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1、2022年考博英语-苏州大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The life story of the human species goes back a million years, and there is no doubt that man came only recently to the western hemisphere. None of the thousands of sites of aboriginal habitation uncovered in-Worth and South America has antiquity comparable to tha

2、t of old World sites. Mans occupation of the New World may date several tens of thousands of years, but no one rationally argues that he has been here even 100,000 years.Speculation as to how man found his way to America was lively at the outset, and the proposed routes boxed the compass. With one o

3、r two notable exceptions, however, students of American anthropology soon settled for the plausible idea that the first immigrants came by way of a land bridge that had connected the northeast comer of Asia to the northwest comer of North America across the Bering Strait)Mariners were able to supply

4、 the reassuring information that the strait is not only narrow it is 56 miles wide - but also shallow, a lowering of the sea level there by 100 feet or so would transform the strait into an isthmus (地峡).With little eels in the way of evidence to sustain the Bering Strait land bridge, anthropologists

5、 embraced the idea that man walked dry-hoed from Asia to America.Toward the end of thy/last century, however, it became apparent that the Western Hemisphere was the New World not only for man but also for a host of animals and plants. Zoologists and botanists showed that numerous subjects of their r

6、espective kingdoms must have originated in Asia and spread to America. These findings were neither astonishing nor wholly unexpected. Such spread of populations is not to be envisioned as an exodus or mass migration, even in the case of animals. It is, rather, a spilling into new territory that acco

7、mpanies increase in numbers, with movement in the direction of least population pressure and most favorable ecological conditions. But the immense traffic in plant and animals forms placed a heavy burden on the Bering Strait land bridge as the anthropologists ahead envisioned it. Whereas purposeful

8、men could make their way across a narrow bridge, the slow diffusion of plant and animals would require an avenue as a continent and available for ages at a stretch.1.The movement of plants and animals from Asia to America indicates ( ).2.The author is refuting the notion that ( ).3.By using the word

9、s “boxed the compass” (in Line 7) the author implies that ( ).4.One reason for the migration not mentioned by the author is ( ).5.We may assume that in tile paragraph that follows this passage the author argues about ( ).问题1选项A.that they could not have traveled across the Bering StraitB.that Asia an

10、d the Western hemisphere were connected by a large land massC.that the Bering Sea was an isthmus at one timeD.that migration was in the one direction only问题2选项A.life arose in America independently of life in EuropeB.the first settlers in America came during the sixteenth centuryC.a large continent o

11、nce existed which has disappearedD.man was a host to animals and plants问题3选项A.the migration of mankind was from West to EastB.the migration of mankind was from East to WestC.mankind traveled in all directionsD.mankind walked from Asia to America问题4选项A.overcrowdingB.favorable environmental conditions

12、C.famineD.the existence of a land bridge问题5选项A.the contributions of anthropologistB.the contributions of zoologists and botanistsC.the contributions made by the American IndiansD.the existence of a large land mass between Asia and North America【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段, “the f

13、irst immigrants came by way of a land bridge that had connected the northeast comer of Asia to the northwest comer of North America across the Bering Strait. Mariners were able to supply the reassuring information that the strait is not only narrow it is 56 miles wide - but also shallow, a lowering

14、of the sea level there by 100 feet or so would transform the strait into an isthmus (地峡).”,可知第一批移民者通过一座桥连接亚洲东北角和穿过白令海峡的北美西北角的大陆桥来到美国,水手能够提供可靠的信息,不仅是狭窄的海峡56英里宽,但也浅,那里的海平面下降100英尺左右,就会把海峡变成地峡。可判断出动植物从亚洲到美洲的迁徙表明亚洲和西半球由一大片陆地连接起来。选项B符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,可知第一批移民者通过一座桥连接亚洲东北角和穿过白令海峡的北美西北角的大陆桥来到美国,亚洲和西半球由一大片

15、陆地连接起来的,所以作者驳斥了曾经存在过的一个大陆已经消失了的观点。选项C符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据文章第二段, “Speculation as to how man found his way to America was lively at the outset, and the proposed routes boxed the compass.”,可知关于人类是如何找到去美国的路的猜测一开始就很活跃,所提议的路线四通八达。下文提到第一批移民者通过一座桥连接亚洲东北角和穿过白令海峡的北美西北角的大陆桥来到美国,可判断出人类在四面八方旅行。选项C符合题意。4.细节理解题。根据文章第三段

16、, “a spilling into new territory that accompanies increase in numbers, with movement in the direction of least population pressure and most favorable ecological conditions.”,可知向人口压力最小、生态条件最有利的方向流动,并伴随着数量的增加而涌入新的领地。可判断出人口密度和环境都是作者提到的迁徙的原因。选项A和B可排除。根据文章第二段,可知第一批移民者通过一座桥连接亚洲东北角和穿过白令海峡的北美西北角的大陆桥来到美国,所以有大陆桥的存在,选项D可排除。饥荒在文中并未提及,选项C符合题意。


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