高中英语 M2U2完整导学案 牛津版必修2

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1、画川高级中学2010-2011年度第一学期高一英语导学案(26)课 题M2U2 words主备人雍伟全审核人雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号一、课前预习: 1、请同学们提前预习好以下词汇的用法:supply, envy, reach, claim, surround, adventure, view, harmony, sick, total, common, scare, in case二、课内合作1. adventure (1) n. c. ( 具体or抽象?)_Have you read about the adventures of Marco Polo?_The trip to F

2、lorida was _ for Helen. 佛罗里达之行是海伦的一次奇遇。(2) adventure n. u. (具体or抽象?) _ Many boys have a thirst for adventure. _。_. 他喜欢冒险(3) adventure vt./vi. 拿/使冒险;冒险 She likes adventuring in a remote place. _. 别拿你的生命开玩笑。(4) adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的;冒险的; adventurer / adventuress n. 冒险家,冒险者an adventurous voyage _;an a

3、dventurous person _2. in case(1) conj. _ In case she comes back, let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。 Take the raincoat _. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。 _带着雨衣以防万一。(2) in case of _;in that/this case _ in no case_ in any case _ Take the raincoat with you _ rain. 带上雨衣以防下雨。【练一练】_fire, call 119. _should you give up. _, I

4、 wont ask you to go with me. _, do your best.3. supply (1) vt. 供给,供应,提供 We supply power to the three nearby towns. Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables. 【用法归纳】【练一练】 The town (供水)water from a reservoir in the hills.【辨一辨】:provide / offer These books will _.为我们提供所需要的全部信息He offered me

5、 a glass of wine =_他端给我一杯酒。(2) supply n. u. 供应 (抽象意义);supply and demand _ be in short supply _supply n. c. 供应; 供应品, 一批东西 (这种含义时常用复数形式) _ 这儿的水供应很好。 Our medical supplies are running short. _。 The camp has _ food. 营地有充足的食品供应。4. scare (1) v. _The thunder scared the child. _She scared the cat away / off.

6、_You scared me to death._(2) n. gave sb a scare_(3) scared_ scaring _eg: -Are you _ of snakes? -No, although it is _5. sick adj. (猜词义并归纳用法)Jane is taking care of her sick baby _He is sick in bed with a cold. _The boy always feels sick when he travels by car. _Im sick of his long empty speech. _【猜词组】

7、become / fall / get sick _ the sick _【辨一辨】sick / ill6. envy (1) vt. _James envied his friend / his friends success. (用法)_How I envy him going abroad! (用法)_ I envy you your good luck. (用法)_(2) n. _(u.);_ (c.)I felt envy at his success.He looked with envy at his neighbors new car.Hes the envy of the w

8、hole street. Her many talents were _.是所有朋友都很羡慕的。【拓展】adj. enviable_ envious_ be envious of sb. / sth.7. view n. (猜词义并归纳用法)You can get a view ofWhats your view on the subject? _From my point of view(=_), what you said is wrong. _ Vt. I view him as my best friend. 译_【拓展】viewer:【辨一辨】scenery / scene / vi

9、ew8. total (1) adj. _ His plan ended _. 他的计划以完全的失败而告终。_? 日本的总人口为多少?(2) n. c. _ 词组: a total of _in total _What does the total come to? _?His expenses reached_ $100. 他的费用总共达到100美元。_, there must have been 2000 people there. 总计起来,那儿肯定有两千个人。(3) v. (totalled/ totaled) (猜词义/词性) The students of our college

10、total two thousand. _ I totaled my expenses with a calculator. _ The bill totals (up) to $100 dollars. _(4) tatally adv. _ I may be totally mistaken. _。9. reach (1) vi/vt. (猜词义)Your letter reached me this morning. _The woods reach as far as the river. _Can you reach those books on the shelf? _He reached out his hand for _ = He _ the book I offered him.(2) n. U (手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围 【词组】out of ones reach/ out of th


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