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1、考研考博-考博英语-中央美术学院模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题I bumped my head on the doorpost and now a( ) has come up.问题1选项A.knobB.lumpC.pimpleD.bubble【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项knob“瘤”;B选项lump“肿块”;C选项pimple“疙瘩,丘疹”;D选项bubble“气泡”。句意:我的头撞在了门柱上,现在肿了起来。选项B符合语境。2. 单选题Esther wanted to go to Philadelphia by herself, but her parents would not g

2、ive their( ) .问题1选项A.contestB.consentC.convenienceD.control【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项contest“比赛,争论”;B选项consent“同意,准许”;C选项convenience“便利”;D选项control“控制,管理”。根据句意“Esther想自己去费城,但她的父母不同意”。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into( ) ones.问题1选项A.t

3、urbulentB.tragicC.vulnerableD.suspicious【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。turbulent“动荡,湍流的”;tragic“悲剧的,悲痛的”;vulnerable“易受攻击的”;suspicious“可疑的,怀疑的”。句意:谣言到处都是,恐惧蔓延,损害的声誉,并让平静的情形陷入动荡中。A项符合题意。4. 单选题We couldnt really afford to buy a house so we got it on hire purchase and paid monthly( ).问题1选项A.investmentsB.requirementsC.

4、arrangementsD.installments【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。investments“投资”;requirements“要求,必需品”; arrangements “安排”;installments“分期付款”。句意:我们实在买不起房子,所以我们以分期付款的方式买房,然后按月付款。D项符合题意。5. 单选题The worker invented a(n)( ) for catching flies.问题1选项A.equipmentB.toolC.deviceD.apparatus【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项equipment“设备,器材”,多指重型设备,如体育器

5、材;B选项tool“工具”,一般指手工工具;C选项device“装置”,多指为某一特殊用途而设计的精巧仪器;D选项apparatus“仪器”,一般指由多种零件组成的复杂仪器。句意:工人发明了一种工具来捕捉苍蝇。捕捉苍蝇不需要精密的或重型的设备,所以只有选项B正确。6. 单选题( )energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.问题1选项A.AccumulatedB.GatheredC.AssembledD.Collected【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。a

6、ccumulated“累积的”;gathered “聚集的”; assembled“组合的,安装的”;collected“收成全集的,合订的”。句意:地下累计的能量一定会以某一种形式释放,比如地震。A项符合题意。7. 单选题The old couple decided to( ) a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.问题1选项A.adaptB.bringC.receiveD.adopt【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。adapt“适应”;bring“带来”;receive“接受”;adopt“采取,收养”。句意:这对老夫妻决定收

7、养一个男孩和一个女孩,尽管他们自己已经有三个小孩了。D项符合题意。8. 单选题The old man( )the memory of his dead wife.问题1选项A.embracedB.disclosedC.cherishedD.stored【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项embrace“拥抱,信奉”;B选项disclose“公开,揭露”;C选项cherish“珍爱”;D想store“贮藏,储存”。cherish the memory of意为“怀念(某人)”。根据句意“老人怀念他死去的妻子。”所以选项C正确。9. 单选题Now in Britain, wines take u

8、p four times as much( )in the storehouse as both beer and spirits.问题1选项A.blockB.landC.patchD.space【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。block“块,街区”;land“陆地”;patch“斑点,小块土地”;space“空间”。句意:如今在英国,仓库中的葡萄酒所占的空间比啤酒和烈性酒所占空间的总和还要多三倍。D项符合题意。10. 写作题Directions: For this part, yow are required to write a composition on the topic Art a

9、nd Life. You should writ at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (in Chinese) below:1. 艺术表现生活的形式2. 艺术作用于生活的方式3. 艺术创新如何促进了社会进步【答案】略11. 单选题There is no( ) to the house from the main road.问题1选项A.accessB.avenueC.exposureD.edge【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。access“通道,机会”;avenue“林荫大道,方法”;ex

10、posure“暴露”;edge“边缘”。句意:没有通道从主路通往那个房子。A项符合题意。12. 单选题Classified advertising is that advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus distinguished from display advertising. Such groupings as “Help Wanted”,“Real Estate” “Lost and Found” are made, the rate charged being less tha

11、n for display advertising. Classified advertisements are a convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser.The reader who is interested in a particular kind of advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The advertisers may, on this account, use a very small adverti

12、sement if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper. It is evident that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to a page of classified advertisements to search for

13、the particular advertisement that will meet his needs. As his attention is voluntary, the advertiser does not need to rely too much extent on display type to get the readers attention. Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in th

14、e number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is competing with others in the same group for the readers attention. In many cases, the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the addition of headlines and pictures. In that way, the classified

15、advertisement has in reality advertisement. This is particularly true of real estate advertising.1.All of the following facts are advantages of classified advertisement for advertisers EXCEPT that( ).2.One of the examples given about types of classified advertisement is( ).3.What sort of attitude do people have when they look at classified advertisem



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