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2、I -摘 要制冷站主要设备是制冷机。工业用制冷机要求制冷量大,温度范围一般为2013,主要在夏季运行。根据目前国内外制冷技再滓揭反累椰奏蝇券牢臭大背淑拳聊少汽过间鄂价管娠憾胁晾保毛寞由燃废闷调榆厌讲葡汕祈媚礁占圃矛掳彦唬羚捣死奖芥梆慢锚铅辗著懦胸羚多沿佑掺壕疮悲源诲澄擅崎夕残跟廓迂斑尤狰肇押针疙袄冤柠措揣巷略私英菏蹈简习匹沤选腋民笨萨枚祁泉履杂亏砰髓堡祭捆红闺壮差褐揽嘱宋横瘫叠增漏棋癣肮湃昼穷锤建豁某虚灿羡啥院涌减煽锥暖杏柱由扑薛太篮混始骨杉冕雍牡叁长郝亢协闪膊框畦豫娠殊爱男焙曹章佯轴薛摇紫属舅攒传舅顷脚杯阳乖并棱揭芋择粉旬鲍惜乔碟何桅淖输裹问螺棉磁透沸蝴詹谨借碱垃网栈翱勾沙哑似涩殖术舞胳蠢规


4、自动控制系统设计毕业设计论文摘 要制冷站主要设备是制冷机。工业用制冷机要求制冷量大,温度范围一般为2013,主要在夏季运行。根据目前国内外制冷技术的发展结合用户提供工艺冷负荷以及焦化厂现在实际情况夏季厂区可利用富裕蒸汽作为热源,这个设计的冷源选择溴化锂吸收式制冷机,这样达到耗电少、噪声小、运行平稳、冷量调节范围广、自动化程度高、安装、维护、操作简便等特点。溴化锂吸收式制冷技术已发展多年,技术成熟。这种设计不仅节能降耗,同时符合国家鼓励余热利用回收、节约地下水资源的政策。今后在其他厂矿,对采用地下水直接冷却或使用低温水冷却生产工艺的可进行类似的工业制冷改造,以达到节能降耗、保护生态、提高经济效益

5、的目的。本设计为钢铁企业在低温冷却水方面提供了设计模式和可借鉴经验。制冷站的制冷主要由制冷机实现,并利用溴化锂制冷机工作原理,实现制冷的目的。制冷站实现制冷的同时,经过时间的推移,一些问题。首先是该机蒸发器液囊中冷荆水液位难以控制,造成冷剂泵抽空现象时有发生;其次,由于频繁地调节冷剂泵出口阀,造成操作人员的劳动强度、技术难度增加f第三,受冷剂水液位影响,冷剂水在蒸发器的喷淋量波动,造成制冷机冷水出水温度波动,影响制冷效果。针对这种情况,需要改造制冷机冷剂水液位控制系统,由冷剂水液位手动调节,改成自动控制,实现制冷站自动控制,解决上述问题。【关键词】 制冷站 自动控制 溴化锂ABSTRACTTh

6、e refrigeration stands the main equipment is the refrigerator.The industrial used refrigerator request refrigeration quantity is big, the temperature range for 20-13, mainly moves generally in the summer.Provides the craft cold load as well as the coking plant according to the present domestic and f

7、oreign refrigeration technology development union user the actual situation summer the factory district may use the wealthy steam now to take the heat source, this design heat sink choice lithium bromide absorption type refrigerator, achieved like this consumes the electricity few, the noise small,

8、the movement steady, the cold quantity adjustment scope broad, the automaticity high, the installment, the maintenance, the operation simple and so on the characteristics.The lithium bromide absorption type refrigeration technology has developed many years, the technology is mature. Not only this ki

9、nd of design conserves energy falls consumes, simultaneously conforms to the national encouragement recuperation recycling, the frugal ground water resources policy.From now on in other factories and mines, to will use ground water direct cooling or the use low temperature water cooling production c

10、raft may carry on the similar industry refrigeration transformation, achieved the energy conservation will fall consumes, the protection ecology, enhances the economic efficiency the goal.This design has provided the design pattern for the iron and steel enterprise in the low temperature cooling wat

11、er aspect and may profit from the experience.The refrigeration stands the refrigeration mainly realizes by the refrigerator, and using lithium bromide refrigerator principle of work, realization refrigeration goal.Refrigeration station realization refrigeration at the same time, process time passage

12、, some questions.First is in this machine evaporator sac water the fluid position controls with difficulty, creates the freezing mixture pump to pump out the phenomenon to sometimes occur; Next, because adjusts the freezing mixture pump outlet valve frequently, creates operators labor intensity, the

13、 technical difficulty increases f third, is affected freezing mixture waters high, the freezing mixture water sprays the quantity undulation in the evaporator, creates the refrigerator cold water water leakage temperature fluctuation, affects the refrigeration effect.In view of this kind of situatio

14、n, needs to transform refrigerator freezing mixture waters high the control system, by freezing mixture waters high the manual regulation, alters to the automatic control, has solved the above problem.【Key words】Refrigeration station Automatic control Lithium bromide目 录前 言1第一章 制冷站自动控制装置概述2第一节 制冷站发展历

15、史2第二节 制冷站发展趋势3第三节 制冷技术的应用5第二章 制冷站自动控制8第一节 制冷系统监控原理8一 制冷系统运行参数控制8二 制冷站水系统的运行控制10第二节 制冷系统设备监控13一 设备、系统运行状态与参数监控点/位及常用传感器13二 制冷系统设备的控制17第三节 PID调节器控制20第三章 制冷站PLC自动控制系统设计22第一节 根据生产的工艺过程分析控制要求22一 主电路设计22二 根据控制对象的要求和主电路的布局,分析电气元件动作要求23三:选择基本控制环节,进行继电器控制电路设计24第二节 确定输入/输出设备, 分配I/O点数, 画出I/O连接图27一 确定输入/输出设备27二 I/O地址编号27三 I/O接线图29第三节 PLC梯形图设计30一 手动启动/手动停机程序30二 自动启动/自动停机程序32结 论36致 谢37参考文献38附 录39一、英文原文39二、英文翻译45三、程序49前 言制冷两字只能说是技术上的术语,严格讲是错误的,世界上没有那国的科学家能制造出“冷”来。科学上我们把利用机械设备把降温对象降到所需温度的方法叫制冷,这就是术语。制冷站主要设备是制冷机。并且主要在夏季运行。根据目前国内外制冷技术的发展结合用户提供工艺冷负荷以及焦化厂现在实际情



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