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1、福建高考英语试卷中的新题型“短文填词”解题思路2009年12月9日Step I Greeting the class as usual to get ready for class.Step II Presentation1. Show the students a passage about Word-filling (09福建省高考英语考试说明样题) 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 Ks5Do y

2、ou like friends who can teach you a lot every day? Books are s friends because they bring knowledge to us and keep us 76. _company through our life. They are so valuable that _(图书馆) 77. _are built to _(存放) them. Almost all great men are lovers 78. _of books. Franklin said that it was books that l_ h

3、im to success 79. _and that he could have achieved nothing w _ books. Books are 80. _the holders of mankinds _(经验)and imagination. They 81. _enable us to see through the past and predict the _. So when 82. _you open a book, you would get into a world _ you have never 83. _ been before. A good book i

4、s a good teacher that h _ you to 84. _ get over difficulties. No matter what you are, _ or old, poor 85. _or rich, books are your devoted friends. Love books and love life. (142 words)2. Explaining the features of the word-filling question (To make sure that the students can understand the explanati

5、on, Ill speak in Chinese.)1. 考查目的:重点考查单词拼写、语言基础知识、语篇理解能力和语言表达能力;在考查词汇的同时也考查学生读与写的能力。考生必须在理解短文内容的基础上,把握短文主旨大意,运用所学语言知识填空,使短文语篇完整。2. 试题选材:符合学生的书面表达水平,短文词数在130左右,共设10小题,第一行不设题,其余每行挖空一处设一题;考查以实词为主,兼顾其他词性。3. 题目要求:每个空格根据提示用一个单词的适当形式填空,提示的方式有:汉语提示、首字母提示、语境提示,其中汉语提示、首字母提示各34个,语境提示32个。4. 答案的唯一性:如果出现与标准答案不同,但

6、符合题目要求的答案也可以接受,具体由阅卷点裁定。每个空格只能填入一个答案,超过一个的,该小题以零分计。3. Allow the Ss some minutes to finish the passage according to the requirements, and then check the answers.Step III Learning about the steps of dealing with Word-filling (解题步骤) / 1. 浏览全文,把握大意; 首先,把短文从头到尾快速阅读一至两遍,从整体上感知全文,掌握大意着重注意首尾句对文章主题的提示,思考出相关的

7、词或词组。利用所给的提示和语篇标志词理清文章的脉络,进而理解全文此时填词就不会乱猜乱填。2. 理解语境,分析语法做短文填词时,借助一定的语法分析来帮助理解句子、推测语境、判断搭配等。所以,答题时应该把短文要表达的意思和所要考的语法知识结合起来考虑,然后根据文章所给的提示,进行上下文分析,弄清语境问题,同时利用所学语法知识进行句子成分分析,特别是对空格前后部分做深入的分析,确定所要考的语法知识。3. 准确用词,注意词形该题型容易错的小题主要是词形变化,这是我们在填词时容易犯“只顾其义,忽视其行”的错误。该题型要求所填入的词不一定都要词形变化,有变化的一般有3个左右,其变化形式主要有名词复数、动词

8、数、时态语态及形容词、副词的比较级、最高极等。4. 答题规范,复查全文所填入的词拼写要正确(包括大小写),否则不得分,每个空格限填一个词,并只能给出一个答案,给两个答案的即使其中有一个答案正确也不给分。要把答案抄在答题卡右边的题号上,直接填在短文上,不给分。完成填词后要对全文进行一次阅检,完整地再看一遍,检查语篇意思是否完整,词形变化是否正确、词性与单词拼写是否正确。Step IV Practice1. Get the Ss to finish the word-filling passage in 2009 Fujian MET. Mr. Smith offers us some advic

9、e on how to write a good Ks5ucomposition, which i the following steps. 76. s5u7777 Firstly, we should read the topic c and organize our ideas. 77. Then we start to shape our thoughts our own word and finish 78. Ks5uour writing in the g time. After that, we have to check our 79. Ks5ucompositions, pay

10、ing attention to (语法)and spelling. It is very 80. Ks5uimportant to read them aloud to (自己)or someone else form 81. Ks5u to end. Lastly, we had better ask our teachers or classmates for 82. Ks5u advice on how to improve our writing. If (可能), we may leave 83. Ks5uthem alone for some time before readin

11、g again, will help a 84. Ks5ugreat deal. I hope you will b a lot from the advice above. 85. Ks5u(126words)3. 分析考点分布Analyze the distribution of testing points.09考试说明中新题型样卷及高考卷中的考点分布如下:考点动词名词形容词副词代词连(接)词介词词形变化数量样卷33101114高考卷32111114Step V Introduce some techniques of dealing with Word-filling (解题技巧)语法

12、语境语义语篇 运用语法 依托语境 理解语义 完善语篇1. 语境推测法;We can see that will and self-confidence can be developed by physical exercise, such as Marathon. Therefore, more and more people are _ (变得)interested in sports and games in our country ,which has become part of peoples d life . However, a man will also be ruined i

13、f he takes too_ exercise.从语篇的语境看,前面讲述的是体育锻炼的好处,由语篇的标志词Therefore 可以推断出体育锻炼所 产生的 结果。Are 后所跟的 动词不是现在分词就是过去分词,从语境分析,应填现在分词becoming 表现在进行的情况。Life 前面的 词是个修饰词,很容易判断出是个形容词,daily life 是个常用词组。后面有转折词However,可以推断出体育锻炼有其负面的效果,从a man will also be ruined 可以判断出too 后面应是个形容词,它所 修饰的 不可数名词exercise ,故只能填much.2. 语法分析法It

14、used up too much money _ could be spent in other ways.根据整个句子的 意思及句法分析可知该句有两个谓语动词,是一个复合句,空格处所填的 应该是个连词,且该连词在 句子中充当主语,修饰前面的 先行词money ,所以它应该是个定语从句的 关系代词,故填 which3. 常识推断法We ran so much that , afterwards , we were nearly _ of breath .根据语境及常识,一般跑得太多的 结果是气喘吁吁,另外,out of breath 是个 常用词组,表示“喘不过气来4. 固定搭配法英语中,一些固定的 句型和短语结构既是学习的 一个难点,也是短文填词的一个热门考点。做题时应注意所填空格前后词语的 固定搭配。I started surfing about five years ago


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