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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页人力资源工作流程手册双语版Human Resource Management ManualChapter One General/总则1.1 To achieve the following objectives in HR Management:公司在人力资源管理方面致力于达成以下目标:To build an advanced human resource management system, reflects the development of human resources is the core of t

2、he companys management philosophy, in the use of training and staff development, staff development with the enterprise.构筑先进合理的人力资源管理体系,体现人力资源是公司发展核心的管理理念,在使用中培养和开发员工,使员工与企业共同成长。Keep all departments in the uniformity on HR systems and procedures. Maintain the professional standards and ethical standa

3、rds in HR systems.保持公司内部各部门在人事制度和程序的统一性和一致性。保持人力资源系统的专业水平和道德标准。Ensure all the HR regulations are according with the China laws and rules of local government.保证各项人事规章制度符合国家和地方的有关规定。The manual will be edit and improvement continuously in the future.本手册将根据实践的发展不断充实和修订。Chapter Two HR Departments Duty/人力

4、资源部职责2.1 Core functions: as a company human resources management, selection, allocation, development, testing and training company for all kinds of personnel, develop and implement various policies and staff salaries & benefits and employees career plan, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, potenti

5、al employees excited , responsible for the companys continued long-term development.核心职能:作为公司人力资源的管理部门,选拔、配置、开发、考核和培养公司所需的各类人才,制订并实施各项薪酬福利政策及员工职业生涯计划,调动员工积极性,激发员工潜能,对公司持续长久发展负责。2.2 Work Responsibility/工作职责HRMSS Building and management/制度建设与管理 Formulate the HR regulations, HR procedure, and then impl

6、ement, monitor it.制订公司人事管理制度,工作流程,贯彻、监督制度和流程的落实。 Make the companys annual personnel demand plan.编制公司年度人员需求计划、及年度人员编制计划; Research the pay level regularly, provide reference for decision-making. 定期进行市场薪酬水平调研,提供决策参考依据; Help employees to do a good job in career plan. 指导、协助员工做好职业生涯规划。Human resource manag

7、ement/人事管理 Formulate the job responsibilitis and spencifications.制订公司部门和人员岗位职责; Employees recruitment, hiring, training, performance, demission etc. management.员工招聘、雇佣、考核、调动、离职等管理。 Personnels proparation and selection, inspection and training, 公司储备人员的选拔、考察、培养; Employees files and documents managemen

8、t.公司员工的人事档案及证件管理; Provide all kinds of data in HR for reference.提供各类人力资源数据统计及分析; Organize and impelement the employees performance.组织实施公司员工的绩效考核工作; Enhance all the employees quality.公司员工整体素质的提升。Salaries and welfare management/薪酬福利管理 Formulate the pay cost budget.制订薪酬成本的预算; Make the employees attenda

9、nce, wages and bonuses.核定员工考勤及工资和奖金; Formulation, impelememt and management the welfare regulations.制订公司员工福利政策并管理和实施。Training and development management/培训与发展管理 Make the year training plan.公司年度培训计划的制订与实施; Help each dept. to do the training and education.协助各部门的教育培训工作; Make the year training budget.制订

10、公司年度教育培训经费的预算并进行管理和使用;Other Jobs/其他工作 Staff relationss building. 员工关系建设; Corporate culture promotion.公司企业文化的推进; External coordination.外部协调;Chapter Three Recruitment/招聘3.1 Recruitment Objective/招聘目标 To ensure the quality of the recruitment, select the excellent personnel for the company.通过系统化的招聘管理保证公

11、司招聘工作的质量,为公司选拔出合格、优秀的人才。3.2 Recruitment Process/人员招聘程序Rectuitment Application/申请 HR dept. organize the recruitment according with the year recruitment plan. 人力资源部根据年度编制计划统一组织招聘。 If the personnel demard is out of the plan, recruitment will be after GMs approvement. The job responsibilities and qualif

12、ications should be provided when the position is new. 计划外的招聘需求,需经总经理核准后进行,新增岗位,需提供岗位说明书及任职资格说明。Recruitment Cost/费用To achieve the year recruitment plan, we should pay the cost in recruitment programme. HR dept. should make the budget according with the cost in last years.招聘费用是指为达成年度招聘计划或专项招聘计划,在招聘过程中

13、支付的直接费用。人力资源部应根据年度或专项招聘计划,对照以往实际费用支出情况,拟订合理的招聘费用预算,经总经理办公室及财务部审核后在年度招聘费用预算内申请招聘费用。Recruitment cycle/招聘周期 HR dept. should finish the recuritment during stated time after receiving the sheet of personnel demand.招聘周期指从人力资源部收到人员需求表起,到拟来人员确认到岗的周期。 Workers in workshop: during 7 work days. 车间操作工:7个工作日内完成;

14、General staff: during 10 work days.办公室一般员工:10个工作日内完成 Technology engineer & Supervisor: during 15 work days.工程师及主管人员:15个工作日内完成; Important position and Manager: during 22 work days.重要岗位人员及经理级人员:22个工作日内完成。Recruitment Channel/招聘渠道There are four main recruitment channel: online recruitment, taking in the

15、 exchange of talents, newspaper ads, recommendation from stall internal.招聘渠道主要有四种:网上招聘、参加人才交流会、刊登报纸广告、内部员工推荐。Approval Authority/人员录用审批权限 Supervisor or above, important positions should be approved by GM.主管级以上人员、以及重要岗位人员的录用由总经理审批; Others should be approved by the related manager.其他人员由部门经理及人力资源部审批;Chapter Four New Staffs Hiring/新员工录用4.1 Objective/目的 Introduce smoothly new staff into the corporate culture and the job.将新员工顺利导入工作岗位和文化氛围之中。


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