Unit 2 More exercies 教案

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1、苏教牛津版六年级英语下册教案Unit2 More exercise Part A一、教学目标:语言知识及技能目标:1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇: more,be good at, do well in, get stronger2.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会词汇和句型:player, need help with, do better in, do some / more exercise, jog to school Im good at . I do well inI jump higher than some of the boys in my class.学习策略及语言功

2、能目标:1.能正确地理解掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读。2.能运用本课所学语言进行“擅长或不擅长科目项目”的对话交际活动。情感态度目标: 1.创设民主、自然、宽松的课堂氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生运用英语的能力,使学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,主动参与教学活动。 2.学习的过程中,引导学生关心他人,培养学生助人为乐的好品质。二、教学重难:1.正确地听、说、读、写词汇: more,be good at, do well in, get stronger2.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会词汇和句型:player, need help with, do better in, do some

3、/ more exercise, jog to school Im good at . I do well inI jump higher than some of the boys in my class.三、教学准备: 1.多媒体课件,写好的板书卡片。 2.在黑板上预先写好课题:Unit 2 More exercise四、教学过程: Step1. Warm-up1. GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Xu.T: How old are you?S: Im 13/14.T: Im 33. Im old

4、er than you. I think Im not very tall, so I wish I was taller. Do you think so? OK, lets enjoy a song together. 2. Enjoy a song: (设计意图:歌曲激趣,营造氛围。英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一。这首动听的歌曲既能感染学生,调动学生的情绪,歌词中的单词又能为新课学习作铺垫,自然导入新课。)3. I hope I will as tall as a tree, I wish Im taller than Yao Ming, I hope I can

5、 run as fast as Liu Xiang. But thats not true . I want to get stronger, so I must do some exercise. Now lets do some exercise, I say, you do, swim ,run ,jump, swim fast, jump high, run fast. (设计意图:本节课的内容贴近学生的生活实际,如果直接进入课文内容,既要学习生词,又要学会Im good at . I do well in. I jump higher than some of the boys in

6、 my class. 等句型必然会给学生学习增加一定的难度。因此我们可以在free talk 部分复习一些动词,这样就降低了对重点句型操练的难度。) Step2. Presentation 1. T: Who can run fast in our class? Ss: .T: Good. But I think he runs faster than some of the boys in our class. He is good at running. Please look at the picture.(出示刘翔图片)2.出示姚明图片。T:Who is he? What is he

7、good at? 引导学生回答,并引出新知player.He is good at playing basketball.He is a good basketball player. 教学词组 a basketball player 3.T: Liu Xiang is good at running.Yao Ming is good at playing basketball.Im your English teacher, What am I good at? Yes, youre right. Im good at English. T: What are you good at? 引导

8、答出: I am good at Maths .T: Oh, You are good at Maths. 总结出“be good at” 操练 be good at 师生问答 T-S1,S2 生生问答 S1-S2What are you good at? Im good at .Are you good at PE? What are you good at, Art or PE?4.Im good at English. I also can say, I do well in English.What about xxx. 替换句子:He does well in running. Yo

9、u do well in Maths. ( 课件)操练 do well in 师生问答 T-S1,S2 生生问答 S1-S2What do you do well in? I do well inAre you do well in PE? How about you?What does he / she do well in? He / She does well in.5.T: Im good at English, but I dont do well in PE.I need help with my PE. How can I do better in PE? Can you hel

10、p me?S1: You can run in the morning.S2: You can go for a walk after supper.S3: You should do some exerciseS4: You can jog to school every day.T: Good ideas, I should do more exercise, then I can do better in PE, and Ill get stronger.引出并教学新知do some exercise , do more exercise, do better in, jog to sc

11、hool, get stronger. (设计意图:用学生耳熟能详的人物或者身边的人物来进行be good at, do well in 的教学效果不错,并且学会用所学的知识进行困难的解决,真正做到学以致用。)Step3. New Lesson Part A 教学1. 出示图片T: Look, This is Jim and his father, what are they talking about? Lets have a look and try to know. ( 课件)(设计意图:在这个环节中采用多媒体呈现每一个场景,使学生身临其境,为学生创造语言环境,让他们在活动中学习语言、运

12、用语言,因为教育是鲜活的,学生是鲜活的,教学内容也是鲜活的,教育源于生活,课堂也要源于生活。因此,脱离生活、脱离环境的教学是不会有生命力的。用多媒体来调动学生的学习积极性,从而提高课堂教学效率。)T: Are you clearly? Lets listen again and try to answer my questions出示问题:Q1: What is Jim good at?Q2: What doesnt Jim do well in?Q3: How can he do better in PE?播放Flash后,核对答案。A1: Jim is good at English an

13、d Maths.A2: Jim doesnt do well in PE.A3: Do more exercise, get up earlier, jog to school, play ball games.2. 出示判断题,播放录音,学生跟读T: Read after the tape then judge the sentences, true or false. 1). Jim is as strong as the other boys. 2). Ben runs faster than Jim. 3). Jim jumps higher than some of the boys

14、. 4). Jim swims faster than his friends. 5). Jim wants to do some exercise at weekends. 核对答案:F T T F F( 课件) 让学生读句子,并回答Its true / false.Step4. Consolidation 1.学生自读课文。 分男女生朗读课文。 分小组朗读课文(三人两人一组) 2.做填空题,核对答案。朗读一遍passage. ( 课件) (设计意图:在课文的处理上,在前面知识点进行讲解的基础上坚持整体呈现,通过多种不同的练习及朗读形式让学生初步有所感知,能够理解课文的大概意思,并能尝试着复

15、述。)Step5. 拓展延伸 Discuss in pairs. Q1: What subject do you do well in? Q2: What subject dont you do well in? Q3: How can you do well in it? Im good at _. Because I _ Im not good at _. I want to do better in _ Ill _.Ben does more exercise , he plays ball games ,jogs to school, gets up earlier , he gets stro


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