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1、Teaching Plan for Showing Our FeelingsBy Li CancanTeaching Goals:After learning the lesson, students will be able to 1. describe how to show feelings with body language in English after reading2. use words and expressions in the text correctly 3. write a summary about what they learn in class4. know

2、 more about body languageTeaching Important Points: 1. to help students to know more about body language2. to help students do exercises with new words and expressionsTeaching Difficult Points:To help students understand the text and describe how to show feelings with language . Teaching Aids: compu

3、ter, blackboardTeaching Methods: Task, Discovery and ExercisesTeaching Steps:Step1. Lead-inTo lead in the topic of the lesson设计意图:引入本文的重点词body language,为新知识学习作铺垫Step2. ReadingTask1. The whole class read the first paragraph aloud to figure out “what is body language?” Body language is the most powerf

4、ul means of communication, even more powerful than spoken language. Body language is _(speak) language.设计意图:了解身体语言的作用和引出下一环节 Task2. Body language is so powerful. Let student show their feelings right now with their body language. The teacher explains what does the word “feelings” mean?设计意图:让学生体会body

5、 language的 power,引出单元的主题“show our feelings”。老师解释什么是feelings为学生的Task3 做准备,Task3. Read paragraph 2 to paragraph 6 quickly to find out the feelings and body language the text mentions.设计意图:让学生找和Feelings 和 body language有关的词,加深学生对本课关键词feelings 和body language的理解。为Task4作准备。Para.2 Smile Happiness SmilePara.

6、3 Frown and make a fist Unhappiness or angerPara.4 Nod the head up and down Shake the head from side to sideAgreement and disagreementPara.5 Look away from people and yawn Feeling bored, uninterestedPara.6 Turn forward and look at someone or something Feeling interestedPara.7 Dont stand too close to

7、 someone of a higher rank Respect Task4. Read the last paragraph to answer “Is it great to have similarities in body language? Why?”设计意图:了解body language 的重要性, 为Task5作准备Task5. Describe how to show feelings using expressions like 1. doingmeans/shows。2. the function/purpose is to3. is used for 4. if I

8、, people will think that 设计意图:巩固快速阅读成果,锻炼口语和句式表达。Task6. Read paragraph 2 to paragraph 7 carefully to finish some detailed information.设计意图:更加仔细阅读课文,练习新词和表达。 Para.2. 1. The kids _(face) expression are showing happiness.2. There are happy smiles on their faces, because they are _ (true) happy and _(自在

9、,快活).3. False or unhappy smiles hide feelings like _(angry), fear or worry. Para.3 1. People show unhappiness and anger by_. 2. Making a _(拳头) means _ (threaten) others. Para.4 1._ is used for agreement.2.Shaking the head side by side means _.Para.5 1. _make people appear (to be) _(interest)Para.6 1

10、. You had better show your respect to your teacher and your boss by giving them a hug. 2. You should stand very close to someone whose rank is higher than you.Step5. Writing Students are asked to write a summary about the reading text about what they learn in the lesson. 设计意图:自我检测课堂学习效率。Step6. Enjoy

11、 a video Students will know how powerful the body language is after watching. 设计意图:看视频,老师总结,实现本节课的情感目标。让学生的学习结果得到进一步升华。Step7. HomeworkFinish writing task on Page32. 设计意图:延生巩固课堂学习成果。Blackboard Design:Showing our feelingsOn the left:Head: Para.1: Body language, powerful means of communication, unspoke

12、nBody: Para.2 Smile Happiness SmilePara.3 Frown and make a fist Unhappiness or angerPara.4 Nod the head up and down Shake the head from side to sideAgreement and disagreementPara.5 Look away from people and yawn Feeling bored, uninterestedPara.6 Turn forward and look at someone or something Feeling

13、interestedPara.7 Dont stand too close to someone of a higher rank Respect Foot: Para.8 different culture, similar body languageOn the right: 1. doingmeans/shows。2. the function/purpose is to3. is used for 4. if I , people will think that教学反思:由于本次阅读任务较简单,学生很快能掌握文章的结构大意。由于文章结构较清楚,没必要给学生设置太多的阅读问题,本节课用一整节课的时间处理阅读,单位时间内学生取得的收获没有最大化。要是再设计本节课,应该把本材料定义为阅读讨论课。通过学生的阅读来讨论其他的身体语言。


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