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1、Module 2 Unit 1 My friends浦东教育发展研究院 车建琴北蔡中心校 娄燕青【教材分析(MODULE ANALYSIS)】一、单元目标(UNIT TARGETS) (一) “任务”目标(MAIN TASKS)1. Learners identify their classmates in terms of size.2. Learners play a recognition game.3. Learners perform an action rhyme featuring adjectives of size.(二)语言学习目标(LANGUAGE LEARNING OB

2、JECTIVES)1. Introducing oneself 1) Predicative adjectives: fat, thin, big, small, tall, short 2) Pronoun: he, sheI m/You re Hes/Shes 3) Verb to be: am, is, are 4) Indefinite articles: a girl2. Finding out a persons identity 1) Wh-question: Who are you/ is he/ is she? Who is your friend? 2) Nouns: bo

3、ys, girls, mothers, teachers, babies, friend3. Learning Singular number and Plural number: boyboys, babybabies(三)教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1. 掌握用形容词:fat, thin, big, small, tall, short,来描述人物的外貌特征。2能熟练的运用句型Im Youre Hes Shes来介绍自己和朋友。3学习不定冠词 a 的使用。4初步学习名词的复数变化。5正确使用be 动词,并能用 to be句型来介绍自己和朋友,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,没有语法错误。

4、【教学设计(TEACHING DESIGN)】一、 时间安排(PERIODS)PERIODTITLECONTENTS1st periodWho are you?1. Predicative adjectives: fat, thin, big, small, tall, short2. Extension: strong, weak, pretty, handsome3. Introducing myself: Im4. Wh-question: Who are you?2nd periodWho is your friend?1. Introducing your friends: Hes/

5、 Shes2. Wh-question: Who is he/she?3rd periodTwo fat boys in the rain1. Nouns: boys, girls, mothers, teachers, babies2. Learning Singular number and Plural number: boyboys, babybabies3. Acting out the rhyme 1st period: Who are you?二、活动介绍(ACTIVITIES) (一)任务前期准备(PRE-TASK PREPARATION) Activity 1 A song:

6、 Hello歌词:(一)Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. How are you? Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. How do you do? Im fine. Im fine. Thank you thank you very much. Im fine. Im fine. And I hope that you are too. (二)Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. Who are you? Hello, hello, hello, h

7、ello, hello, hello. Who are you? Im Kitty. Im Kitty. Im glad to meet you meet you. Im Kitty. Im Kitty. And lets be good friends.运用学生熟悉的歌曲来进行热身,更快的让学生进入状态,歌词较简单,教师可出示歌词,让学生随着音乐哼起来,还可以配上动作,活跃课堂气氛。Activity 2 A game Touch and guess用眼罩蒙住一位学生的眼睛,让他摸班中的任何一位学生,用You are .猜出他或他的名字。(二)任务实施过程(WHILE-TASK PROCEDU

8、RE) 1、新知识的引入(PRESENTATION) Activity 1 Draw and learn 用简笔画引出, 从boy,girl, tall, short, big, small,一边画一边与学生交流,学习单词,形象、有趣,学生易理解,又记得牢。Activity 2 通过班中学生实际的特征来引出今天的新授内容。 T: x x x likes to eat meat and fish. So he is fat. (Use body language.) x x x likes to eat vegetables. So he is thin. x x x likes sports.

9、 So he is strong. x x x doesnt like sports. So he is weak.让学生通过自己的视觉来感受几个新词, 加深印象,并通过老师的讲述来训练学生的听力,增加对学生的输入量。 2、新知识的操练(PRACTICE) 1)机械性操练(MECHANICAL PRACTICE) Activity 1 Say and act 老师给学生一个示范:a boy, a girl I am, I am, I am a girl. You are, you are, you are a boy.让学生学着老师的示例来说: thin & fat , big & small

10、, strong & weak , tall & short Activity 2 A game: I say: “ I am” . You say: “ You are ” T: I am a teacher. Ps: You are a teacher. T: I am tall. Ps: You are tall. T: I am pretty. Ps: You are pretty.Now lets change. T: You are a pupil. Ps: I am a pupil. T: You are handsome. Ps: I am handsome. T: You a

11、re strong. Ps: I am strong.这是师生间的一个互动游戏,即操练了句型:I am You are ,又训练学生的反应能力。老师可变换讲句子的速度来增加游戏的趣味性。2)意义性操练(MEANINGFUL PRACTICE) Activity 1 T: Do you know Yao Ming? (show a picture of him) P1: Yes. Try to say: Hello, Yao Ming. You are tall. I am short. (一边说一边做动作,帮助学生更好的理解)(show a picture of Cai Yiling) Hel

12、lo, Cai Yiling. You are pretty. I am handsome.利用学生熟悉和喜爱的人物,操练:I am, you are, 还能训练形容词的熟练和正确使用。Activity 2 A game : Yes or No?老师先和同学们讲清游戏方法和规则,再在小组里进行游戏。游戏规则:一人说:I am a girl. 如果符合实际情况,其余人就说:Yes, you are a girl. 如果不符合实际情况,其余人就说:No, No, you are a boy. 反应正确的得一分,累积成绩,最高为胜。(三)任务后期活动(POST-TASK ACTIVITY) Acti

13、vity 1 Touch and guess 蒙起一学生的眼睛,让他摸另一位学生,并边摸边说: You are a _. You are _. You are _. 然后猜出这位同学的名字。Activity 2 创设情境:我们学校的小浪花电视台要招主持人啦,同学们,你想去面试吗?先来个自我介绍吧。Good morning. I am _. I am _. I am _.I can _. I can _. I like _.I like _.注:这段自我介绍结合了本课的知识和一、二年级的知识,让学生用已学过的句型来丰富这段介绍,即锻炼了学生的口语能力,又使新旧知识能到了整合,为下面的书面练习打下

14、了埋伏。Assignment:1. Find out the opposite. 2. Oral work: Introduce yourself.3. Write a short passage: About me2nd period: Who is he/she?二、活动介绍(ACTIVITIES) (一)任务前期准备(PRE-TASK PREPARATION) Activity 1 Answer the question Who are you? I am _. I am a _. I am _. I am _.通过回答问题上一课时所解决的一个问题来热身,即复习了前面的内容,又为张开下面的教学做了铺垫。Activity 2 A chant: Are you


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