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1、Unit6 Topic1 Section A 优质课教案【教材分析】Unit6 Topic 1 Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai . 通过一次春游出行的话 题引入本部分的学习,在大量与课题相关的听力材料以及阅读材料的输入基础上,学习与该话 题相关的词汇,如:vehicle hard/soft sleeper, price, total time 等,在语境中呈现并巩固不定式的 结构和用法,借此帮助学生表达自己的出行愿望并制定计划。除此之外,引导学生制定合理的 出行计划并培养节约意识,为后边两个话题有关环保出行的学习做好准备,根据大纲要求本

2、节 课学习 Section A 1a、1b、2 和 3 部分。【学情分析】本班学生为云南省昭通市风池中学择优后的划片招生学生,同时,学生基础参差 不齐,整体较差,学习习惯也差,尽管小学三年级开设英语课,但是,学生和家长基本不重视, 学生入学英语水平几乎为零,而且,八年级下学期根据学生的发展规律,普遍很容易出现两极 分化;一部分学生会对英语学习有持续的兴趣,会越学越好;而另一部分学生本身学习习惯较 差,什么都不愿意学,更怕背单词,所以,容易对英语学习产生厌学情绪。针对以上情况,我 坚持面向全体学生,耐心的、尽力的激发和培养他们学习英语的积极性,使用从听到说;从说 到写来培养学生的综合语言运用能力

3、的教学设计,尽量把本节课的语言知识融入到语言技巧之 中,使学生形成有效地学习策略来调动学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生进一步学好英语打下基础。 【教学目标】(一)、知识与技能目标1、 能掌握教材中四会要求的单词 field、proper、price、total 掌握短语 decide on 、the best wayto do something、too.to 等。2、能够在不同情况下正确使用动词不定式。如:(1) I have some exciting news to tell you.(2) It will take us a few days to get there by bike.(3)

4、 Where do you plan to visit?(4) Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets.3、能够运用本课所学句型和相关表达进行行程、宾馆、车船票的电话、实地预定。如: How much does a standard room cost?How much does it cost to get there by plane?For our spring field trip, were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.(二)、过程与方法目标1、学生能用英语做制定行动计划的对话。2、

5、运用知识与生活情景相结合的方法,培养学生正确与人沟通的能力。(三)、情感态度与价值观目标1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2、树立学好英语的信心,大胆用英语进行表达。3、在制定计划过程中养成独立自主精神。4、能够积极与同学合作参与课堂,讨论出行方式,大胆实践,培养学生团结合作的能力。 5、培养劳逸结合的快乐学习态度。【教学重难点】1、教学重点:能够运用本课所学句型和相关表达制定行动计划。如:(1)Id like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th(2)For our spring field trip, were going on a th

6、ree-day visit to Mount Tai.(3)I plan to start out next month.2、教学难点:能够运用本课所学句型和相关表达(如:不定式)制定行动计划。如:(1)Id like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th(2)For our spring field trip, were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.(3)I plan to start out next month.【教学过程】Step I : Lead-in1. Lets enjo

7、y some pictures. To see is to believe.2. Revision (Students talk about their holiday plans using the information below)3. Finish the exercises in the Guided Learning Case.(1) I want _ (see)a film.(2)Lily wishes _ (fly) to the moon one day.(3)My father plans _ (move) to Beijing next year.(4)Jane woul

8、d like _ (visit) Dali.(5)My sister hopes _ (have) a birthday party.(6)I plan _ (take) some money with me.Step II: Presentation1. Brainstorming. Use some pictures to tell the students there are many places of interests in ourcountry. Then students in groups talk about their holiday plans, such as the

9、 places, the vehicles and so on, then ask and answer questions.A. How are you feeling at the pictures?B. Do you like traveling?C. How do you go traveling?D. On foot/By bike/bus/train/subway/ship/plane/carE. Which is the best way to go traveling?2.Look at the following mind maps and discuss in groups

10、 using the information in 2 and 3,the teacher presents the mind map to help students discuss their plans then share some of their plans .Step III Practice1. Students watch the video and enjoy the discussion in Miss Wangs class. 2. Students listen to 1a and find out infinitives, then finish 1b.Eg. ha

11、ve something to do too adj. to do sth.It will take sb. time to do sth.moneywould like (love) to do sth. need to do sth.the best way to do sth.3. The teacher explains some language points.(1) go on a three- day visitEg. I will go on a three- day visit to Dali next month.(2) have something to doEg. I

12、have some good news to tell you.(3) It will take sb. time to do sth.moneyEg. It will take me thirty minutes to get there by bike.(3) too adj. to do sth.Eg. You are never too old to study.(4) the best way to do sth.Eg. It is the best way to travel to Beijing now .(5) need to do sth.Eg. You need to fi

13、nd the cost for the train .(6) would like to do sth. =want to do sth.Eg. I would like to go there by bike.(7) decide to do sth.Eg. She decided to take part in the party.(8) plan to do sth. start out find out the cost formake the decision decide on sth. and so on.4. Role play 1a. Let the students mak

14、e their own conversations, then let some of them act out. Using the following mind map to help them .【教学板书】(1) go on a three- day visit(2) have something to do(3) It will take sb. time to do sth.money(4) too adj. to do sth.(5) the best way to do sth.(6) need to do sth.(7) would like to do sth. =want to do sth.【当堂检测,链接中考】完成导学案当堂检测练习。1.我计划暑假去黄山旅游。I plan to _ _ _to Mount Huang during the summer vacation. 2她准备下个月出发去九寨沟。She plans to _ _to Jiuzhaigou next month.3我们将商定参观长城的最佳时间。We will _ _the best time to visit the Great Wall.4-我要到泰山旅游,你可以告诉我一些关于泰山的事吗?-我来帮你查明一些相关信息。-


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