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1、四年级下册Unit 3 My day第一课时教案. Teaching content: Story time. Teaching aims: 1. Enable the students to understand the whole story, and talk about their days.2. Enable the students to master the words: usually, and the phrases: in the morning, get up, go to school, have lunch, in the afternoon, play footba

2、ll, go home, do homework, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV, at night and go to bed.2. Enable the students to master and use the sentences:“ When do you ? I (usually) at ” to talk about their daily life. Teaching keys: Enable the students to understand the whole story, and talk about their days.

3、 Teaching difficulties: Enable the students to talk about their days. Teaching aids: PPT, cards. Teaching proceduresStep1. Greeting and warming up.Step2. Pre- reading.1. Teach the phrases: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. T: Today we will talk about our happy days (揭示课题

4、My day). There are four periods in a day (教授短语in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night ).2. Talk about the activities of these four periods, and learn the phrases: do homework, watch TV. T: What do you do in the morning? S: In the morning, I (Ss work in groups and discuss the ac

5、tivities about the other periods.学生小组讨论下午及晚上的日常活动并小组展示,同时教授关于日常活动的短语,特别是watch TV和do homework。)Step3. While-reading.1.Watch and choose.Watch the cartoon, choose the pictures and stick in the right forms.T: We can do different things in our daily life, and Mike is talking about his day. Lets watch the

6、 cartoon and stick the pictures in right places. (学生看课文动画,整体感知课文动画并将Mike的活动根据四个时间段分类。)2. Read and ask(1)Part one: Read part one and answer the questions: When do you get up? When do you go to school? When do you have lunch?T: There are three parts of the text. Lets read part one. Its about Mikes act

7、ivities in the morning. Read this part by yourself, find out the time, and write down. (学生小组合作,自读课文第一段,找出Mike活动的时间,并写到相应的图片上。)I have three questions for Mike, you can answer questions for Mike.(学生回答三个问题。)Read part one and imitate the pronunciation.(跟读课文第一段录音,并模仿语音语调,体会连读的发音规则。)(2)Part two: Read part

8、 two in groups and think about questions and answer these questions: When do you _ ?When do you_?When do you_?T: Part two is about Mikes activities in the afternoon. Read this part by yourself, find out the time, and write down. The most important is that you should think out the questions.(学生小组合作,自

9、读课文第二段,找出Mike活动的时间,并写到相应的图片上。同时思考如何补全问题)T: You are Mike now. And please answer these questions.(学生回答补全的问题。)Read part two and imitate the pronunciation.(跟读课文第二段录音,并模仿语音语调,体会and并列选项的发音规则。)(3)Part three:Read part three in pairs and think out the questions: When _?When _?When _?(学生小组合作自读课文,填上时间,并补全问题,最后

10、小组以一问一答的形式回答问题。)Read part three and imitate the pronunciation.(跟读课文第三段录音,并模仿语音语调。)(4). Learn how to express the time.(课文整体呈现,让学生自己总结出时间表达法及介词at在时间表达上的用法,同时归纳出本课的重点句型。)Step4 Post-reading1. Choose one part to talk about your day to your partner. T: Mike does so many things on his day. Lets talk about

11、our days.(学生自选一个时间段在组内来交流,并展示。)2. Enjoy a funny video. T: Life is fun every day. Please value every day.Step5 Homework1. Read Story time and try to recite.2. Talk about your day with your friends.3. Make a card about your day.Blackboard design:Unit 3 My dayat nightgo to bed 9:00in the eveninghave dinner 6:15watch TV 7:00in the afternoonhave two lessonsplay football 4:00go home 4:40do homework 5:30in the morningget up 7:00go to school 7:40have four lessonshave lunch 12:001


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