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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Before the disastrous earthquake there was( )chaos.问题1选项A.massiveB.ominousC.suspendingD.imminent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项massive“巨大的,大量的”;B选项ominous“预兆的,不吉利的”;C选项suspending“暂停,延缓”;D选项imminent“即将发生的,临近的”,句意:在灾难性的地震发生之前,发生了大规模的混乱。结合句意,只有A选项符合。2. 单选题Because of its

2、favorable climate, its easy access to the principal silk and tea producing area, and its( )to the main interior trade routes, Shanghai attracted more foreign attention than any other port in China.问题1选项A.distanceB.in the neighborhoodC.proximityD.in the neighborhood of【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义短语搭配辨析。A选项distanc

3、e“距离”;B选项in the neighborhood“在附近”;C选项proximity“接近”;D选项in the neighborhood of“在附近”。proximity to邻近某段,为固定搭配。句意:宜人的气候,进入丝绸茶叶的主产地的便利以及国内主要的商业圈,让上海比中国其他地区更能引起外国的注意。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题The Ever Victorious Army served as an (a)( )to the poorly organized, poorly trained, and poorly disciplined provincial forces of

4、 the governor.问题1选项A.serviceB.helpC.adjunctD.extension【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项service“维修,检修”;B选项help“帮助”;C选项adjunct“附属的”;D选项extension“拓展”。adjunct to“附属于,部下”,为固定搭配。help to在这里不符合题干内容,可排除。句意:常胜军队组织欠妥、训练不足、纪律不严的政府地方部队。因此C选项正确。4. 单选题How successful people are in coping with a new culture( )a host of factors, s

5、uch as ones primary culture and the specific behavior that is being modified.问题1选项A.are contingent onB.is contingent onC.contingent uponD.being contingent upon【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配辨析。A选项are contingent on“是取决于”;B选项is contingent on“依而定”;C选项contingent upon“视而定”;D选项being contingent upon“被视作”。be contingent on“

6、取决于,依赖于”。此外句子的主句是一个从句,即主语从句,所以谓语动词用单数。句意:成功人士如何处理一种新文化很多因素,如一个人的原始教育和即将修正的具体行为。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The unfortunate death of the genius poet caused( )loss to this country.问题1选项A.pricelessB.countlessC.incalculableD.imaginable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项priceless“无价的”;B选项countess“无数的,数不尽的”;C选项incalculable“不可计算的”;D选项

7、imaginable“可想象的”。句意:那位天才诗人的不幸死亡给国家带来了不可计算的损失。结合句意,只有C选项符合。6. 单选题Theory and science are nurtured in material environments, and application is a powerful( )to thought. In this respect he was a great planter of ideas.问题1选项A.encouragementB.spurC.driveD.driving force【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项encouragement“鼓舞”

8、;B选项spur“鞭策,刺激”;C选项drive“驱动”,常用表达:a drive to sth,D选项driving force“驱动力,推动力”,常用表达:driving force for sth,跟后面的“to”不搭,可排除D选项。句意:理论科学是在物质环境中产生的,而应用则是思想的强力。在这方面,他是一个伟大的思想传播者。因此C选项正确。7. 不定项选择题Severe drought in the 1970s and 80s, coupled with a population explosion and destructive farming and livestock pract

9、ices, was denuding vast swaths of land. The desert seemed determined to swallow everything. So Mr. Danjimo and other farmers in Guidan Bakoye,the Sahel, a semiarid belt that spans Africa just below the Sahara took a small but radical step. No longer would they clear the saplings from their fields be

10、fore planting, as they had for generations. Instead they would protect and nurture them, carefully plowing around them when sowing millet, sorghum, peanuts and beans.Today, the success in growing new trees suggests that the harm to much of the Sahel may not have been permanent, but a temporary loss

11、of fertility. The evidence, scientists say, demonstrates how relatively small changes in human behavior can transform the regional ecology, restoring its biodiversity and productivity.In Nigers case, farmers began protecting trees just as rainfall levels began to rise again after the droughts in the

12、 1970s and 80s.Another change was the way trees were regarded by law. From colonial times, all trees in Niger had been regarded as the property of the state, which gave farmers little incentive to protect them. Trees were chopped for firewood or construction without regard to the environmental costs

13、. Government foresters were supposed to make sure the trees were properly managed, but there were not enough of them to police a country nearly twice the size of Texas.But over time, farmers began to regard the trees in their fields as their property, and in recent years the government has recognize

14、d the benefits of that outlook by allowing individuals to own trees. Farmers make money from the trees by selling branches, pods, fruit and bark. Because those sales are more lucrative over time than simply chopping down the tree for firewood, the farmers preserve them.The greening began in the mid-

15、1980s, Dr. Reij said, “and every time we went back to Niger, the scale increased.”“The density is so spectacular.” he said.Mahamane Larwanou, a forestry expert at the University of Niamey in Nigers capital, said the regrowth of trees had transformed rural life in Niger.“The benefits are so many it is really astonishing,” Dr. Larwanou said. “The farmers can sell the branches for money. They can feed the pods as fodder to their animals. They can sell or eat the leaves. They can sell and eat the fruits. Trees are so


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