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1、小学辨音题专项训练附答案一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。1、first her ( ) 2、fifth there ( )3、today Saturday ( ) 4、say says ( )5、eat keep ( ) 6、April May ( )7、look cartoon ( ) 8、blow touch ( )二、单词辩音。( )1. A. ruler B. her C. teacher ( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear ( )3. A. hobby B. over C. pocket ( )4. A. front B. m

2、onth C. orange ( )5. A. grass B. cage C. skate ( )6. A. recorder B. October C. sports ( )7. A. sign B. bike C. public ( )8. A. moment B. phone C. stop 三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday( )4.

3、A. great B bread C. ready D. head( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby( )6. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“”或“”表示。 1. there here ( ) 2. year hear ( )3. dear bear ( ) 4. where hair ( )5. pear near ( ) 6.their parents ( )五、 找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( ) 1.A.first B. birthday C. her D.

4、 worker( ) 2.A.July B. June C. blue D. costume( ) 3.A.April B. candle C. January D. back( ) 4.A.near B. year C. pear D. hear( ) 5.A.third B. there C. fifth D. three( ) 6.A.read B. ready C. team D. sea六、 判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. bear pear ( ) 2. there here ( ) 3. race have ( ) 4. just must

5、 ( ) 5. then they ( ) 6. mobile pocket( ) 7. ground cousin ( ) 8. ball roll ( ) 9. shoot look ( ) 10. video diary找出划线部分发音不同的选项。( )2 A.live B. idea C. bike D. like( )3 A. go B. radio C. photo D. long( )4 A. moon B. room C. soon D. cook( )5 A. not B. hot C. holiday D. police( )6 A. eat B. earache C. r

6、ead D. speak( )7 A. bee B. meet C. three D.sweater( )8 A.peach B. great C. clean D. please( )9 A.worker B.morning C. horse D. or( )10 A. what B. whose C. where D. which一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。1、first her ( ) 2、fifth there ( )3、today Saturday ( ) 4、say says ( )5、eat keep ( ) 6、April May ( )7

7、、look cartoon ( ) 8、blow touch ( )二、单词辩音。( )1. A. ruler B. her C. teacher ( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear ( )3. A. hobby B. over C. pocket ( )4. A. front B. month C. orange ( )5. A. grass B. cage C. skate ( )6. A. recorder B. October C. sports ( )7. A. sign B. bike C. public ( )8. A. moment B. phone C

8、. stop 三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday( )4. A. great B bread C. ready D. head( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby( )6. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“”或“”表示。 1

9、. there here ( ) 2. year hear ( )3. dear bear ( ) 4. where hair ( )5. pear near ( ) 6.their parents ( )五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( ) 1.A.first B. birthday C. her D. worker( ) 2.A.July B. June C. blue D. costume( ) 3.A.April B. candle C. January D. back( ) 4.A.near B. year C. pear D. hear( ) 5.A.third B. ther

10、e C. fifth D. three( ) 6.A.read B. ready C. team D. sea六、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. bear pear ( ) 2. there here ( ) 3. race have ( ) 4. just must ( ) 5. then they ( ) 6. mobile pocket( ) 7. ground cousin ( ) 8. ball roll 一、圈出出划线部分的发音不同的一个1. tree street great2. many any scarf 3. masks fathers classrooms 4. his letter riddle5. forty shorts teacher 6. ball park walk talk7. block soft glove8. socks hot



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