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1、表扬信 英语英语表扬信范文一Dear Manager:I am a reporter from the Ne all over the e.You have almost exceeded the target and for this I pany and the future, carry formercial Doug Montessori kindergarten class, no her little story, I feel the teacher for children to life care from learning from others for their opa

2、ny their children through the kindergarten life, you took the first step to you, she will remember the kindergarten teacher here, remember, remember the wonderful time of children.Once again, thank you very much for the Lord of the manor, he long park, XX teacher, I wish x pision, XX teacher, XX tea

3、cher! Thanks to all the teachers who care and educate the peas! Once again wish you 61 happy children!Thank you.f132.更多书信编辑推荐英语表扬信模板英语表扬信模板【1】Dear (Bosss Name),I appreciated the opportunity to meet our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (pany Name)s mitment to their clients and their employees. I

4、 also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future pany Name) ptly.Sincerely,(Signature)英语表扬信模板【3】Dear ms. grasso:thank you for interviements gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience

5、 in banking lae lectures on Modern e you soon.Yours,Li Hua英语表扬信范文英语表扬信范文【1】dear cheryl,our guide, joy, in beijing, was one of the best。i didnt get the feeling that she had anything to do with scheduling the factory tours。but all things considered, we had the best experiences in beijing。many thanks f

6、or your service。thank you for arranging such a wonderful trip for us。the best thing about your trip was hiking on the great wall, jinshanling to simatai。sandy and i both agreed on that one。many thanks for a fine trip to china。steven bradley booking code: 61008-c60123059clients information: steven, u

7、nited statestour starting date: october 8, XXtour itinerary: 19 days hong kong,beijing,xian,luoyang,dengfeng,zhengzhou,shan ghai,suzhou,shanghai,hong kong tour英文感谢信范文一份【2】dear dde,i would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participation in our

8、 recent conference in montreal on the future of aviation。the chairman and board members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institute in this important undertaking。your skill in chairing the controversial panel on the role of developing countri

9、es in the future of aviation management was highly appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic。as well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on the critical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports。it appears that

10、you my have penned a best-seller with that one!i certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!)英文表扬信【3】Dear Manager:Because of the demand of my work, I often e to Beiji

11、ng to do interviews。Your hotel is my favorite, because of the fortable living conditions, and the considerate service, especially your excellent food。The restaurants in your hotel have many kinds of delicious food such as Chinese food, Japanese food, French food and so on。Among these delicious foods

12、, I like the Beijing Toast Duck best, not only because of its Chinese characteristics but also its special taste for people from all over the world。So every time I e here I always choose this course。Furthermore, what impressed me most is the high quality service, it always makes me feel at home。Hope

13、 your hotel and restaurant will be more prosperous in the future。Sincerely yours,Will Smith2023英语表扬信范文适度的表扬别人让你赢得人家的喜欢,20xx英语表扬信范文如何写,下面带来20xx英语表扬信范文,希望对你有用哦。20xx英语表扬信范文【1】Dear Manager:I am a reporter from the Ne all over the e. omic and trade relations and bring our business people together.I am lo

14、okingforic CooperationpLACE工作表扬信范文【3】他有一颗对工作高度负责的心,有一双勤劳而勇于创新的手,有一副关心同事的热心肠,在工作中勇于担当,积极向前,这就是我们立喷丙班前处里班长李xx。李xx在工作中兢兢业业,拥有良好的职业素质和职业操守,可以忠于自己的企业,将个人的职业生涯规划与企业的开展严密的结合。擅长创始,能承受较高的工作压力;吃苦耐劳,注重合作,具有火一样的工作热情和活力。起到了模范带头的作用,经常受到领导的赞赏。在工作才能和业务上李xx更是样样精通,虽说一个萝卜一个坑,各司其职,但是有个别员工,尤其是新来的在很多问题上都要请他指点,甚至是让他帮着干。有些

15、新的产品加工他可以很快的熟悉操作,带着大家完成消费。丙班前处理的成品率连创新高,这与他的努力是分不开的。李xx同志团结关心每一位员工,在工作中时时把好事让给别人,把最脏最重最难的事留给自己。车间消费的时候,吃饭是个很紧张的事,他经常替别人干活,让别人先吃,等大家都吃完了,他才腾出手,有时饭卖完了已经没有饭可吃,他就饿着等下班赶成一顿儿。在车间有加班加点的任务时,有的不想加班,而李xx同志,从不说啥,不提报酬,不说早晚。在我们的考勤表上他从没有迟到,早退,请假,在加班的时候却总能看到他的身影。在工作中无非准时上班,按时下班不迟到,不早退这就是敬业了,就可以安心的领工资了。大局部员工最多能做到敬业,而李xx同志这种超出常人的工作态度,高于别人的工作才能和技巧,团结合作的精神,关心别人的品质,令人敬仰,值得表扬!特此对某某某同志做出表扬!第 页 共 页


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