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1、2022年考博英语-暨南大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The houses in this area were all reacted in( )of housing regulations.问题1选项A.complianceB.defianceC.allianceD.obedience【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配题。compliance“顺从;服从”;defiance“蔑视;挑战;反抗”;alliance“联盟;联合”;obedience“服从;遵守”,根据横线前后的in和of可知此处只能选择defiance,in defiance of表示“不顾;无视”。句意:这个地

2、区的房子建得都很不房屋规范。故正确答案为选项B。2. 单选题The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and( )penicillin prescriptions.问题1选项A.dispensesB.disposesC.dispersesD.dispatches【答案】A【解析】考查同形词义辨析。dispenses“分配;分发”;disposes“处理;安排”;disperses “分散;使散开”;dispatches“派遣;分派”,此句中and一词连接了两个动作,所以此处要填的动词应该与sells是对应的,按照常识,药

3、店除了会卖药之外,也会分发一些药品,所以此处应该选择一个表示“分发”的动词。句意:在我们这条街街角处有一个药店售卖阿司匹林并且青霉素的处方。因此可知A选项正确。3. 不定项选择题In foreign transport today the most popular and common kind of packing material is foam(泡沫)plastic. Before its coming in the 1950s, however, people used wood, paper, sponge and cotton as wrappers. Wood and paper

4、 were not resistible enough to intense shocks that were inevitable during long distance transport; cotton and sponge cost too much to be wrappers for ordinary goods like glass, porcelain etc. Often delicate goods were put in a wooden trunk; on each side and end there was a layer of sponge, every ind

5、ividual object then was wrapped by a thick layer of paper or cotton. This was very safe indeed, but the packing and unpacking meant a great deal of labour and a waste of a lot of money.The arrival of foam plastic almost brought a revolution to the worlds packing industry. Today it accounts for three

6、 quarters of packing materials for delicate goods while cotton and sponge have nearly withdrawn from the modern stage of packaging. This is nothing accidental: for one thing it is as cheap as dirt itself; one ton of foam plastic, which occupies a space of as much as 1000 m, amounts to only US $260.

7、It is softer than wood, and harder than cotton and sponger and paper, and therefore a more suitable wrapper for delicate goods. What is more, it can be easily shaped but its shape is unchangeable so that delicate goods like cameras with their intruding(外凸的)parts, musical instruments with their irreg

8、ular shapes and extreme delicacy can be completely wrapped and well protected in it without additional fillings. Still another advantage is that the foam plastic wrapper can be used to safeguard your objects as long as it lasts: You buy a TV set in the super market. The foam plastic wrapper protects

9、 it on the way to your home. When you move home ten years later, the same wrapper can be picked out from the box at the corner of your barn and used to safeguard your TV set to your new home.1. What kind of material is foam plastic?2. Where did intense shocks often occur?3. Why were cotton and spong

10、e not good wrappers for ordinary goods?4. What was the usual container of delicate goods before?5. Why is foam plastic so popular? The following are the reasons except?问题1选项A.The cheapestB.The most popularC.The safestD.The hardest问题2选项A.During long distance transportB.In a wooden trunkC.In freight t

11、ransport todayD.In a messy shop问题3选项A.Too softB.Too expensiveC.Too cheapD.Too hard问题4选项A.A wooden trunkB.A layer of spongeC.A layer of paperD.A layer of plastic问题5选项A.it is cheapB.its shape is unchangeableC.it can be used for many times to protect the same objectD.it is dirt itself and can be got ev

12、erywhere【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。由第一段第一句In foreign transport today the most popular and common kind of packing material is foam plastic(在如今的国外运输中,泡沫塑料是最流行和最常见的包装材料)可知,B选项“最受欢迎的”符合题意。第2题:事实细节题。由第一段第三句Wood and paper were not resistible enough to intense shocks that were inevitable du

13、ring long distance transport(木材和纸的抗冲击能力不足以应对长途运输中不可避免的强烈冲击)可知长途运输中,强烈的冲击是无法避免的,因此A选项“在长途运输中”符合题意。第3题:事实细节题。由第一段第三句cotton and sponge cost too much to be wrappers for ordinary goods like glass, porcelain etc.(作为玻璃、瓷器等普通商品的包装,棉花和海绵太贵了)可知,B选项“太昂贵了”符合题意。第4题:事实细节题。题目为“以前通常用来装精致物品的容器是什么”,关键词是容器。由第一段第四句Ofte

14、n delicate goods were put in a wooden trunk(精致的物品通常被装在一个木箱里)可知A选项“一个木制的箱子”符合题意。第5题:事实细节题。题目为“下列哪一项不是泡沫塑料受欢迎的原因”,由第二段第三句中的it is as cheap as dirt itself(它像泥土一样便宜)可排除A选项,同时也可推断出D选项“它本身就是泥土,随处可取”是文中没有提及的,因此D选项符合题意。由第二段第五句中的its shape is unchangeable(它的形状是不变的)可排除B选项;由文章最后一句可知,同样的电视包装,10年后还可以继续用来保护同一个电视,可以

15、排除C选项“它可以被多次用来保护同一对象”。4. 单选题More often than not, readers are just under the( )plots of science fictions and detective stories.问题1选项A.implicitB.intricateC.obedientD.instinctual【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项implicit“含蓄的,暗示的”;B选项intricate“错综复杂的”;C选项obedient“顺从的,服从的”;D选项instinctual“本能的”。句意:通常情况下,读者只是置身在科幻小说和侦探小说(错综复杂)的情节之下。此处填入空格的形容词是用来修饰plots(情节)。结合句意“错综复杂的”修饰情节意思正确。因此B选项符合句意。5. 单选题Nowadays pop music singers of foreign countries( )to most of our youths.问题1选项


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