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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题我国高等教育大众化过程需要更加关注4个问题:理解高等教育规模扩大的本原,加强人文素质教育,平衡优秀与平等的关系,协调大学与政府、市场间的关系。所有这些都要以明析高等教育哲学的一个根本问题为前提,即大学的根本使命和目标如何定位的问题。现代大学一定要使学生和公众都能够理解大学最终和最基本的使命是什么。大学不是提供获利的手段和就业单位的场所,而是要激发他们理性的光辉和力量,培养学生坚持长远地、全面地看待个人、社会与历史的发展所需要的能力。【答案】【参考译文】More attention should be paid to f

2、our issues during the massification of Chinese higher education: (1) how to understand the prime cause of the expansion of higher education; (2) how to reinforce liberal education; (3) how to balance the relationship between equality and excellence; and (4) how to harmonize the relationship between

3、the university, the government and the market. All these are based on the orientation about the ultimate mission and goal of universities. Modern universities must make students and the public understand their ultimate mission. A university is not a place where stratagems for profits and opportuniti

4、es of employment are provided; rather, it should inspire students rationalistic potencies, cultivate their ability to look upon the development of individuals, society and history from a long-term and all-around perspective.2. 单选题Complacency has led to some appalling ecological( ).问题1选项A.damagesB.tr

5、agediesC.catastrophesD.dangers【答案】C【解析】查名词辨析。damage意为“损害、毁坏”等时,是不可数名词,意为“价钱、费用”时,是可数名词,意为“赔偿费”时,必须用其复数形式。tragedy意为“悲剧,惨剧”;catastrophe意为“灾难,灾祸”;danger意为“危险”,泛指“危险”时,danger是不可数名词,指具体的“危险、危险物、可能造成损伤、疼痛等的人”时,是可数名词。句意:自满导致了一些可怕的生态灾难。3. 单选题The local government leaders are making every effort to( )the prob

6、lem of poverty.问题1选项A.abolishB.tackleC.removeD.encounter【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。abolish意“废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等)”;tackle意为“处理,解决(难题或局面)”;remove意为“移开,拿走”;encounter意为“遭遇,偶遇”。“领导人努力解决问题”更符合逻辑,因此选B。句意:地方政府领导人正在尽一切努力解决贫困问题。4. 翻译题It was a bleak, rainy day, and I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my

7、daughter Carolyns house. But she had insisted that I come and see something at the top of the mountain.Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black green evergreens towered over. Gradually the peace and silence of

8、 the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a cornerand I stopped and gasped in amazement.From the top of the mountain, sloping for several acres across folds and valleys were rivers of daffodils in radiant bloom. A profusion of colorfrom the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the most vivid

9、salmonblazed like a carpet before us. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside.A riot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?As we approached the home that stood in the center of the property, we saw a sign: ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS I

10、 KNOW YOU ARE ASKING. The first answer was: ONE WOMANTWO HANDS, TWO FEET AND VERY LITTLE BRAIN. The second was: ONE AT A TIME. The third: STARTED IN 1958.As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could scarcely speak. “She changed the world,” I finally said, “one bulb at a time. Sh

11、e started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.” The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if Id had a vision and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished?”【答案】【参考译文】凄风细雨,山路蜿蜒,我毫无兴致驱车前往女儿卡罗琳的家。可女儿一定要我前去看看山顶上的


13、,两只脚,而且天资不高。答案二:一次种一株。答案三:开始于1958年。驱车回家的路上,我为所见的一切感动不已,无言以对。“她改造了世界,”我终于说道。“一次种一株。她几乎40年前就开始了。当时也许只是一念之闪,但她持之以恒。”这一奇观令我回味良久。“试想,”我说道,“如果我有一个梦想,并为之努力,每天干一点,最后我会做出怎样的成绩呢?”5. 翻译题中国的电影行业已经步入了一个新阶段,始于七年前的行业结构改革使国内票房以年均3%的惊人速度达到一个新的增长水平,这在世界上也是不多见的。更多的优秀电影展现给了公众,这自然会吸引越来越多的观众走进电影院,也会激发投资商对该行业投资的热情,这的确是个良性

14、循环。中央政府已经采取了新政策,帮助刺激国内市场的发展。随着国内与国际市场密切关系的建立,国产影片在海外的影响和竞争力一定会越来越大。中国也已经承诺,将按照WTO协议进一步开放娱乐市场。当前,中国的电影制作人主要是自筹资金,但是新的筹资渠道正在出现。随着中国金融体制的完善,越来越多的电影电视公司依靠金融机构筹集资金,同时以票房收入、版权转让以及演员的个人声望做保障。【答案】【参考译文】Chinas film industry has entered a new stage. The structure reform of film industry starting from seven ye

15、ars ago has increased the domestic box office astonishingly in an average annual speed of 3% to a new level of growth, and this is also rare in the world.An increasing number of good movies will naturally attract more and more audiences into cinema and also stimulate the investors enthusiasm for inv

16、esting in this industry, which is indeed a positive circle. The central government has adopted a new policy to stimulate the development of the domestic market. With the establishment of a close relationship between the domestic and international market, the influence and competitiveness of domestic films


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