外研版初中英语八年级上册试题 全册精品(下)

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1、Module 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit 1 That smells delicious.学 习 目 标1、能够正确使用单词:feel, feeling, smell, quiet, salty, sour, tight, shoe, soup, dear, matter, cheese, fresh, try, lovely, sweater, both, smart, pretty, must, introduce, later, soft2、能够正确使用表感觉和知觉的系动词:sound, smell, look, taste, feel;掌握句子的系表结

2、构: link verb(系动词) + adj.(形容词)。3、能够听懂用表感觉和知觉的系动词所表述的内容,并能和图片匹配.4、能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。学 案 导 学一、 Warming-up Task 1 Boys and girls, lets look at the pictures, guess the words and write them down. 1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6. _ Task 2 Boys and girls, Please try to read the words in the box . Then complete the tabl

3、e with them. feel, look, smell, sound, taste, quiet, salty, strong, taste, tight, comfortable, delicious, fresh, nice, pretty, smart, soft, sweetEyelooksmart, pretty, NoseHandEarMouthNow please try to talk about your feelings for the pictures, using the above words in the table. 1 2 3 4 5 6e.g. 1. T

4、he shoes feel tight. 2. The vegetables look _. 3. The soup _. 4. _ 5. _. 6. The classroom _二、Listening and vocabularyActivity 1 Task 1 Please look at the pictures in Activity 1. What do you think is happening? Please guess and talk about your ideas with your partners. _ Task 2 Now lets listen to the

5、 tape and number the pictures according to the listening material in Activity 1. Then check with your partners.Activity 2 Task 1 Please read the words in the box in Activity 2, and try to understand the meanings of them. Task 2 Lets read the sentences in Activity 2 and match them with the pictures i

6、n Activity 1. Then check with your partners.Activity 3 Please listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answers for the questions according to the conversation.( )1.What have they made? A. A pizza B. Some cookies and a pizza C. Some chocolate cookies, a pizza and cheese( )2. How d

7、oes the cheese smell? A. It smells fresh. B. It smells delicious. C. It doesnt smell nice.( )3. How do the chocolate cookies taste?A. They taste sweet. B. They taste too strong. C. They taste sour.( )4. Who are they going to meet at the airport?A. Tony B. Sally and her friend C. SallyActivity 5 Task

8、 1 Boys and girls, please read the conversation in Activity 3, and complete the sentences in Activity 5. Then share your sentences with your class. Task 2 Please read the conversation in groups of four. Then try to complete the passage according to the conversation without your books.Betty has made

9、a pizza. It smells _. But the cheese doesnt _. Lingling has made some chocolate cookies. They _.Lingling is wearing a sweater. Her sweater feels _, and she looks _ in the lovely sweater. Linglings friend, Sally is coming. She sounds _ and _ in her photo.三、Language points Task 1 Boys and girls, can y

10、ou find out the useful expressions and the sentences with sense verbs?同学们,你们能找出重点短语以及含有(表感觉和知觉的)系动词的句子吗?The useful expressions: _The sentences with sense verbs:(含有系动词的句子)_ Task 2 Now please sum up the usage of sense verbs : _四、SpeakingActivity 8 Task 1 Please ask and answer about the things in the t

11、able in pairs. Say why you like or dont like, and write down the your partners answers in the table.ThingsLike() / dont like()Why or why notClassical musicsounds beautifulFlowersIce creamJazzRoast duckSilk shirtSeaTrainersBede.g. A: Do you like classical music? B: Yes, I do. It sounds. It sounds beautiful. Task 2 Boys and girls, can you make a report about the above table? Please try. Im sure you can._达表提高一、翻译下列词组:1. 摸起来柔软_ 2. 闻起来香 _ 3. 尝起来酸_ 4. 没关系_ 5. 试一试_ 6. 接朋友_7. 向


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