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1、endng Mcie1 - jcivesThe objectves of tis exrcis are o: Base TOODdesignappach, prps 2 solutions or the dsigrhtectur ote Vendng chine rented i specifico mdule: Frst un:sequential - without prcess.n a squtial slutin,itis interestn to show hn onemode of the Stte Trnsition Diaram (STD) n be rached: “Dens

2、g Prct”. Secnd solutn: concurre- wth pocss(es)Hpotheis ste made hehardwre2 - Prolm OerviewThsexamle ian etnsonof the prole pesened athe orm ”Struue Dvlomen” i Sananisc, inFebray 186.The problem saemen and e reulting models were inteactively deveopand dcribdas ialge btwen te ustmer nd he analytTh cst

3、oe startebyutlinig t he anasthat h is faed with co scutomerswho truttingjuk inte coint ohis vendig mchineshping to e somthing for nthing. Som even ry o ntr coin-liesugs to ool the machinesThey alo try tandazeh selecion egister to get podcs fee. These r majproles for the vendig ahine orators because

4、t do buiness on narrw man,wichiaears very ckly. Themhine istoo the foloig:- Aceptobjects fo the cuome inpayentfr hs/herpuchse.- hek eah ojec to make sur hat iis no a luhis s o be oneb alidting the sie, wght and thiknes.- ce nckls, dimeand quarter.ny oer os r to beteated as lugs and retued to thestom

5、r- Only iiatepaymtoutono produtsectionpcessfra vldaeini dtected.- Accpt produc seectn from t uste- Checkto se whethr the sected rod salable, f not vaial, returncoins atmaicy and notiy ustomer.- Acet varito odcs, whc wil chan fromieto tie.Hece, te prout pices shol be caneabe- trnhe cstomers aymentonr

6、euet ifhe o she decides otto kea lecton- Dpenetherduct to th ctmerf i i aailb nd the amntis sufficien.- Rturn th orrct change tote cusomerif th ount dest is gret hanthe produt price(inti coitons ?)- ible product eecion afe e prdut is dispeneduntilte netvdae cini reced.Seveal exta equremenscould b ad

7、ded to thefirs lst sers reuirements, since we denid sec:- Reject in ssu durn he rdcti dispensed.- Have avaabe cons to be al o gve back te age (inti ondions). For ta, the cois itroducd b te ustomer aeaccumultd in the coinstorae (nyay wedont nowf the isrecons are sd fr iving backthchange or no).- oler

8、ance or aidatingthethickess, siz &eight (desnt hveffet o theaciteure noron he lgorithm.- Rejectcoin a sluif ther is not enough chang and ocours desnt delrthe prouct (do whae e informatin rom the hdare)- Rejeccoinssslug i hee is o spenogh n the eivingbox(do whave the iformation fro the ardare).3 - Pr

9、oed coext diagraince no infrmaoon th hawr i aailabe, he folowing contx diagm spropose (as fncional diaram; o ow ve xcangs). 3 iferetterminator are popose:- COINS SYSTEM:theystem for pocessing theobjecs n ontaning the cins otain,- SELCTOR:theinterface or te customr ctns and nofiaios,- PROUCTDISENSER:

10、 the bx contnigheoductsSie tere isno ndiat f teintlnumof poduct frme RODUCT ISESEand heiiia numb oins fr thOINS SYSTM, assmptionst e madeegrigth lii and nitial oniio hse vluesare efiedby compiaion (defne f C).- Each vld ojecent irecty to the cae cons srge (ifsace avalabe) adwil b uedas chne cn.- Onc

11、ange torage is availb fr each tpe o coinand full as on s th veniachine is urndo. Temaxmumvalue iNbfCi,same foer srae.- e nume te of proct is defied byMaxTypPdt ad temaximu ub o pruct for otype s eineby axbOfrouts.- As oon as the ning ahine i tuned on,te product sorge is consdrefullfor al pducts (typ

12、 and numbefor 1 typ).- Thedtalaed sug inat a cntrllow because avntothterminaor CONS SSTE.Rca ofteState rnsito Diarm4 - dentifcaton ofojects a clsss4.1 ClassesFom the tex befoean egla SRTmoel preenedinspecifcation,he flowig objects, clsses and funtinsc e prpse.Enity NamettrbutTypeOjecthicknes (ntee)Siz (intger)Wigt(integer)TObctCoinOectVleTyeT_CoinPymnytnegrPro


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