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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除AT THE ZOO 教学设计 杏林中心小学 陈丽红PEP Book 2Unit6 At the zooPart (A) Lets talk& Lets learn教学目标与要求知识目标:能听说认读单词:small, big, long ,short 等描述外表特征的形容词。 能听懂、会说:Look at . It has . Its so . 等介绍动物特征的句型。能力目标:能在实际情境中运用所学句型对动物特征进行描述,并能模仿正确,语调自然。情感目标:充分利用学生喜爱小动物的特点,能根据图片的提示,用目标语说表达出正确的英语描述语言。激发学生

2、学习英语的兴趣。重点描述动物特征的句型:Look at. It has. Its so .难点运用句型描述动物的特征。教具录音机、CD片,若干动物卡片,谜语卡片教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1. Greeting to students.Good morning boys and girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.2. lets chant. 【设计意图:活跃气氛吸引学生注意力,为学习新句型做铺垫】2. Lets chant: 三上Unit 4 lets chant. T: Wow , John has so many animals ,

3、 do you like animals?. Today Miss chen will take you to the zoo and now I have a riddle for you. Can you guess what it is? It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. It drinks water with its nose.What is it?S: elephant? Pig? Rabbit?T: Maybe you do not know the answer. L

4、ets find out its answer later. And after todays learning . you also can make a riddle for your friends.T: Now lets do . Whole class stand up . if you do the wrong action. You need to sit down,. I f you do a good job. I will give you stars.(评价激励)3. 做三上Unit 2 A Lets do. 复习身体部位单词。教学环节师生活动Presentation&P

5、ractice(新知呈现及练习环节)总结1 T: Touch you tail.! 2 Ss: tail? (学生做不出动作)3 T: Oh do you have a tail? This is a tail. (拿出玩具猴子,指着猴子的尾巴教授tail.) Oh, you do not have a tail. Who has a tail? Yes, look. Monkey has a tail. It has a long tail. Cat has a tail. It has a long tail. Does rabbit has a long tail? Oh , it ha

6、s a short tail. Short. Listen 3 times , do not repeat. Who can say? Follow him/her. It has a short tail. And it has a long ear. (口语渗透 Its so funny.)4 T: Lets chant(学生听音乐,读LETS CHANT)5 T: Look, miss chen have a long ruler. And i have a short ruler too,i have a short pencil. i have long arms. I have l

7、ong legs. Can you make phrases?( 让学生用long, short 6 Ss: short pencil. Short ruler, long pencil ,long rulerT: look at this elephant. Wow. Its so _(通过图片放大引出学生说big)S: big. The elephant is so big and the mouse is so _(引导学生说出small) (单词操练 G by G. 2/2)学法指导 2 GAME LOOK AND SAY (跺脚游戏) Lets play a guessing gam

8、e. What is it? (猜谜游戏熟悉It has.这个句型。 4. The elephant is so big . have you ever seen the elephant? Lets go the Zoo and watch the elephant with Miss white. 5. First lets watch the cartoon and answer choose the answer. Check the answer.6 . Lets what the video again and fill in the blanks. It has _and _.

9、It has _and _. It is so _Read together. Listen and repeat. Whole class read together. Boys/ Girls. 7. T:the elephant is so funny . do you want to see more animals .lets play a guessing game? What is it? 播放动物的声音,让学生猜。 (例如播放大象的声音)S。 elephant. It has a long nose. It has big ears. 8. Its time to solve o

10、ut the riddle. T:Here I have another riddle for you . guess what is it?T: NOW lets play the card game. Lets see who is the super man in making riddle. (教师做示范,)Summary. 8. Home work.Homework:1.Read the dialogue with your classmate.2.Describe the animals you likes to your friends or your family. 3.Mak

11、e a riddle for your friends.教学反思本节课的构思:在At the zoo的教学过程中,我创设了一个教学情景:带学生去动物园参观,在参观的过程中认识认识动物的特征,并针对学校的课题,针对城乡结合部小学生听说习惯的养成课题,根据小学三年级英语课堂教学特征,来培养学生并培养学生爱说,敢说,并能针对动物特征,利用所学的目标语准确的说的习惯。本节课的成功之处:1、把握住小学生好动的性格,在课堂教学中尽可能多的让利用各种动物的动作,叫声,他们形态逼真,惟妙惟肖的摹仿表演给课堂增色不少,猴子的轻灵调皮,长颈鹿的慢条斯理,狮子凶猛的咆哮,熊猫悠闲自得的吃竹枝,这极大的提高了学生的学

12、习积极性,他们争先恐后的回答和描述所知道的动物特诊。2、借用资源,在教完新单词后,我针对小孩子活泼好动的特点,采取和多种的巩固复习的方式,小组说,二人说,单人说。有序的机械操练,要培养三年级小朋友正确的发音和模仿说英语。 3、通过歌谣的形式,听声音来猜动物,描述动物,看图片猜动物等多种活动形式,创设情境,引导学生有意义的说,培养学生爱说,敢说的语言学习习惯。 本节课的不足之处:1、学生的形容词组有很大的图片,学生基本能用英语形容词来描述,但是对整个句子的表达还不够熟练,需要在课堂中的首个例句出现时就大量扎实的巩固。2。对于在描述动物时,学生对单复数概念很模糊,无法正确的表达。可以再个别环节,通过图片来再次强调下。培养学生能正确的说英语。3.在卡片互动环节,学生情绪过于兴奋,没有养成很好静下来听别人说的习惯,纪律比较嘈杂。在今后的教学过程中,要不段提高自己的应变能力,示范到位,不仅要告诉学生如何说,而且让学生学会安静的听别人的发言。进一步提高学生的语言学习习惯,也提高课堂的教学效率。【精品文档】第 页


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