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1、教学设计Book6 unit 1 Art -GrammartopicUnit 1 book 6 Art -Grammar(subjunctive mood)Teaching goalKnowledge and skills1.Learn about the basic structure of the subjunctive mood.2.Most students will be able to know how to use the subjunctive mood.3.Students will be able to write some sentences using the subj

2、unctive mood.Feeling attitude and value1.Develop group co-operation.2.Stimulate students to love films.Key pointhelp students to understand the basic rules and structures of the “if” subjunctive mood.Difficult points1. Develop students ability to use the subjunctive mood effectively in reading and t

3、ranslating.2. Guide students to write some sentences using the subjunctive mood.Teaching methodsobservation, comparing, summarizing and practicing activities.Teaching aidsmultimedia and blackboardTeaching procedures:Step I Leading-in (2 minutes)(purpose: arouse students interest in learning grammar

4、by famous internet sayings used by most of the students.)Greet students and show a famous sentence on the PPT. Can you translate the sentences into English?Sentence1:待我长发及腰,少年娶我可好?The other sentences: 如果此时我长发及腰,少年娶我可好? 如果那时我长发及腰,少年娶我可好?(用学生熟悉的网络语言,引发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,并让学生带着问题,进入学习,让学生的学习目的更加明确。)Step II Pr

5、esentation(2 minutes)虚拟语气(the subjunctive mood)表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。Step III Discovering structures(10 minutes)If 引导的虚拟条件状语从句1. 与现在事实相反Present some sentences using the “if” subjunctive mood and the students observe the pictures and the conversation then summarize the usage of “If” subjuncti

6、ve mood.Picture 1 A: Why dont our grandchildren visit us more often? B: They dont have enough time. If they had more time, theyd visit us more often.Picture 2 A: I wonder why Fred works so hard. B: I dont know. He must like his job. A: If he didnt like his job, he wouldnt work so hard.Picture 3 A: I

7、t was a pity that we lost the game. B:Yeah. If Jack had scored that goal, we could have won. Questions: 1.找到if 条件句,归纳if条件句的谓语动词形式 2.找到主句,归纳主句的谓语动词形式 3.虚拟语气在if条件句中的用法。(提示:与过去、现在、将来事实相反。)More sentences using subjunctive mood:(让学生注意粗体字)If it were to rain tomorrow, they would not go out.If I should go t

8、o Beijing next week, I would fly there.让学生归纳总结,教师在黑板上展示下列表格。类型条件句主句与现在事实相反If+主语+did(be动词were)主语+should/would/could/might+do与过去事实相反If+主语+had done主语+should/would/could/might+have done与将来事实相反1.If+主语+did2.If+主语+were to3.If+主语+should主语+should/would/could/might+doStep IV Practice(12minutes)(利用学生耳熟能详的影视镜头,

9、给出中文,让学生翻译或者填空,以巩固所学的结构)Task1 如果上天再给我一次机会,我会对你说“我爱你”。如果非要在这三个字上加个期限,那会是一万年。(改编自周星驰主演电影大话西游)If God _ another chance, I _ “I LOVE YOU” to you. If there _ a limit to the time, it _(be) ten thousand years.Task 2 如果杰克没有赢得那张船票,他和Rose就不会相遇。 如果杰克和Roes在那场事故中死去,我们就不会知道这个感动的爱情故事。(灵感来源于电影泰坦尼克号)If Jack _(win) th

10、e ticket, he _(meet) Rose. If Jack and Rose both _(die)in the accident, we _(know)this moving love story. If Jack were alive now, he _(marry) Rose. If they _ (marry), they _ (live) a happy life in the future.Task 3 Toy Story 3 has won the 83rd Oscar Award. Chinese films seldom win the award. Why Hol

11、lywood movies are far more attractive than Chinese films. Answer it from these aspects, such as history, money, scripts, director, life standard, audience and so on. (group work) Then fill the blanks.(individual work)If we _(start) making films earlier, we _(make) more excellent films.If there _(be)

12、 more good plays and money, we _(produce) more hot films.If one day Chinese _(become) an international language, our films _(win) a large audience.(练习检查完毕,让学生总结在使用虚拟语气时候应该注意什么。)判断是否是假设,如果是假设,是对过去、现在还是将来的假设,然后选择相对应的if条件状从的结构,相对应的谓语动词形式。Step V Consolidation: (7 minutes)1. finish the translation at the

13、 beginning of the class.(翻译课堂开始的三个句子。)Tips: Pay attention to the time and the structures.2. Tell the following sentence true or false and correct if necessary.(class work)If Jack hadnt been on board, he would have been safe now.If the ship hadnt struck an iceberg, it wouldnt sink now.If the rescue w

14、orkers hadnt come, Rose would have been dead now.Step VI Summary (4 minutes)Ask students to make a summary about what they have learned today.One student stands up and make a summary. Others can supplement any details they know.Step VII Homework (巩固学生所学知识)1. Finish the exercise on page 5 in the textbook 2. Use “If I were ., I would .” pattern to write a poem. (at least 3sentences.)If I were a painter, I would paint the most beautiful picture for you.If I were a singer, I would sing the most loving song for you.



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