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1、2022年考博英语-山西大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH我说过我们要发展记忆,那是因为我们生活中有此需要。没有文化的动物中,能以本能来应付生活,就不必有记忆。我这样说,其实也包含了另一项意思,就是人在记忆上发展的程度是依他们生活需要而决定的。我们每个人,每一刻,所接触的外界众多复杂,但是并不进入我们的感觉,我们有所选择。和我们眼睛所接触的外界我们并不都看见,我们只看见我们所注意的,我们的视线有焦点,焦点依着我们的注意而移动。注意的对象由我们选择,选择的根据是我们生活的需要。【答案】I said we develop memorie

2、s because we need them in our lives. Without culture, animals cope with life by instinct. Thus memory is necessary for them. By saying this, I also mean that people develop memory according to the needs of their lives. Every one of us, is connected to this vast and complex world in every moment, but

3、 dont receive all into our senses, which means we choose. We do not see everything that our eyes touch. We see only what we notice, because there is a focus in our sight which moves on the basis of our attention. And the object of attention is chosen by us, according to the needs of our life.2. 单选题H

4、e is a young and( )coach who is prepared to lead his team to win the championship in his first season.问题1选项A.realisticB.humorousC.ambitiousD.intimate【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项realistic “现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的”;B选项humorous “诙谐的,幽默的;滑稽的,可笑的”;C选项ambitious “野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的”;D选项intimate “亲密的;私人的;精通的”。句意:他是一个年轻而有( )

5、的教练,他准备在他的第一个赛季带领他的球队赢得冠军。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题As a motivational speaker, Caroline Miller knows a few things about using mental exercises to achieve goals. But last year, one exercise she was asked to try took her by surprise. Every night, she was to think of three good things that happened that day and an

6、alyze why they occurred. That was supposed to increase her overall happiness. “I thought it was too simple to be effective”, said Miller. “I went to Harvard. Im used to things being complicated.” But, the quality of her dreams did change and she did feel happier.That exercise is one of several that

7、have shown preliminary promise in recent research into how people can make themselves happiernot just for a day or two, but long-term. Its part of a larger body of work that challenges a long-standing skepticism about whether thats even possible.For decades, a widely accepted view has been that peop

8、le are suck with a basic setting on their happiness thermostat. It says the effects of good or bad life events like marriage, a raise, divorce, or disability will simply fade with time. We adapt to them just like we stop noticing bad odor from behind the living room couch after a while.But recent lo

9、ng-term studies have revealed that the happiness thermostat is more malleable than the popular theory maintained. “Set-point is not destiny,” says psychologist Ed Diener of the University of Illinois.The think-of-three-good-things exercise that Miller found so simplistic at first is among those bein

10、g tested by Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania. People keep doing it on their own because its immediately rewarding. It makes people focus more on good things, which might otherwise be forgotten, because of daily disappointments.Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist at the University of C

11、alifornia, meanwhile, is testing some other simple strategies. “This is not rocket science,” she said. For example, participants were asked to regularly practice random acts of kindness, things like holding a door open for a stranger, for 10 weeks. Participants who performed a variety of acts, rathe

12、r than repeating the same ones, showed an increase in happiness even a month after the experiment was concluded. Those who kept on doing the acts on their own did better than those who didnt.But she also said any long-term effect will probably depend on people continuing to work at it. “Happiness is

13、 the process not the place. So many of us think that when we get everything just right, we will be happy But once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities. The Princess could not just stop when she got the Prince.”1.For Miller, the think-of-three-good-things exercise( ).2.A

14、ccording to the widely accepted view about happiness,( ).3.Results from separate tests by Martin Seligman and Sonja Lyubomirsky both show that( ).4.“The Princess could not just stop when she got the Prince.” suggests that( ).5.The passage is mainly written to( ).问题1选项A.turned out to be a disasterB.w

15、as unexpectedly effectiveC.produced a mixed outcomeD.was too simple to be useful问题2选项A.good events make it easier for people to enjoy a happier lifeB.little may come out of peoples efforts to a happier lifeC.it is nothing wrong for people to wish to have a happier lifeD.peoples adaptation skills may

16、 be the key to a happier life问题3选项A.the effects of some effective strategies may not lastB.it is necessary for people to try all the usefu1 strategiesC.the same strategy has different effects on different peopleD.simple strategies can actually make people feel happier问题4选项A.changes in life goals may not affect the lo


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