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1、英语单词测试题 / 一、读一读,选一选( ) 1、goodbye A你好 B再见( ) 2、name A名字 B我的( ) 3、afternoon A上午 B下午( ) 4、hi A 熊猫 B你好( ) 5、my A我 B我的( ) 6、good A好的 B你的( ) 7、morning A早晨 B下午( ) 8、your A你 B你的( ) 9、what A 什么 B是( ) 10、it A 它 B这个( ) 11、is A是 B去( ) 12、yes A是 B不是( ) 13、I A我的 B我( ) 14、Im A我是 B我的( ) 15、open A 关上 B打开( ) 16、colou

2、r A 颜色 B白色( ) 17、no A是 B不是( ) 18、point A听 B指( ) 19、Ms A女士 B先生( ) 20、a A一(个,件)B一些二、算一算,选一选1、two + six = ( ) A seven B eight2、ten three = ( ) A five B seven3、five + one = ( ) A six B ten4、eigh five = ( ) A two B three5、three + six = ( ) A nine B ten6、seven six = ( ) A one B three7、one + one = ( ) A tw

3、o B four8、four + six = ( ) A nine B ten9、nine four = ( ) A five B six10、three + one = ( ) A four B ten三、把单词序号写在相应颜色的括号里1 2 3 4red pink green blue5 6 7 8 9orange purple yellow white black红 粉 黄 绿 蓝 紫 橙 黑 白( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、连线girl door window boy ball dog panda sit down bird stand up

4、五、读问句,选答句,把编号写在括号内。( ) 1. Do you like apple pies? A. O.K. Here you are.( ) 2. May I have some fish? B. No, I like cakes.( ) 3. Smell the bread. C. Its cold and sweet. ( ) 4. Taste the ice cream. D. Thank you.( ) 5. Here you are E. How nice!六、根据情景,圈出正确的句子的代号。10%1、想知道Danny 喜不喜欢饼干,可以问: A Do you like bi

5、scuits, Danny? B. What do you like, Danny?2、别人问你喜不喜欢玩具,你回答说: A. Yes, I like toys. B. No, I like toys.3、你不小心弄坏了朋友的书,你表示道歉,可以说: A. Thank you. B. Im sorry.4、你非常喜欢你的自行车,你对你的同学说: A. I like my bicycle very much. B. I like your bicycle very much.5、你有一个很好吃的冰淇淋,想和你的同学分享,你说: A. Touch the ice cream. B. Taste t

6、he ice cream.七、看一看,读一读,圈一圈。(1) eleven A 11 B12(2) tree A树 B花(3) bird A鸟 B书包(4) kite A猫 B风筝(5) many A许多 B一些(6) how many A多少 B许多八、脑筋急转弯。( )Your mothers mother is your . A mother B grandmother C sister( ) Your fathers father is your .A father B grandfather C brother( ) Your uncle is your fathers .A fat

7、her B grandfather C brother九、补充对话,把你认为正确的序号填在括号里。Boy: Look at the ( ) ,so many ( ) !Girl: How many ? ( ) count !Boy:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,( ),twelvw.Twelve birds.Girl: ( ) green birds?Boy: One,two,three,four. Four green birds.A Lets B How many C eleven D tree E birds十、 看一看,圈一圈。sister s i s t e r m o w friend f r i e n d x z agrandma r g r a n d m a s brother y b r o t h e r hmother m o t h e r u v n grandpa k j g r a n d p afather b c f a t h e r 友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!



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