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1、UniteKeytoxercsesIIIVoabulary.1. mup ith6.pu your mind he cnces are7 appalled3 fel fat. verdt.bstowed upn9. poise5. orih1.blurted outB1 inticulate 6. enhance2 insuts 7. nve3. iept 8 sicky. glowigly 9. adroit5.xecle10.charng1.6.C. C7.D3. C8. A4. B9. . A10 A I. Cloe.esitant 6. etea 1 Given 6.achid2. p

2、aying .lurkin 12. or 1. eul. coti 8 whe 13 prsptive 18. based1. or 9.es 1. rawbck 19. ets2. confidnce 0. withhod ptition 0ehancn . Translatin. 我想了半晌,觉得世界上讲西班牙语的人最善于辞令,也许可以从她们身上学到点什么。你对她们中的一种人赞叹道,“这是我曾经见到过的最美丽的房子”,她立即回应道,“您大驾光顾,更使蓬荜生辉。”让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。要想回敬她们是没有用的不管说什么,最后她们总会占上风的。 有一点很清晰:所有得体的社交最主线的就在于保持镇

3、定。Eiz. W. Farar,写过一本美国最早的有关礼仪方面的书。她在书中讲述了在新英格兰举办的一次高雅的宴会上主人切鹅的故事,论述了保持镇定的重要性。鹅不慎脱手,滑出了盘子,落在一位贵妇人的衣裙上。要是我遇到这种状况,我会感到极度地窘迫,恨不得悄悄地找根绳子去上吊。可是,这位主人却泰然自若。她极为安静而庄严地说,“夫人,如果您把那鹅还给我,我将感谢不尽。”如果我们的行为举止都能保持这种风度,挣脱局促不安,那我们的社交生活就会有趣得多。 如果我们牢记这一点,我们就会显得更加镇定自如:每当有人恭维你时,她也许只是想和你说说话。唯一明智的回答就是由八个小小的字母构成的两个简洁的小词:Tnyu !

4、B A imorantstep in becomng an efctie flteri udsad wy flatteryep you estabi ettr relainshipswih the.The roo causef t pwer of flattey gts a a bascprinipo hun bar: Peoe crae eing apprecaed., Thevastajority of people e of the siilaedepit ifferet cuture. Asan cuture teesi r grp ecogition is genrally stro

5、ger than th desire fo ididual rcgon vrthlss, hned forconti is pesent. n people hod t th joy of wrk tlf is o imprtan thn eteral rgiton, icuin fatter. e jo f work may be a poweful mtivao, bvn thos woget the iget joy from theirwok- such ascintists, artits, d phoorphers - rae flate nd recgnition.Oherse

6、thy wouldtcmpefor NolPiz eteth work inimportexhibtion. Anothreaso lttery s s effeve relae o te nomal eed oe rcgnzed Althugh oeartcles an books av benritten d preadealsy aou flttery, mot peopl rceive lessrecognition tha thedeere.yeople adly r receiv mpliets eite n the jobor a home, tus intnsiying the

7、r dend for flttery.Key o Aitoa WoI. Iiom Studie1.swa n2. te onlyl inheoitmnt. a whi lepa. adoginte nger5. siti ducks6. talk turkey7. lthe ct otofthe bg8 fihing in ubl watrs9. crying coodie tear0. buyin apig ia poeII. Vocablarypan1. D 2.A 3 4.B 5.C. D 7.B 8 .A 10.Unit Three Key oxerisesII.VocabulyA.1

8、. esert(hrowway) 2. chris brgain for . n vain 5avaice 6.ruthless (magats) tycos 8.caste 9.norms 1. erticB 1.brren transint 3. preposterous 4. me-mine . illusory6 monogamos . deep-rooted 8. bid .eetotaler 10 saity 1 C 2.B 3. 4. 5D 6.D 7B 8.C 9.A 10.CIV. Cze1.evelaions 2. deman 3. trats . alti . infli

9、ing. expions 7. rise hurt . ouse 10. extadina 1decnt 2 pain 1. ovshowe . experinc 15.least 6. relaioship 17.apaent 8. lsure 19.humanity 20. ligaion. rnslaionA.正是强烈情欲的力量使然。情欲与转瞬而逝的其她欲望如食欲等不同,它所带来的期待无比壮观,为任何其她情感所不及。毫无疑问,我们所有的欲望都带来期待,但无一能望其项背。坠入爱河便会萌发难以抗拒的信念:相爱一定会到终老,拥有心爱的人不仅常常让人心醉神迷,还会带来安定感、成就感和进一步骨髓的

10、相伴毕生的幸福感。因此我们孤注一掷。如果错过这个机会,毕生都将失去意义。只要一想到这样的厄运,便会深陷自怨自艾的无底深渊。不幸的是,这些期待往往都是假象而已。任何一种有所经历的成人都懂得所有的情欲但是如此,固然她如果正身陷其中则另当别论。朋友们天荒地老的故事我们并不当真,由于懂得有的时候感情可以持续有时却难觉得继。而真正可以持久的感情并不是由于在最初的时候曾经有过如何的诺言。两个人可以白头偕老并不是由于她们是伟大的恋人,而是由于她们有良好的品行:克制,忠诚,不偏激,可以互相适应。B.What smrriage?Maae is le whtMrQian Zhongs put n his nove

11、lFortresBesiged,“arrage is like besiged fortes:thse h are outsid ant o tinoi, and those o ar insie wat to ge out oit.”Bt thfact i th een thse o ha manaed to us ut of the fortssti ror god hs marage and eever possibl, thystill try her btto combck. And r thoe who stay ide, majorityof them s keep rten the fotrss areully fulfilling their duies wheherhey hve g lost orzzledin he mrigelife. Oly aftr a songets marrid,wllh/sh ome t nderstad re abouthe mrrigndrasre i a itis.nfct, gettngarred ntso difcl sinc boys an girl shold bemie upon eachingdltho; heer, keepg th marag fre ad table i


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