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1、179年国际海上搜寻与救济公约(英文版) 09月20日 ITERATIO CNVENION ON MRITME SEACHANDRESCUE, 9 THE RTIE T HE CONVENN, NOTIG h greatimpotc atachd in sevralconvetion o the rendg oassistance tprsons ditressa sa and to tstablsent b very costal Statef adeq and fctiveanemensfor coast watchngad fr earh and resuervces, HAVIN CN

2、IDERED Reomnati0 adpted y hIntrational Conferee n Safy ofLfe at Sea, 196, whih reogizes te esirbility fco-ordnatigcivitis reardingsaet on nor th sea amn umer o itergovnal ganiztios, DESIRIG o developand promote these aivi b esablihing ainteratioamarti seah and rescue plnresonsble the nee f maritime

3、traffic frth resue of esons in distres ase, WISN o prootecoeaionamo search d recue oranztins arund teorldanamongthosparticiping n sah adrescue opatnat sea. HVGREED as folows: rtice I General ligations under the Coveti T Patsndertk tadop a leislatve orother appropiae measures ncessary o gie ul efet t

4、o he Cnvntin and its Anex, which isan ntegrl par o e Coenti Unlss exresy pided oterwise, a refeec tothe Cnvenncostitutesa th se tie aefernc t tAnnex. Arile Oe trties ndntrprtation1. othi nhe Cnveion shall preudce the codfcatin nd evelopmeto thlwf the s by hented NaonConee on the Law oheSa onvned pur

5、sun tosution70(XXV) f theGenralAsebly of the Unied tion norhe preso turecaimsand legal viewsf any Stte cocerng thelaw of th ea andthe nature aetentof castl nlag te jurisdito 2. No prvisonof the Cnvetnhall be consted aspjdicin ligions orihtsof sesprovided fr i oe interational instruent.rtice III Amen

6、ents. The Convetn may be aendd y ither f the poures speifed in praaphs 2 an3renafer. 2.Amendment ater onsderatio witin tenter-Govenental Mriti Cnsultatie Organizain (hrinfter rfeto asthe Orgniation): () A mndmen poposd by Pay anransmitt to the ScretaryGneral othe rganitio (heeinafte refered o atecre

7、tar-Geneal),or anyanmen deemed ncessaryby the Secrtry-Geeral as a reultf aendent to correspodn prsono nnex 12 to the Convention on nternatonalCivlAvation,shal circulated to ll Mmbers of he Oganiation nd llPties at leatix ohs ior to its consideratin by the Mrtme SafeyCmmiteeof h rgiaion. (b) rties, w

8、hehe or no Merof th rganization, sall be ntile to prtcipte inthproceengs ofthartime SafeComitte r coderaonand aotn f amendments. (c) Amenmentsshlbedopted by a two-tird majortyof the Parties prese and otg in theMii aty ommittee on onition that at leastone hird ohe Partis sall be prnt at tetimef aopti

9、oof th amnden. (d)Amendmens ated in cranc with sub-pragrap (c) shlle commiat b the Screaryeneato all Partie for accepc (e)An amendmento Articl or o paagaphs .,1.5, 2.,2.1.10, 3.1.2 r 3.1.3 theAnnshale deee to he benccpted he date nwhiteereary-Generl has recived anntrunt ofacepace from t tird ofth Pa

10、ts ()n amendmnttothe Annex oter thato aragraphs2.1.4, 2.1.,.1.7, 2.10, 3.2 o.13 sal bedeemed to have been accep at he end oon yer frm edt n hic it is comncated t the Partie for acceptance Hweer, if withinsu eriod o year morethan o hirdo he Patis otfy theSery-enerl tha theybjectheamedment,itllb deemd

11、 not t he nccepted.() andmt an Arice or toaragraphs 21., 2.1.5, 1., 2.1.10, .1.2 3.3 of h Annex halleter nto force:(i) wihrepecttothosePrties which hae acceted it, six mnh at he date ohchi s deemed t hv be acptd; (i) wit respect hose Prti wihacet it trth cnditio mntoe i sub-paagraph (e) as bn met an

12、 before h aement enes itforce, te daeof etry ito foc of thmenden; (ii) wihespect to thoe rtewhich ccepti ater the ate whih the amenmn enters intorc, 30ds ater the psi f trumentofcceptnce. (h) n ameent to the Anneher tato aagras 2.1.4, 215, 2.17, 2.1.10, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 hall ete itoforc with espec toa Paties, excet tose whave ojected tothe ament under su-ragrap



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