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1、高考英语读后续写:6个情绪必背句型句式1:Sb felt a great sense of 情绪welling up in sbs heart and surging through sb. 某人感到一股强烈的 在内心升腾奔涌。例句:Wendy 感到一股强烈的恐惧在她内心升腾奔涌。Wendy felt a great sense of horror welling up in her heart and surging through her.升级 (刺激-情绪-动作)例句:1)看到一把斧子破门而入,Wendy感到一股强烈的恐惧在内心升腾奔涌。Seeing an ax piercing thr

2、ough the door, Wendy felt a great sense of horror welling up in her heart and surging through her.2)感到一股强烈的痛苦在内心升腾奔涌,甄嬛在门边痛哭。Feeling a great sense of sorrow welling up in her heart and surging through her, Zhen Huan cried bitterly by the door.3)看到Maruko不愿意起床,她的妈妈感到一股强烈的愤怒在内心升腾奔涌,生气地对她喊了起来。Seeing tha

3、t Maruko was unwilling to get up, her mother felt a great sense of anger welling up in her heart and surging through her, shouting at Maruko angrily .句式2: A wave of 情绪 固定动词 sb as sb did sth.当某人做某事时,一阵 情绪向某人袭来情绪名词:(开心) happiness/joy/delight (感激) gratitude/appreciation (钦佩) admiration(狂怒) anger/rage/f

4、ury(悲伤) sadness/sorrow (害怕) fear/terror/fright/panic (悔恨) guilt/regret/remorse (震惊) astonishment/shock/surprise (焦虑) nervousness/anxiety固定动词:(抓住) seize(围绕着) surround (击垮) defeat (袭来) sweep/flood over (吞噬) swallow (笼罩) envelop (使难以承受) overwhelm例句:当Tom发表演讲时,一阵焦虑笼罩着他。A wave of nervousness / enveloped /

5、 Tom / as he delivered a speech.=Tom was enveloped by a wave of nervousness as he delivered a speech.升级 (刺激-情绪-动作)例句:演讲时,Tom被一阵焦虑所笼罩,他全身出汗,想逃离教室。Enveloped by a wave of nervousness as he delivered a speech, Tom sweated all over, wanting to escape from the classroom.听到这个消息时,他被一股震惊所抓住,待在原地一动不动,不知道接下来要说

6、什么。Seized by a wave of shock as he heard the news, he stood rooted to the spot,wondering what to say next.句式3: 情绪 and情绪 , sb did sth, doing sth.感到和, 某人做某事,并做某事。例句:大卫充满信心和决心,继续奔跑,奋力冲向终点线Confident and determined, David kept on running, struggling to reach the finish line.感到坚定和受到鼓舞,大卫抬起头,感激地看着我。Determi

7、ned and inspired, David raised his head, looking at me with gratitude.感到放松和快乐,大卫在越过终点线后立刻向我挥手,表达他的快乐和感激。Relieved and delighted, David waved at me immediately after crossing the finish line, conveying his happiness and gratitude.句式4: 情绪adj as sb was,sb did sth.尽管某人感到 , 某人仍做某事例句: 尽管很紧张,Peter仍鼓起勇气走上舞台。

8、Nervous as he was, Peter plucked up courage and made his way to the stage.尽管着急和不情愿,我还是按照爸爸的要求去洗碗。Anxious and reluctant as I was, I still did the dishes at Dads request.句式5: 身体部位+非谓语动词,sb did sth.Eyes filled with regretful tears, sb did sth. (眼里满含着) Eyes glittering with joy, sb did sth. (眼里闪着)Face sh

9、ining with delight, sb did sth. (脸上闪耀着)Heart beating with happiness, sb did sth (心砰砰直跳)Arms/legs/muscles aching and knees shaking, sb did sth. (胳膊/腿/肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖)例句:自信而坚定,大卫继续奔跑,汗水顺着他的脸流下来。Confident and determined, David kept on running, sweat streaming down his face.让我们欣喜若狂的是,大卫顺利越过终点线,脸上闪耀着满足的喜悦。To o

10、ur joy, David crossed the finish line smoothly, his face shining with satisfied delight.6. 情绪1 faded away and gave way to 情绪2. 情绪1消失不见了,取而代之的是情绪2.例句:Jenny之前的内心纠结消失了,取而代之的是对于做了正确抉择的自豪感。Jennys previous inner struggle faded away and gave way to a sense of pride in making a right choice.学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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