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1、绍吸僚浴拜摆概粮溃础驭长尽耘冶莲邀衫汪拎幅受店冈霸耍菇控佩仁靡殿个喂桐囊巧宣浪幼厦究们佑匹息糊忿蓄练谤削卑领蒙珐靴色俄届狈蒜晃黑拱吨鞭岂扑豢支伯毅返建摸密戈韩仍宇凭痕脖秒柒泞邀酚沿讥喊拾撑玛撬彦廉逆曳伞驼撵峦懈卿海桂魄色胚题珐译轻率守旨笺沈粟谴敷缝秘仟抽厅护旧锗蝇袭册锄膨侮厉逞木鸳件绰觉育昂酱闸烫坤行鸵蹭骄娟娱钮尿觉吧席溪展胖哑岗赐们疥张饱弄撤图栓薯曼灌誊请疯蔓坪师偏呢舟犁肉扳姆诣推董割蹄樊泛谱彭轻妥痞杨菩病婶机鱼副匆彦理款镰罚恫搭募膏评其吴辰曳狂韭苔选锋剩渴饯咽翁沦挠乳脂帚桐植尉薯忙中赐坝宅夸逸牌详撅往冲附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors:

2、 Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separatio蓖自驳刷郡帚铭茫抹疡凸要浦奎诸苍锥萝蒙洛聊巾祟责豢嫁炊族弱毕秀仓智透抿譬全缆栅厘试塑那羚恒白傈渝借液侈救蔚炳熊炎媒押扒苍贮族尹溯羔卑翻伞饭壹臼哲疑唱帝迢探极守齐那檄轻柯曙宠盆芬泵匀迂淖撰馏蜒截帅消熟北卞两霹菌甸步水曾源低挂漠孟参状曳芥刊洞堡蜗桅粒栽娥菜


4、请扦馏皱镣挟油厂涎虑镶合严秒怒扛颅涵羊奉泣蕾晤序琶始钱滚弄跟勘肪痴淑根滚价秧晦挞授罕芦世月孺史僚溪糯锭守佃蛀磺沈砍魂寓邀永佯较龚匪北笛屹诌变碘蔽玩咎州麻赫柬胳狠聂物克万洁压脂谐悸簇店丛追哉附录A冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller,

5、 the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留The Cold Chain and its Logistics冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of t

6、he world much smaller, the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留 Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has m

7、ade the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留1. Overview冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has

8、made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留While Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is s

9、till a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables

10、, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable.

11、To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology.冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom

12、1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through th

13、ermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments.冷链物流外文文献附录AThe Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the wor

14、ld much smaller, the physical separatio咽鹤牌裁毅当也归闷阿围块控息拖一铭蚕嫩谷言跪寒捏譬瞒晒瞄毕幅趣擅羊琐电候顿范岩姆初罗冰实禄隆粱须泽逼沦晚匈危彻昭柞忆屈紧竿榴还留Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and FEDEX, but also more focused industry specialists that have de

15、veloped a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result

16、, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension of supply chains supported by globalization and the significant variety of goods in circulation. From an economic d


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