同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 14 Section Ⅲ ReadingⅡ Lesson 2Lesson 3 Word版含答案

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《同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 14 Section Ⅲ ReadingⅡ Lesson 2Lesson 3 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 14 Section Ⅲ ReadingⅡ Lesson 2Lesson 3 Word版含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Reading() (Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思()1.appointment An. 基础,根据()2.childhoodBadj. 附近的,周围的()3.instantCn. 片刻,瞬息()4.moralDadv. 不断地()5.basisEn. 生活;存在()6.surroundingFvt. 战胜,克服()7.juniorGn. 约见,约会()8.overcomeHn. 品德;品行()9.existenceIadj. 低级的()10.constantlyJn. 童年,儿童时代答案15GJCHA610BIFED.选择下列句中相应

2、词组的汉语意思()1.The idea of God has been in existence for as long as human beings have worshipped.()2.He was committed to the study of plants.()3.The key you lost has turned up.()4.I will meet you the instant you arrive.()5.After all these years,weve at last paid off all our debts.答案15DCBEA(教师用书独具)The Ro

3、ad to SuccessAs a child,Wang Junyan never dreamed of becoming a famous person on TV.“I never thought about going on TV because my family didnt even have one until I was in junior high school!” she explained.Now Wang Junyan is the presenter for Universe TVs news programmes.I asked her how she had ach

4、ieved success and she told me that being curious,working hard,and believing in what was true made her the success she is today.“It was my mother who taught me to be curious.She had a great love of everything in the universe and she taught me to be interested in mankind and nature,everything from pla

5、nts to insects,” Junyan told me.“We would look in old nests to find birds feathers and we would even turn over stones to look at the little creatures there.I loved doing that,” remembered Junyan.She said,“My mother was a strong character.Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome,she never

6、 let her problems defeat her.She worked extremely hard to support me through school and during my time at Fudan University in Shanghai.Her attitude towards life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions.”成功之路孩提时,王君燕从未梦想过成为一名著名的电视人,她解释说:我从来没想过从事电视工作,因为直到上初中我家才有了一台电视机。而现在王君燕成了环球电视新栏目的主持人,我问她

7、是怎样获得成功的,她告诉我,是好奇,努力工作和忠于事实的原则使他成为了今日的成功者。君燕对我说,是母亲教我对事物充满好奇心,她热爱宇宙中的任何事物,教我对人类和自然从植物到昆虫的任何事物感兴趣。君燕对我说:我们会在旧鸟巢里寻找鸟的羽毛。甚至把石头翻起来观察那里的小虫子。我习惯这样做。她还说:妈妈是个很坚强的人,虽然生活中有许多困难,但是她从不让困难打败自己。她拼命工作供我上学,知道我从上海的复旦大学毕业,她对待生活的态度一直影响着我的思想和行动。助读讲解not.until“直到才”,until引导时间状语从句。句中that引导宾语从句,作told的宾语,what引导的宾语从句作介词in 的宾语

8、。It was.who.是强调句。该句被强调的部分是my mother。have a great love of.对非常热爱After graduating from university,Wang Junyan became a reporter for a local newspaper.She said she chose to be a journalist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around them.I asked her if there was any special moment

9、that made her realise this and she replied that it was after she was asked to inspect an illegal business.Her report helped the people who had been affected and it also helped the government inspect the company and catch the guilty people.“That is when I realised the importance of being a journalist

10、,” said Junyan.大学毕业后,王君燕成为了当地一家报社的记者,她说选择做记者是因为了解周围发生的事对人们是最重要的,我问她有没有什么特别的时刻使她认识到这一点,她回答说在调查一桩非法交易之后。她的报道不仅帮助了那些受害者,还协助了政府调查那家公司并且抓住了罪犯。君燕说:就是在那时我意识到了新闻记者有多重要。助读讲解it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句;what引导的从句作grasp的宾语。that引导定语从句,修饰先行词moment。when引导表语从句。“Writing that report wasnt easy,but I realised that people

11、needed to know and so I didnt give up,” Junyan told me.This paid off because she won an award for the report.“I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports.”Thats exactly what Wang Junyan has been doing as the face of Universe TV.I

12、asked Junyan what she liked most about her job and she said that although there wasnt much glory in a reporters existence,she found it interesting and challenging.“I meet a lot of people and go to many different places.Im never bored in this job!” She added that as a reporter she needed many differe

13、nt skills and was constantly challenged to learn new things.Finally,I asked her if after many years she still felt curious.Smiling brightly,she told me,“Nothing that I learned from my mother has ever left me.Today when Im looking for stories,I still feel like Im turning over stones to see what might

14、 be hiding beneath!”君燕告诉我,写出那篇报道并不容易。但是我意识到人们需要知道真相,所以我没有放弃。她的坚持获得了成功,因为她的报道获奖了。我发现,只要我具有献身精神并决不放弃,就能写出高质量的报道。这也是王君燕成为环球电视的主持人后一直努力做的。我问君燕她最喜欢工作中的哪些方面。她说作为记者虽然不会得到很多的荣耀,但是很有趣,很有挑战性,我见到了很多人,去了很多不同的地方,这份工作永远不会使我厌烦!还补充说,作为一名记者,必须具备很多不同的技能,并且要不断的面对学习新事物的挑战,最后,我问她很多年以后是否会感到好奇,她一脸灿烂的笑容告诉我说:我从未忘记从妈妈那里学到的东西

15、,现在每当我寻找新闻故事的时候,还常常觉得好像自己是在搬起那些石头,去看看下面藏着什么东西。助读讲解as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。what引导表语从句,其中has been doing是现在完成进行时。“finditadj.”是“find宾语宾语补足语”结构。第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P26教材课文,选择最佳答案/匹配段落大意 1The whole passage mainly tells us .AWang Junyan is a great womanBhow Wang Junyan became a journalistChow Wang Junyan achieved successDwhy Wang Junyan chose to be a journalist2Para.1AThe reason why she chose to be a journalist.3Para.2BCharacteristics which made her a success.4Para.3CHer feeling about being a reporter.5Paras.45DMothers influence.


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