PEP小学英语四年级上册 全英教案

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1、Uit 1y Csoo单元分析一、教学内容 1、本单元规定会听,说,认读旳单词:Wido,board,liht,pcure,doo,for,classroom,comput,wall, eachrs desk,fn,hat,in,e,w,have,ne,g,here 2、本单元规定会听,说旳单词和词组: many ur seat nerclasmate clen haea lo good idea allrigt goo job 3、协助学生在掌握单词旳基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。二、教学规定1、能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。2、掌握本单元浮现旳生词,词组和字母。、会唱本单元旳歌曲。三

2、、教学重点和难点1、对于较长旳单词如claroom, lsa, comute旳掌握以及对于第一次浮现旳词组和短语如hae aloo, godjob旳掌握。 2、对于礼貌用语“Thank yo, Excus m, Afer yu”旳掌握与应用。、描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。四、教学学时安排:第一学时:A ets rn,Lts do,God to no第二学时:Alets talk,Let cnt,Lets in第三学时:A a nd te,ri a sy,Stry time第四学时:B Lets learn,Lets play,Ls fin out,第五学时:B ts talk, et

3、s pay, Lesch,第六学时: Rdand write,Wrt ad ra;Tas tieLesson 11. eacingAimLe the tudents mster hewrds: window, classroom, or, lig, d, boar, andpture. Whn the see eoject, hey a recognize nd redtemand d th ationabout tem2. Teachin AiA loom, a eo clot, a pictre A board-wiprand tape- reorer.3. Impornt ointPic

4、tue,classom, wdow,bod, an blkboard 4.Tehngteps(1) Gretings(2) Nonnt Th tche reds te od li at the clrom, the wdow,the do, e oo, h bad d he lis i English one bone. The the eacer aksstdentsore fte him. aks:” hats i th classm?” Choose sveral sudentwho nows the answers t anwerby uingthwds theye justarnd.

5、 h acrhws the cads the ods while thstdtre nwerig. hen thetecher pointsat the d andasks th studntsto ead ftr hr one by e.(3)GruporOne tuentasksthe quen nd t other nswers. Tn the tehr asks ome groups toshow tework()PacticeTetahr hand he cs of th blom,h piece of cloth,t picue and th bord-wiper to the s

6、tudn andasksthem tre fer he. Then he studetlisten tothetewil th tacher i onte acos:opningth door, urn on he lit,Swephe fr,ca he window, put pthe pctur nd lean the bo. h the eace ds the acongan and ks sudents to fooAftertht, ooe seeal pairs stuens o do it ike h. Durings prod the ehe says somehin abou

7、 he vebs ke open, trn, se, leand ut. isen tothetap ndredafter t.5. HomworkAsk the tdt to remember the new ods and listen t hetapefte clas and try to mae the Ameicacent. Listento the ta6.Tecng nLessn21.Teachig msLetth stdentsrecgizeandread wordsad expresons(cassate, seat, ndavea ook) ndse te dialoue

8、frely.2.TeachingaisA tape-erder some pictre oe rd3.aching stps(1)retings (2) ReisionTe tah and hecdsan sksa te sudnts to read hem one y one as qkl atheycan Listn t the msic and th acn开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板 d ak the stdesto ythem in Engls.() ew contnt.The teaherssh textstnce theblakboard using the ompuer seenc

9、by teceand akwho anread hstudent hocn read them o readandte hose or 3 studets readte hm. ftertat he techerradsthe setesad let the follow him Teisteno the aandfollot.(4)PrieDivide tem intoso mallgoup ad lthemracice igroups an the asks ome th tohowte ex.4HomeorkLisentothe tapeaftr cass and try

10、 t imitae theaccent.a theet mootlyLeso3.Teaching aims (1) Let te studet maste the lettersA ,B, C , D, .(2)Reemb he wrds andpressions:cputer,all , fnd te tchedes 2.Teaching ads a tpe-cordr ictre car3.eahing stes(1)Greetins(2) eviionLe thedetslistn to th tpe andfllow itsntene by entence Teallthe studn

11、 read thetext toether. Next, ak sm onet read te te.At at, ak some qestionsand l te aswer.(3)ew contenth tacher aksthe student to look athe bord while he wrtesAa Bb Ccd e .Te s the tuent to pracic them on therexecieboks he ask sme one t e to th boardand wrte he leters otm. ext, et oth se wh tereis mi

12、sak.“Fill inthe blnk”A: Teeachr gves the tdent sverl letter f aword. B: Lt testudets guess what te word i.hen ahem to fill in te blaks. o exercseaboutte wods.4.HmeworkLtthe sdtto mmrize th words.Rcith whledialogue.sson 1. Tachig am)Let the stdents now the wod clean(ver andadj.)aepressos “God ob, Go id



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