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1、高职高专商务英语系列教材 总主编 李德荣Dealing with Customers主编:黎丽副主编:赵秀华立信会计出版社Chapter 1 Buyer Behavior. Unit 1 An overview on Buyer Behavior.Unit 2 Personal Factors and Buyer Behavior.Unit 3 Role of Family in Buyer Behavior.Unit 4 Buyer Decision-Making Process.Chapter 1 Buyer BehaviorUnit 1 An Overview of Buyer Beha

2、vior In order to understand buyer behavior, we should go through the following questions:1. Who is a buyer?A buyer is defined as a person who purchases merchandise1 for his/her own use or on the behalf of another person based on different types of consumer needs2. In simpler words a buyer is one who

3、 consumes goods and services available in the market. For example, Victor might purchase a book for his son or Mike might buy a laptop for himself. In the above examples, both Victor and Mike are buyers.2. What is buyer behavior?Buyer behavior refers to the study of the processes involved when indiv

4、iduals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products or services to satisfy needs and desires3. Marketers strive to understand this behavior so they can better formulate appropriate marketing stimuli4 that will result in increased sales and brand loyalty5.The study of buyer behavior explai

5、ns as to:l Why does a buyer buy a product? Need Social Status Gifting Purposel When does a buyer buy a product? Festive season Birthday Anniversary Marriage or other special occasions l How does a buyer buy a product? Need recognition6 Information Search7 Evaluation of Alternatives8 Purchase Decisio

6、nDuring Christmas or Valentines week, the buying tendencies9 of consumers increase as compared to other months because buyers have the needs of purchasing gifts for their family or partners at that time. So we can find out the main catalyst which triggers the buying decision of a buyer is need for a

7、 particular product or service10. Consumers purchase products and services as and when need arises.Of course, in the above example, there are several stages they go through before they finally picks up these gifts for their families or partners, such as: the need of their partners, the information g

8、athering, evaluation and so on. 3. Why do we study buyer behavior?Research shows that two different buyers buying the same product may have done it for different reasons, paid different prices, used in different ways, have different emotional attachments towards the things and so on. So the study of

9、 buyer behavior is very important because it enables you to understand not only your customers interests, but also your customers needs.For example, a clothing company may have plans to launch a new line of clothing11. To ensure success, they may want to know what type of material and design that wi

10、ll capture the customers interest. Accurate and current consumer interests and needs will greatly help the clothing company to devise a product line and a marketing strategy12 that will sell.l The buyers interestsEvery customer shows inclination towards particular products and services13. Consumer i

11、nterest is nothing but willingness of consumers to purchase products and services as per their interests and tastes. Buyers, who are pragmatists14, will be interested in the items that are practical or useful. They make purchases based more on quality and durability than on physical beauty. The aest

12、hetically inclined consumer15, on the other hand, is drawn to objects that project symmetry, harmony, and beauty. Both Linda and Susan went to pub to have a tea break16 after work. The waitress showed them a wide range of beverage available. Linda immediately ordered a cup of black tea with milk. Bu

13、t Susan wanted a cup of Cappuccino17. In the above example, Linda and Susan had similar requirements but there was a huge difference in their interests.l The buyers needsPeople buy to satisfy all types of needs. Some of these needs are basic and must be fulfilled by everyone on the planet while othe

14、rs are not required for basic survival18 and vary depending on the person. In fact, in many countries where the standard of living is very high, a large portion of the populations income is spent on wants and desires rather than on basic needs. Basic needs Modern basic needs have evolved with societ

15、y to include food and shelter, a range of healthy lifestyle choices, technological devices and transportation means, enabling consumers to coexist comfortably19 in society. Food and water are the number 1 basic need of all human beings.Katy was very hungry and went to a nearby KFC and ordered chips for herself. Why did Katy buy chips? The answer is that she felt hungry and wanted to eat something to meet her physiological need20. Hunger was physiological need for Katy to purchase chips.


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