. .Im thirteenyears od. B. Imfie, anks. Sorry.( ) 7. . N, e oesnt B. Yes,he dos C.No, he ist. ( ). . t en. . They are onges. C.This i

2、s abo ( ) 9 A No, dn. B. Yes,heis. C. Ye, he can. ( ) 10. . Itsld B.ItMay . It nine coc 第三节:听对话,选择对的的答案。(每题2分,共10分)(读两遍)请听一段对话,根据所听到的对话内容,选出下面五个问题的对的答案。( ) 11. How an pepare tr i Tony famly?. Si. B. Fve. C. Fr( ) 2.as Tygt nsisr? No, asnt. B.Yes he is C.Yes, e ha. ( )13.ow old is Toys sister?A. heis

3、 wlve. B. Se elve. . She isfrten( ) 14.What does Toyusually d o Suay? A.Playompuergms. B.Pla sketball. C. Pla foball.( ) 15. Whttime i i nw? A. t six oclock B. ts seven clok. C. It eight olok.笔试部分(共100分)二、词汇部分(共5分)A)词形变化。(10分)1pen (复数)_ 6. ten (序数词)_2.fot (复数)_ 7.en (反义词)_. he (宾格)_ 8.ont (完全形式)_4.

4、I (所有格)_ 9. ee (同音词)_. mther (所有格)_ 10.fod (写出音标) _B)英汉互译, 并从中选两个词组造句。(0分).在星期六 _ .做作业_3. 上学_ 4. 吃晚饭_5. go t bd_ 6listen to music_7 comerom_ 8. howoften_9._.10. _C)按首字母提示或中英文提示,写出对的形式的单词。(5分)1.W h_ breaastin therni. _(lke) ying fotbllo weekend.3.Are thre _(o) sudents in th clasroom?4. Jaki han is a

5、film _(明星).5. Thisi an _(老的) elehat.三、选择填空(15分)( ) 1 Tis is _ arad ta is_nd A. ; an . a;a C.an;a( ) 2.- _s the bird? It blue. A. How B ha C. Whtcolr( ) 3. ts sty_hom_ te eenn A. at; B. in; o n; in( ) 4. D o lik dancing? - _. . No, I . es, C No, I m ot( ) 5 - hat yo fourite _? - Noodl. A.or B. f C co

6、lur( ) 6 - _i m dg? - Itsuder the chai A. Wht B.Whee . How( ) 7. -Is Miss Liyour Egls teacer? -Ye,_. Ahe is . hi C.she a( ) hae goto _. A mea B. mils .mln( ) 9. e sake _ ro Aica A. com B. come . omes( ) 0.Are tere anycames in th zo? - _. A. Yes, thes B. No. tere rent C. Yes, they re( ) 1. - Doe t ti

7、gr eat gras? - _. It eats me. A. No, itont B. o, it isnt C. Ys, i is( ) 12. -Lts hve a bthday ar -_. A.Tank yo B. hats a good idea C. Youe weome( )13. -What day is it oay? -_ A. Iswarm B. It te cock C. s Stura( ) 14. ere are _ tudntsntescol A houand B thre thsa . thre tousds( ) 15. - ave you gt anyc

8、aro? - _. A. Y, e e B.es, we has C. No,w have四、句型转换(0分)1. The foobll ach Dalian Stadum(就划线部分提问) _ he otbal match?2.She liks ale.(改为否认句)She _ _ aples.3. Tom uually ges upat si ocock inte mornin.(改为一般疑问句) _om sully_up atsix oclck nthe mornin?4. Dotey ten o swmin? (作肯定回答)Yes, _ _.5. rie hethar oles and food (连词成句) _.五、情景交际(共10分)从栏中找出栏的答语。 ( ) od fternoon,Bey. A Its ictioar



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