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1、kapong78凯鹏出品必属精品人教版(新版)小学英语四年级上册FunTime1试卷姓名:_ 分数:_听力部分一、 Listen and choose.听录音,选择你听到的选项。(10%)( )1.A.English B.China C.Canada( )2.A.father B.mother C.brother( )3.A.tomato B.potato C.eggplant( )4.A.orange B.banana C.watermelon( )5.A.teacher B.driver C.farmer( )6.A.postman B.fireman C.policeman( )7.A.

2、apple B.pear C.lemon( )8.A.docter B.nurse C.reporter( )9.A.eighteen B.nineteen C.seventeen( )10.A.thirteen B.fourteen C.fifteen二、Read,listen and choose.听录音,选出他们喜欢的食品。(10%)( )1.postman A.lenmons( )2.farmer B.carrots( )3.docter C.cucumbers( )4.nurse D.eggplants( )5.driver E.kiwifruites( )6.boy F.green

3、 pepers( )7.girl G.watermelons( )8.student H.pineapples( )9.teacher I.apples( )10.reporter J.potatoes三、Listen and write.听录音,补全单词。(10%)1.Hi,Im Peter.Im _.Im in Class _,Grade _.2.Do you like _?No,I like _.3.Whats _ and _? Its _.4.Whats this in English? Its a _.Are you sure?let me see.Oh,no.Its an _.四、

4、Listen and fill in the blanks.(10%)A. timeB. grapesC. areD. yourE. fromF. ItsG. AmH. NameI. NO.J. WhatsA:Whats _ name ?B:My _ is Mary .A: _ your number ?B:Im _ 12.A:Where _ you _ ?B:I _ from Canada.A:Whats the _ ?B: _ seven oclock .A:Do you like _ ?B:Yes , I do .笔试部分五、默写26个大小写字母。(13%) 六、找出下列单词中不同类的词

5、,并将其序号填入题前括号内(7%)( )1. A. orange B. pear C. tomato D. apple( )2. A. policeman B. postmant C. uncle D. driver( )3. A. boy B. girl C. man D. friend( )4. A. Ottawa B. Beijing C. England D. Washington( )5. A. tomato B. apple C. lemon D. kiwifruit ( )6. A. three B. eight C. class D. nine ( )7. A. panda B

6、. thirteen C. eighteen D.sixteen七、根据情境,选择答话。(10%)( )1.当你想知道对方是哪里人时,应如何询问?A.Where are you from? B.Im from Shanghai.( )2.“猜猜这个小男孩是谁?”英语中如何表达? A.Guess!Whos is this girl? B. Guess!Whos is this boy?( )3.你想向朋友Kate介绍你的新朋友Tom,用英语如何表达?A. Hi,Kate.This is my new friend,Tom. B. Hi, Tom.This is my new friend, Ka

7、te.( )4.“杨明,这是给你的柠檬。”用英语怎么说? A.Heres a mango for you,Yang Ming. B Heres a lemon for you,Yang Ming.( )5.当你想让对方把苹果递给你时,用英语怎么说?AShow me the apple,please. B.Pass me the apple,please.( )6.当你把你的新朋友Kate介绍给妈妈时,你应说: A.Mum,this is my new friend,Kate. B.Kate,this is my mum.( )7.当你想请别人吃些水果时,你应说: A.Have some fru

8、it,please. B.Show me some fruit.( )8. 朋友间又一次见面时,英语中如何表达? A.Glad to meet you again. B.How are you?( )9.你想知道高伟位的妈妈干什么工作时,应如何询问? A.Whats your mother? B.Whats your number?( )10.“我爸爸是位警察。”英语中是如何表达的? A.My dad is a postman. B.My dad is a policeman.八、选择与句子相符的图。(10%)( )1.Have some tomato juice.( )2.Hes a stu

9、dent.( )3.Were good friends.( )4.Im a girl.( )5.Im from Singapore.A. B. C. D. E. 八、根据问句,找出答语。(10%)( )1.Whats the time? ( )2.Whats that in English?( )3.Is this an apple? ( )4.Do you like cucumber?( )5.Is this carrot green or red? ( )6.Whats your mother?( )7.Whats your number? ( )8.Where are you from?

10、( )9.Are you from England? ( )10.What class are you in?A.Its an apple. B.I am NO. 14. C.Yes,I do.D.Shes a teacher. E.No,it isnt. F.Its red.G.I am in Class Two. H.Its ten oclock. I.I am from Tianjin.J.Yes,I am.九、连词组句。(10%)1.number,What,your,is(?) _2.father,driver,My,is,a(.) _3.your,Show,new,me,marker

11、(.) _4.from,am,I,China(.) _5.you,like,Do,kiwifruits(?) _6.time,what,the,is(?)_7.twenty,Li Yan,books,has(?) _8.father,my,policeman,a,is(.)_9.milk,have,some(.)_10.number,thirteen,are,you(?)_听力稿1、 一、Listen and choose.1. China 2. brother 3. potato 4. banana 5. teacher6. policeman 7. lemon 8.docter 9.nineteen 10. fifteen二、Look,listen and choose.1.My father is a postman.He likes kiwifruits.2. My uncle is a farmer.He likes potatoes.3. My mather is a do


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