新目标英语七年级上七教案 (2)

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1、新目标英语七年级(上)Unit7: How much are these pants?教学目标:1、使用How much 引导的问句 2、形容词的使用 3、名词单/复数的使用语言功能:询问价格、谈论衣物、感谢他人语言结构:1、How much 问句 2、this,that,these,those 能力目标: 1、学会谈论物品的颜色和价格. 2、学会谈论对服装的喜好 3、学会使用礼貌用语进行购物情感目标:通过完成各种教学任务使学生养成不乱花钱,合理理财的好习惯.学习策略:1、通过重复其他同学的语句来培养快速记忆的能力. 2、角色扮演教学重点:How much is +单数或不可数名词? Its

2、How much are +复数名词? They are教学难点:名词单复数的使用课时安排: 第一课时:Section A 1a1cPeriod OneI.课前准备:本课的教学挂图,自制有关服装的简笔图片II.Teaching key and difficult Points:Vocabulary : sock、shirt、Tshirt、sweater、shoe、skirt、sale、dollarTarget language: How much is this Tshirt? Its seven dollars. How much are these socks?Theyre two dol

3、lars.III.Teaching Procedures:Step1:Ask the students to read from 130,then 301Step2:1a New words. (1) Present the new words (show the students a picture of a clothes shop with different kinds of clothes in it ) T:I like shopping very much.This is a clothes shop. I want to buy some clothes? Do you kno

4、w the names of the clothes? (Show a picture of a shirt ) T :Its a shirt .Read after me.“SHIRT” S:“SHIRT” (Teach the other words pants/sock/sweater/T-shirt/shorts/shoe in the same way .) Ask students to match the words with the objects in the picture.and check the answers.Step3:1b practice the words.

5、 T:I like wearing beautiful clothes .Look !Im wearing a white coat,a black sweater,blue trousers and red shoes.What are you wearing? S1:Im wearing a red sweater,a yellow skirt and . T:Your clothes are very beautiful. (Turn to another student.) What about you? What are you wearing? S2:Im wearing a. T

6、:Work in pairs,ask about your partners clothes. Give the students a few minutes,then play the recording the first time,students only listen .then listen to the conversation and circle the clothing items in the picture,and check the answers.Step4:1c Present the target language. (1)How much is +单数或不可数

7、名词?(sweater,shirt,skirt.) T:(Show them a picture of a clothes store ,point to one of the skirts.) Look!This is a blue skirt,its nice,I like it very much. I want to buy it.but how can I ask about the price ? ( Write “How much is .? Its 10 dollars and 50 cents.” on the blackboard.)Give the students so

8、me other examples,then ask them to work in pairs ,ask and answer about the price. (2)Present “How much are +复数名词 ? They are 10 dollars and 50 cents.” in the same way . (3)Practice: Pairwork. Ask the students to start their conversations like the sample conversations. T: Read the sample conversations

9、, look at the picture, student A acts as a clerk and student B acts as a customer, then make the conversations. For example : SB: How much is the sweater? SA: Its 15 dollars. SB: How much are the shoes? SA: They are 20 dollars. . Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Sammary: H

10、ow much is +单数或不可数名词? Its . How much are +复数名词? They are .Step5: Homework 1. Review the new words. 2. Make a survey by asking “How much is/are .?”and finish the chart.namesweaterpantsshoestotleGina¥50¥40¥45¥135知识目标:1 学习有关服装的词汇。sweater. shorts. shoes .shirt等服饰单词。 2 学会用How much的句型询问价格。能力目标:能用how much来

11、询问价格,能用数字回答价格。教学策略:1 通过重复其他人的语句来培养学生快速记忆的能力。 2 通过角色扮演增强学生的学习兴趣。 3 能在学习过程中与他人合作、探究,共同完成学习任务。情感态度:通过完成布置的教学任务,使学生养成不乱花钱,合理理财的好习惯。教学方法:自主、合作、探究的方法,任务型教学方式。教学媒体:多媒体辅助教学及实物。教学重点:学会关于衣服的词汇和询问价格的句型。教学难点:灵活运用所学知识。通过询问价格,使学生能够合理的支配零花钱,买到物美价廉的商品。教学过程设计:教 学 过 程教 学 内 容师 生 活 动效 果课 前 评价 活 动步骤1 复习1.教师教唱语歌one one o

12、ne歌曲。2.教师说单数英语单词“one, three ,seven,five学生拍手;说双数英语单词”two, four,six ,ten ”,学生跺脚。能调动学生的积极性和记忆思维,并为后面的用数字谈论价格学和编唱歌曲做好铺垫过程评价活动步骤2 导入课件出示上单元的各种食物图片,教师用句型“whats this in English/whatre these? Do you like it/them?”问,学生作答“Its a/Theyre 复习上单元的知识。(操练方式:T-Ss/SSs/S-S)1.复习上单元的知识并为学习引入本单元的新单词做好铺垫。2.能充分发挥学生的积极性,营造良好的

13、学习氛围,并使学生在英语学习中获得成功的体验,享受成功的快乐。步骤3 新课课件出示“pants/shorts/shoes/socks”图片,教师用句型“whats this in English?”提问,并教学生回答Its a教学新单词。3. 课件出示“shirt/T-shirt/sweater/skirt图片,教师用句型“whatre these?”教学新单词。1. 将新单词放入衣物的排行榜中,不仅能吸引学生的注意力。还可以检查学生的学习新单词的情况并强化记忆。2. 2.分组比赛也激发了学生的参与热情。步骤4 练习1.学生齐读、男女生分开读、链条式的一个个的读。2.记忆大挑战:A.利用课件快速的飞出10种衣物的排行榜情况(可以展示2到3次),让学生凭记忆猜出每种衣物的排行。B.分组以比赛的形式进行。将新单词放入衣物的排行榜中,不仅能吸引学生的注意力。还可以检查学生的学习新单词的情况并强化记忆。2.分组比赛也激发了学生的参与热情。不仅能充分培养学生之间的合作精神,还能激起学生的竞争意识。步骤5 句型1. 课件出示人民币和美元的图片,教学新单词“dollar”。2. 课件出示单数物品及价格,教师指着一图片:“The shirt i


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