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1、细心整理我喝我的清茶中文:王书春 他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生,须要一种境界:自我安定。 面对别人的成功和荣耀,我喝我的清茶。我明白那掌声已有所属,匆忙忙忙赶过去,不会有成功等着你。还是自己再创业绩吧,跟着别人恒久只能摸着成功的尾巴。凡事不躲避,我喝我的清茶,荷花居污泥而不染,假设为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。人生也一样,避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明心灵脆弱,一个自我安定的人,是不怕环境污染自己的,而有力气影响他人。古代孟母三迁是为了怕孩子受影响,要为了自己就没有必要躲避了,后来孟子长大成人后也没听说孟母再搬家。自我安定可不是找一个宁静的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境。“定

2、”是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。只有到达这一境界,才能驾驭自己的方向,才能做到:“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。”A版本:While others indulging in wining and dining, Im just content the pleasure of drinking plain tea. Because I know life sometimes is in want of a mentality of calmness. While others rejoicing their success and glory, I m simply standing alo

3、of at ease enjoying a cup of plain tea. Since the applause having belonged to others,the slavish imitation could just make no success therefore I d rather carve out a career for myself. I m gratified with the life with plain tea and never escape from any adversity. I admire the lotus flower in the m

4、ud without being tainted would wither and die if it grew on the land for fear of sewage. The evils, ugliness, and risks, are the mud in our life testing our human fragility not necessary to shirk them. Because a man with a peaceful interior world fears no nasty environment and dears to improve it an

5、d bring benefits to others by his own strength. To shun the bad influence in the neighborhood, Menciuss mother had made three removals in his childhood .History shows no record of any more removals after he grew up.Serenity doesnt merely mean a quiet residence but keep a serene life in a messy surro

6、unding. It is a state of mind standing to ones own resolution in such a fickle world so that we can be the master of our destiny, i.e., Contenting with a cup of plain tea while others indulging in the best wine.B版本:Contenting Myself with Plain Tea Human life, it seems to me, needs a placidity of min

7、d. While others may be winning and dining, I am content with my plain tea. Not dazzled by other peoples aura of success and glamour, I will indulge in my simple pleasure. Clearly aware where the credit goes, I will not join in the rush in the vain hope of accepting the prize to be handed to me on a

8、plate. The best a blind follower can do is tailing after the winners. The only alternative is to create wonders of ones own. I stick to the pureness of my pleasure, never escaping from reality. The lotus grows in the mud without being tainted. If, to avoid the dirt, one plants it on dry clean ground

9、, it simply will not grow. The same holds true for human beings. Shrinking from what is ugly, vile and evil only proves the frailty of ones character. A person in full possession of mental serenity never stands in fear of being mentally contaminated by the filthy environment. On the contrary, he can

10、 exercise positive influences all around. Menciuss mother made three removals during his childhood to keep him away from bad influences, which did not pose any problem for her. History does not record any more of such removals after he grew up. Enjoying the tranquility of mind does not mean hiding o

11、neself in a haven. What is meant is the maintenance of such a mental state in the midst of chaos, i.e. moral immovability amidst kaleidoscopic changes. Only a person who has attained his plane can be a real master of his destiny, contenting himself with the purest and simplest pleasure.C版本:I am Cont

12、ent to Drink my Plain TeaBy Wang ShuchunLet others make merry with the best wines; I am content to drink my plain tea. In life we need to keep a tranquil mood.While others revel in their success and glory, I drink my plain tea in contentment. Knowing that the applause has gone to whom it belongs, I

13、wont rush over in the hope of tumbling on success also. Instead, I will make a solid effort to accomplish my own goal. Those who follow others will always fall short of success. I always confront the reality over a cup of plain tea. The lotus, though growing in mud, emerges unsullied from the filth.

14、 If, for fear that it should get soiled, one had planted it on dry land, it would have long withered away. The same is true with life. Only a weak mind is afraid of encountering ugliness, vices and evils. A person with a tranquil frame of mind will not fear the adverse influence from people around h

15、im. Instead he is strong enough to exert a positive influence on them. In ancient times, Mencius mother moved three times to shun the bad influence from the neighborhood on her sons upbringing. She did not do that for her own sake, for there was no need to. After Mencius had grown up, she did not mo

16、ve even once.【齐冉译评】王书春先生这篇散文主要是通过比照两种不同的生活方式而向读者呈现他对生活的看法。王先生选用的是“花酒”和“清茶”两个喻体。那么,当译者读完这篇文章,大致了解了原作者的意图之后,首先应考虑的是作为译者作品的读者的理解实力。作为中国读者,我们能够很快明白“花酒”意为何及“清茶”意为何?假如仅仅是将“花酒”译为“wining and dining”,“清茶”干脆译为“plain tea”的话,生怕译文读者会在起先阅读之时便生困惑之感。综合两篇译文来看,笔者认为三位译者过于忠实原文,而这样做的干脆后果那么是使译文读者产生不知所云之感。翻译的目的是以传递信息,传递思想为主,而上述两篇译文中,“直译”的痕迹过重。在笔者看来,假如能将“花酒”及“清茶”在第一次出现时,译为“hilarious and luxurious life”和“tranquil and fruga



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