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1、新课标人教版六年级上册英语教案小学课时教学设计 总第 1 课时 教学内容:Unit 1 A teaching plan for revising Simple 随堂 Future Tense and Present Continuous Tense 备注 教学目标: 复习动词及动词短语,能熟练掌握、应用一般将来时和现在进行时。 创设各种各样的活动形式,通过现在进行时的复习,让全体学生掌 握一般将来时表达将要发生的事情。 教学重点:1. 能用所学句型,并注意到一般将来时和现在进行时的运用。 教学难点:能熟练地运用be going to.句式来描述自己或他人的计划,正确运用be doing句式来描

2、述正在发生的事情。 教具、学具:自制课件,课堂练习纸 教学过程: (一)热身与准备 1.Sing songs. 2.复习主要单词及其-ing形式和主要词组。(play-playing,play football;jump-jumping,eat-eating,eat dimsum; climb-climbing,climb the hill; skip-skipping) (二)呈现与操练 1(Match:利用以上复习的单词和词组,复习现在进行时态的基本句型、唤醒对现在进行时态的记忆。 2(通过一定的图片来复习一般将来时的基本句型,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣。 3(看课件快速抢答。(四人小组为

3、单位,培养合作精神。) 4.游戏:猜一猜 Is heing now? What is he doing now? Is he going tonext Monday? What is he going to do next time? 第1页 5.出示一段话(配上图),让学生找出一般将来时和现在进行时的句 子。 Xiaoling gets up early. Look! Her mother is busy ,she is cooking, Xiaoling is washing her face,brushing her teeth ,she is going to have breakfa

4、st. Her father is putting her books into her school bag. Her grandfather is holding the door open and watching for the school bus. The bus is coming! Xiaoling is going to school on time. 小结:be+V-ing(现在进行时的关键词:now,look,) be going to+V原形(一般将来时的关键词:tomorrow,next)6.Chant。 (三) 巩固性操练 1(T-P talk. T: Nation

5、al Day is coming. lets make a plan. What are you doing now? P: Im making a plan. T: What are you going to do on holiday? P: Im going to play football. T: Are you playing football now? P: No,Im not. T: Are you going to play football tomorrow? P:Yes,I am. T: Where are you going to play football tomorr

6、ow? P: At school. T: How are you going to get there? P:On foot. T: When are you going to leave? P: At . 板书,领读.(提醒注意两种时态的关键词.) 2.P-P talk, then make a new dialogue in pairs. 3.Check. 4.看课文P1(短语),回答问题: Q1: What are they going to do for their holiday? Q2:Are they going on the Pearl River Cruise? Q3:Whe

7、re are they going to buy the clothes? . 第2页 (四)初步学习新单词: Pear, the Pearl River, cruise, temple, the Six Banyan Temple, dimsum, clothes (五)发展 从课文的短语中挑选一个,同桌造一个对话。 (六)归纳总结 1.动词ing的变化规则。做现在进行时的练习时,别忘了be动词。 2.熟练掌握“be going to+动词原形”和现在进行时“be+V-ing” 表示的将来时态。 3.记忆本节课所学两种时态的关键词。 (七)布置作业 1(用现在进行时谈论一幅图。 2(用一般将

8、来时描述这幅图(不少以五句话)。 板书设计: 现在进行时与一般将来时 进行时 将来时 What are you doing now? What are you going to do on holiday? Im making a plan. Im going to play football. Are you going to play football tomorrow? Yes, I am./No, Im not. 教学后记: 第3页 小学课时教学设计 总第 2 课时 教学内容: Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our 随堂 Holiday? 备注

9、教学目标: 1.Language knowledge: (1)Vocabulary:plan, instead, have been to, have fun, lot, a lot of, yummy (2)Sentences:What are we going to do? Were going to Shall we? /Lets. Good idea. (3)Grammar:future tense. 教学重点:学生能基本掌握习惯用语,并能运用于日常交际中。 教学难点:学生能听懂课文,并能从课文中提取关键的信息。 教具、学具:多媒体教学软件,录音机,图片 教学过程: 一.Warm up

10、 1. Sing a song: Im going to. 2. Revision. Look at the pictures on P1 in the text book, ask the pupils to tell what the people are going to do. 二(Presentation 1.T-P T: The school holiday is coming. What are the Mr Webbs going to do? Can you guess?(先让学生说说他们会干什么,如果他们说不出来,就用准备好的图片或多媒体软件投影课文的图片,引导他们用将来时

11、来表达将要做的事情。)P: Are they going on the Pearl River Cruise?/ They are going on the Pear River Cruise. 2.Learn the verb phrases: go on the Pearl River Cruise, go to see the white tigers, go to the Six 第4页 Banyan Temple, watch birds, have dimsum, buy a lot of clothes. 3. Read the phrases, play the video a

12、bout the text again, then fill the blancks. e.g. Shall we _ _ the Pearl River Cruise? Boring! _ _ to the Xiangjiang Zoo _. Im _ _ see white tigers. 4. Have the pupils choose one part of the dialogue they like , act out the dialogue with their partners. 三(Practice 1. Books open, ask the pupils to rea

13、d the dialogue , and then find out the new words . 2. Learn the new words. 3. Read the dialogue again, have the pupils find out the future tense. 4.Check. 5. Role play 四( Sum up 五(Homework 板书设计: Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday? go on Pearl River Cruise Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu R

14、oad? go to see white tigers Good idea! go to the Six Banyan Temple buy a lot of clothes have been to have fun 教学后记: 第5页 小学课时教学设计 总第 3 课时 教学内容: Unit 1 Work with Language 随堂 备注 教学目标: 1.Language knowledge: , phrases:do some reading, surf the Net, write a letter. , Sentences:What is he/she going to do?

15、Hes /Shes going to , Grammar:一般将来时 2.Language skill:能用英语谈论将要进行的计划或打算;能用英语谈论一些休闲活 教学重点:用be going to 结构贯穿整个单元的始末. 教学难点:本课时主要是通过谈论明天(或假期)的计划来掌握一些有关讨论未来活动的交际用语。 教具、学具:多媒体教学软件、 风景名胜图片。 教学过程: 一(Warm up 1、播放本单元的英语歌曲: Im going to 2、出示一些图片或教师做一些动作。 二(Presentation and practice 1(对Unit 1 课文进行提问: 2、引出国庆节这一话题, 3、CAI或动作出示词组:have lunch, listen to music, watch TV.do some reading . skip. play cards surf the net , Write a letter. go to swim, watch The Wor


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