人教版新课标高一英语必修1unit2 english around the world Reading教案

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1、高中英语教学设计课 题: Unit 2 English around the worldThe Road to Modern English (Reading)(New Senior English for China Students Book 1) 设计教师: 徐丹帆 授课时间: 45分钟 联系电话: 622965 I. Teaching Contents 教学内容Unit 2 English around the World (NSEFC Book 1)Reading: The Road to the Modern English(普通高中课程标准实验教科书(必修)人教版英语(1)第二单

2、元英语在世界各地的阅读部分通向现代英语之路)II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计(三维目标)1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标(1)Able to understand the meaning of following words, phrase and sentence pattern and use them properly. (掌握以下单词、短语以及句型的含义,并合理使用他们)Important words(重点单词):Native, base, actually, gradually, rule, Danish, lat

3、ter, identity, fluentImportant phrases(重点词组):Because of, come up, base on, make use of, a large number ofImportant sentence pattern(重点句型)People from England made voyage to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,.in many other countries.Native English speakers can understand each other

4、even if the same kind of English.(2)Able to let student know the process of English change and the influence to the language when two different culture meet each other. (使学生大致了解英语演变的过程,和当在两种文化碰撞下,对语言产生的影响。)2.Ability objective能力目标(1) Able to find the key sentence of each paragraph and to get the main

5、 idea of the whole context through skimming, and find some specific information through scanning. (能通过略读找到个段落主题句和文章大意,通过细读找到确切信息。)3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标 (1) Able to be interested in English study, and know general knowledge of different kinds of English such as British English and American En

6、glish.(对英语学习产生一定的兴趣,并了解不同种类英语的不同点。)III. Teaching Important Points (教学重点)1. Able to master the following words and phrases. (掌握以下列出的单词和词汇。)Words: Native, base, rule, Danish,Phrases: Because of, come up, make use of, base on2. Able to use the following sentence pattern. (会使用以下句型。)People from England m

7、ade voyage to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,.in many other countries.Native English speakers can understand each other even if the same kind of English.3Able to get the main ideas of each paragraph .(提取各段落主旨。)IV. Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点)1. Able to use the concession ad

8、verbial clause which leads by “even if”. (学会使用even if 引导的让步状语从句。)2. Able to distinguish the usage of “because” and “because of”.(区别because和because of 的用法。)3Able to get the main ideas from passage.(提取出文段主旨大意)V. Teaching Methods (教学方法)1. Task-based method to make students interested in what they will

9、learn. (任务型教学法)2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage. (略读法)3. Careful reading to get some detailed information. (细读法)VI. Teaching Aids: (教学辅助手段)1. A blackboard(黑板)2. A map(地图)3. media player (多媒体播放器)4. A projector and a computer for multimedia (投影仪、多媒体)VII. Teaching procedures (教学程序

10、)Step I pre-reading (8minutes)(读前,8分钟)Activity 1: ListeningTeacher talk: Guess which dialogue speaks in British English and which in American English?Teacher activity: play a movie dialogue of English accent and a movie accent of American accent.教师活动:播放一段英音的电影对白和一段美音的电影对白。Student activity: listen to

11、 the recording and distinguish the accents. 学生活动:听录音并辨别英音和美音。设计目的:引起学生的学习兴趣,让学生主动参与。Activity 2: Discussion and BrainstormTeacher talk: Today we are going to talk about English which we are learning. As we all know there are many kinds of English spoken in the world, such as British English, American

12、 English and Australian English.Teacher activity: divide students into several groups. Ask the students the differences between British English and American English in word spelling and using. Let them present some examples. 教师活动:把学生分成几个小组。让学生说说英式英语和美式英语在单词拼写和使用上的不同, 并让他们举出一些例子。Student activity: sha

13、re their ideas with other group members and sent representatives to present their discussing result.学生活动:把自己的想法汇报给组员,并派代表发言。Activity 3: ThinkingTeacher talk: we just discuss the differences between British English and American English. Do you know why there are many kinds of English exist in the wor

14、ld? How widely is English used around the world?Teacher activity: Let students look at the title of the article “the road to modern English” and think about what is modern English and where is old English. 教师活动:让学生看看文章的题目,通向现代英语之路,想一想什么是现代英语,古代英语去哪了。Student activity: think about the questions that t

15、eacher asked.学生活动:学生对老师提出的问题进行思考。设计意图:(1)引起学生已有的知识,同时导入一定文中出现 新单词和短语,为阅读文章做准备。并使学生具备摄入新知识的心理定势。(2)导入课文题目,使学生带着问题,读课文。(3)激发学生对课文的兴趣。Step II. While-reading(25minutes)(阅读,25分钟)Activity 1: Fast-reading (15minutes)(1) Skimming (5minutes)(略读,5分钟) Teacher activity: let the students skim the whole passage and find the key sentence in each paragraph.教师活动:让学生略读全文并尝试找出段落的主题句。Student activity: read the text fast and find the key sentence in each paragraph.学生活动:学生快速浏览课文,并找出段落主题句。设计意图:训练学生快速阅读,归纳各段落的中心意思的能力。参考答案:Key sentence:Part 1 (paragraph



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