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1、语法填空专项模拟题 1(广州毕业班综合测试一)The Langage f Lovusii a uirsal lange,hich ha temst poful agic in he world.Msic is swet languge toshowve t thoseh lo us nd thse h 1. (ove) by us.Musici as frenly lagug for unfal pople to show ndnest i ling everywe and ll the tm i ur daily lie.I learndtis wile 2. (take) careof s

2、aul unfonate nog to wallowa hook(挂钩).After calligthe idlife rce nter and learning tht als 3.(vehicl)wre u note bsins,Icfully 4. (ra) the dirdi a toland carrie hi to m frieds carTe nl ay 5.(ee) im cl was by siging.or30 mint,Isan (soft) tthsmall creure untilnay elverng m toe ho ouldhlp.Imnot certain 8

3、. hppne afterward,but othatbrie erod,e wo astl iffern peciesnected,rng 9. gp btweenus trough songs.10. dont mtte wetherterewil be difcltiesin commncatin,for love is away the hem of each pieeof musc答案与解析【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,重要讲述了我和一只受伤的海鸥通过音乐沟通的故事。1.ae lv考察时态和语态。根据上文中的“wo love us”可知,空处应用一般目前时。由后边的可知,应用被动语态

4、。2.takg考察省略。分析句子构造可知,hile引导的状语从句的主语和主句的主语相似,均为I,且从句中具有be动词was,故从句中可省略主语I和be动词wa,本句补充完整为:I lerned this hle Ia taking.ah(挂钩)。3.veicles考察名词的数。根据空前面的l和背面的we可知,此处ehicle要用复数形式。4.wraed 考察时态。句意:我用毛巾细心地把这只野生的鸟包住并带她上了我朋友的车。此处是对已发生的事情的描述,因此wrap要用一般过去时。注意:wp的过去式需要双写p再加-,因此答案为wrapped。to keep 考察非谓语动词。way o o h.为固

5、定用法,意为“做的措施”,因此填tokep。6.soly考察词性转换。句意:我柔声地对这个小不点儿唱着歌直到最后把她送给那些可以协助她的人。此处应用of的副词形式修饰动词n,因此答案为ftly。7.t考察介词。根据语境可知,“我”把海鸥交给可以协助她的人。eliv sth.t s.是固定短语,意为“把某物带给某人”,故填。8.wht考察宾语从句。此处表达“我不拟定后来发生了什么”。空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,故应用连接词wat。9the考察冠词。句意:我们两个完全不同的物种通过歌曲消除我们之间的隔阂。bridge the gap为固定短语,意为“消除隔阂”。1.t 考察形式主语。I作形式

6、主语,真正的主语为“wether therewill be dificulties n cmunicion”。(湖北武汉毕业班调研)Sedn gts varesratlyfrom count to untr.Austala,Canada,te United Sates . Europa cnies,endng ift is rrely expcted.ile sn a ance gstur,itisrimportat o avoid . (give)ighly esol ifts such a lothing.Wen visting he home acoleaguefrneofthese 3

7、. (ounty), is noraly popri to brng a gifo te hostess.In Amerca,4. (exnse) gift are finity out god5. (chooe) i to take the derving psn to diner,r o 6 entrtamet aspotngevent. tecotrary,gft givig is atdial custom in Japan.I Jap the proper gift istouh 8. (xpes) the gvertue riendship,grtitue nd eset fa 9

8、.(l) ha ord an.Soif yo lan to vitJapn or t hae any Jaaesevisit you here,be prepare.Australia is knonfr itsfrendiess nd inomliy.So mest gift,uh as a dary,a paperweiht,r a coffe cp migh . (ren) fen trade sow,T-sirts,ti,basebalcap,or in ay be approraesvenirAyting more than thee tpes of gfts coul cae ma

9、rrassmet.答案与解析【解题导语】本文是一篇阐明文,简介了美国、日本、澳大利亚等国不同的送礼物的习惯。1.and 考察连词。根据空前的“Atralia,Canad,te United Sts”和空后的“rpean countrie”可知,空处前后为并列关系,故用并列连词ad。giing考察动词的-ing形式。o do sh为固定搭配,意为“避免做某事”,故填giing。3.counrie 考察名词的数。根据空前的tese可知,可数名词county应当用复数形式。4esive 考察形容词。空处修饰背面的名词if,故用形容词形式。5.choice考察名词。根据空前的形容词ood和不定冠词A可

10、以判断,空处应用名词的单数形式。6.an考察不定冠词。该处泛指“一次娱乐活动”,entrtainmen的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。7n考察固定搭配。othcntray为固定搭配,意为“与此相反”。8t exprs考察动词不定式。此处表达“在日本,恰当的礼物被觉得体现了送礼物者真正的友谊”。b tough tdo sth.为固定搭配,意为“被觉得做了某事”,故用动词不定式。9.better 考察比较级。根据空后的tan可知,该处用wel的比较级。1.be peset考察被动语态。该句主语metgifts和动词preet之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。3(四川成都第二次诊断)The wies h

11、o lvd witt wls f Weerg aste n Germany were welawae of the rche it ed:ol,slver,jel,ad wealth beyod beliefThen the ycamin 114 D wenal tei .(valu) trase was threatenedWef,he Duke o ara,sat2. (ap)isie hs Weinsr Cstle.Outsidte sle walsla army ofFrederck,h Duk of Swbi,3. hi rothe,the mr onrad,. army had s

12、urrunde he asle and demnethe es nd te ivesofth en withnlhough e conquerig commadrad cndition or t saferelease of ll woen a childrn,the wivs i isberg refused . (leave) withoutaving ther wn coiio met.They demnde tat they be aloedtofill heir rms 6. as mn osessins as h could carry o.hinkingtthe wme coulnt 7. (pssibe) teh,hey met their rqust.n te csle gts opn,th army otsidew brougtto 8. (tear):every wmn was carynghr usband!Kad assurethomen of ter usbnds compet 9.(ae) n freedom.Heivite hm all to a banque a0. (make) ace with te Duke o Bavra


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