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1、教学内容Unit 2 Whats the matter , Mike一次备课主备人李世超教学目标1、 能够听、说、读、写四会单词或短语:have a cold ,have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache.2、 能够听、说、认读短语 have a sore throat。3、能够听、说认读句型:Whats the matter,Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并替换关键词进行操练并作出相应答复。4、培养学生的小组合作学习精神,培养学生运用英语与他人交流的能力。教学重点重点是掌握A Lets le

2、arn部分的四会单词和短语,并会用Whats the matter?询问他人身体状况并作出答句,能用所学新词做替换关键词的操练。 教学难点教学难点是正确拼写四会单词、短语和掌握三会单词throat的发音。教学准备多媒体,录音机, 单词卡片教学过程一次备课二次备课请注意:教学实录(详案)字体统一为Times New Roman 小四号字Greeting & Warm up:T: Class begins! Good morning boys and girls.S: Good morning , Miss Li.T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you .T: Sit

3、down ,please!S: Thank you.T: Lets listen to a beautiful song “My father is a doctor.”S:listen and sing the song follow the tape.Free talk(老师随意询问2-3名孩子)T: What does your father/mother do?S:He/She is a/an T:My father is a doctor. When we feel sick ,we must see the doctor. The doctor always says:“Whats

4、 the matter? Lets learn Unit 2 Whats the matter ,Mike?板书课题 PresentationT: Now , are you happy?S: Yes , we are happy. And you?S: No, Im not fine.(老师把贴有创可贴的手指展示各学生)T: Today, I went to the hospital, because my finger hurts.(show the card which is written the word “hurt”)Now , read follow me . S: read f

5、ollow the teacher.T:Lets spell it together.(老师板书单词并讲解意思)S:Show their fingers and spell it.T: Now, I am a doctor .,This is a thermo-meterIts my friend .If you have a feverit will tell me(向学生展示体温计) T:These are my patients .(黑板上贴有教学挂图五个孩子的照片,并且每张挂图下面有一张翻过去的单词卡片)T:Look at the No.1, Whats the matter ? Le

6、t me seeIts too highOh,have a fever(用自制的大型温度计,翻开第一张图片下的单词卡片,讲授have a fever)T:Lets spell it together.(老师板书)S:Show their fingers and spell the phrase.T; Look at this girl, Whats the matter? Dose she have a fever?(翻开第二张图片下的单词卡片)S: No, she doesnt.T: I knowHave a cold(讲授have a cold)S: read the phrase.T:N

7、ow, this boy. Can you guess whats the matter with him?S:自由回答T: 翻开第三张图片下的单词卡片,板书并讲授have a headache。(翻开右侧的白纸卡片的一半并领学生读自编童谣)fever,fever,have a fevercold , cold , have a cold.headache,headache,have a headacheS: read together.T: Lets go on. The boy eats many sweets.(老师手遮着脸做痛苦的表情状,让学生猜该男孩怎么了)S: 牙痛T: Yes,

8、The boy has a toothache. (翻开第四张图片下的单词卡片)T: 板书并且讲授 have a toothache.T: The last one, whats the mater ?( Open teachers mouth and say“a:”老师做咳嗽的表演,翻开第五张图片下的单词卡片)S:自由回答T: OhShe has a sore throat(讲授have a sore throat)(翻开右侧的白纸卡片的另一半并领学生读自编童谣)fever,fever,have a fevercold , cold , have a cold.headache,headac

9、he,have a headachetoothache, toothache, have a toothache.sore throat, sore throat, have a sore throat.S: read together.老师领读所学短语,学生跟读T: Turn to page 16, listen to the tape. S: Listen to the tape. And read follow it.PractiseT: work in pairs to read the phrases and try to recite them.S: read and recite

10、.(找几组同学进行展示)T: Play a game “I am a doctor”请几个学生上台,每人选一张短语卡片如A:C-o-l-d,Cold, cold, Who has a cold? 抽中have a cold 的学生上前一步做动作并说:Cold, cold , I have a cold. 以此帮助同学记忆新学的单词或是短语以及它们的汉语意思。Homework:Read and Write these phasesblackboard designUnit 2 Whats the matter , Mike图1 图2 图3 图4 图5 Whats the matter , Mik

11、e? I feel sick. I have a fever. hurt have a headachehave a fever have a toothachehave a cold. have a sore throat . fever,fever,have a fevercold , cold , have a cold.headache,headache,have a headachetoothache, toothache, have a toothache.sore throat, sore throat, have a sore throat 小学英语教案( 六)年下20122013学年度第二学期School _Shengshui primary shool Name _Lishichao_


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