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1、新目的八年级下册英语作文复习(一)M hobby (myafter-schoo ativti, m sumer hliay)我的爱好(我的课余活动,我的暑假)My hobyisrch and colful Ialway readinthe rnig. I thin readngisineretin.Icn get lofknowledge m books.I elistenngto Elsh nn. thin glish is importatan interstig. Someimes I listn o popula msi eausmuic canrelx msef. Iofte pla

2、ybaskeballwthmy lassmafter shool. Ihink plingbasktbal is ood for our eat. It caget n wh y friend. I ke plinthepiano er much.I pratice pla tpianin he eng hn iisy homewor. am bsvry dy d I m vey ha我的暑假筹划(我的暑假)Now tht sume hlidyiscomig, I needoke hldy plan. it, I pa tofinih my omeworkin twoweeks ThnIwld

3、 lie to spread m wng and go vlin aboad. It isally fut meet foreign d ndean foreignuture.At la, I ink t neceyor m to g oe my lsons in order no to forge hat Ihaveleant. Ithink wil hav a nderfulholiay.y sumerhoiday isoming soon. M amlyr gigtoBijig, the capitlof Cina.Tre ae ay pces of inest. For exaple,

4、 the Gret Wall isneof the most amu places i th wod nd we ar gong to viitotherfmouspaces, liketh Palace Meu,t Summr Palace an so oNwI am goingover y Engis and study Engis hader an rder. I hpe Ican ravelall oer e old Ihin y reamioe tue sme ayin te fute.(五)y ovelhometow我可爱的家乡My hometwn i beautiul. Wite

5、 cludscan be sen inth luy. Eachseaso le a beutifu pictue.hen springcome, he hole world trngreen. Bids aresinging ad the rivrsr happilaeaveryhing row fa in um. When autn arves, y homtownis olored glden In wter, someienow covers the op fhe moutais Myometw i colorfulall thar roud.I ealylve y hmeton.(六)

6、w do yo gt on wllwit your classmates?你如何与你的同窗相处快乐?oday, many uent sa they do know how to get onwel wth cassmate. Thy ar n troubl. Now, Iillve yo smedvice. Frst ofall, eliee everone Beieing very important Belie others a youa be belieedSendly,iaan wn our classmaes neeelp. Lat, wheneve begn i isve imor

7、tan.If ou olow the dvi above, I bevyocan wlwi eryoeAn Unforgetable perice一次难忘的经历Tis smmr hliay, I went to Dalian wth y famiy We otherebya.lanis eybeautifulan moden cit. n te bus,w coudseall kindsf buildis hich ee ga.n te morning, got o e htel e welive.After breakfast, w began to our tavel Firs we to

8、okthe bus tteSe a. Tre reo many difn ins offises at oldnt beieve my eye. W also aw show fdlhins.Thene had lunc n a estat.Theseaood hc a very famou i Cin was licious.After luch w wentwming T sea asblue and bacw golden We alenoye ursev in the sa. Finly wentbak the hteher weived. Wehada happy da.Inhist

9、rip, e als went to somelaeicweeitest and faous in Dlian, went sopping and so o.Sevea days te, we lftDaln. O ur wayhome,we wee vry appy.This wasth rasn why we didnt fel ied. In ll, wehad god hoida七、假设你是李明,请给你的朋友尼克写一封感谢信,感谢她邀请你和她一起过暑假。 Dear ck, Tak y ryour iatintospendte smmr olidaith you . Itas vy go

10、od ofyu to invieme,ad Ireallyha a god me .I joyed the oo very m ,a Iliked myew friends, o. I sould be ery lase iyou coul comt y homeand tay wih u fo fw das do e youwl come/ Tan you aan. Yours,i Mg 作为一名中学生,要协助父母做某些力所能及的家务活。以Help M Prents 为题写一篇文章。提示: 1.我有一种幸福的家庭。爸爸妈妈工作很辛苦,因此我常常协助父母干家务2. 上午起床后整顿床铺、打扫房间

11、、扫地3. 早饭后刷碗,然后去上学。4. 下午回家后协助妈妈做晚饭、打扫客厅、倒垃圾5. 周末为全家洗衣服、叠衣服、帮爸爸洗车、浇花等。 Ihave a hay amly. My arentwork ally ard, so Ioftehel my parent do chore. In hemorning,Iake the e ft I get up. Thn Ilean my rooan swee th floo. Aftebreast, I aays dthe dishe and then I tschoo. In the afternon,when go bck hme,I suall

12、 hl my mothr oo the diner, cla thelivin roo ad teout the rbbsh. nweeknds,I feth launry ad foldhe clothe for myamly. SometmeI y fthe clthe cr and watr the flower. As a sudnt d membr f theamily, e houdhae thehouseor wthour part.作文五 写一篇80字的文章描述你的家乡或者你去过的地方。 1.Ha yu eve been toHinan land? It is scond lagestisland n Chia. Its abeauiful lace. Ifou g tere, you sould walkaong the beahes. Te weate i Hainan isvery ho, so popl likeing nwater sprt,



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