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1、2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Put the following two passages into Chinese.The Olympic Games can be traced back to the ancient times. The Greeks liked all kinds of sports, because sports made the body strong. The games were held every four years and hundreds of thousands of people gathered o

2、n vast flatlands to appreciate the competition between athletes from all parts of Greece. The events included running, wrestling, and horse races. There were events for both adults and children. In most of the games, adults and children wore little or no clothing. Instead, oil was spread over the bo

3、dy. The trophy was a laurel made of olive leaves. It was the greatest honor to be crowned with a laurel.Hard work enables me to survive the most difficult time in my life abroad, during my first few employments. However, after I joined my current company, my workaholic was soon challenged by my boss

4、. When I called him at home after office hours for business purpose, he politely reminded me that he preferred talking about work with me later in the office. When the holiday season approached, he always asked me to schedule my leave beforehand. He talked with me about his holiday and also enquired

5、 about mine. For him leave is the right, but also a need.【答案】奥运会可以追溯到古代。希腊人喜欢运动,因为运动能让身体强壮。奥运会每四年一次,成千上万的人聚集在广阔的平地上来观看希腊各地运动员之间的比赛。比赛项目包括跑步、摔跤和赛马。成人和儿童的项目都有。在大部分比赛中,成人和儿童穿得很少或者不穿衣服,全身擦满油。奖杯是用橄榄叶做成的桂冠。被授予桂冠是最高的荣誉。在我最初的几次工作中,努力工作让我度过了在国外生活的最困难时期。然而,在我加入现在的公司后,我的工作狂行为受到了自己老板的挑战。每当我下班后跟他打电话谈论工作时,他礼貌地提醒我

6、他更愿意在上班时间跟我讨论。临近假期时,他总是让我提前安排假期。他经常和我谈论他的假期,也打听我的假期。对于他来说,放假是一种权利,也是一种必要。2. 单选题Cancer researchers are learning to read genes like a crystal ball to predict how patients will respond to cancer therapy, who will suffer the worst side effects and what treatments may be best for a particular patient. Fo

7、reseeing the outcome of treatment, and knowing with certainty which drugs are best for individual patients, have long been the goals of cancer researchers.For at least 40 years, oncologists have puzzled over why some patients respond so well to chemotherapy while others obtain modest benefits or non

8、e at all. The discovery decades ago that linked a chromosome abnormality to one form of leukemia paved the way for the development of the drug Gleevec by Druker and the ability to identify the patients most likely to benefit. More recently, with the wealth of knowledge from the human Genome Project,

9、 researchers have been able to develop even more specific tools to create genetic profiles of tumors and match those profiles with the right drugs. The tools also help determine which patients are most likely to experience the worst side effects of specific types of chemotherapy and guide them to ot

10、her treatments.Researchers from the University of Chicago studied alterations of the UGT1A1 gene, associated with an increased chance of chemotherapy side effects. Mark Ratain and his team studied 61 colon cancer patients receiving irinotecan and learned that patients with alterations of the gene la

11、beled as 7/7 were most likely to suffer severe losses of white blood cells. Patients with the 6/7 alteration type had intermediate side effects, and patients with the 6/6 type had none.Scientists at the Massachusetts General Hospital examined genes that normally have the ability to repair damage to

12、DNA in cells called XPD and XRCC1. The number of variations in these genes indicates how long a patient is likely to survive. Sarada Gurubhagavatula and her team studied variations of these genes in 103 patients diagnosed with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Patients with a total of three varia

13、tions in the genes survived a median of 6.8 months; those with two variations survived 11 months; patients with one variation survived 16.6 months; and those with no variations survived 20.4 months. Gurubhagavatula says the variations could be identified and those with the worst predicted outcomes p

14、ut on chemotherapy regimens that offer better odds of survival.Scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Genomic Health Inc. have developed a way to test lung tumor for genetic profiles associated with responses to the new lung cancer drug Iressa. The drug has been shown to shrink tumors in 10%

15、to 12% of patients with advanced lung cancer. David Agus at Cedar-Sinai found a pattern of 185 genes that are turned off and on in a manner that correlates with response to Iressa or to a lack of response. When used commercially, the test will target patients most likely to benefit and will allow pa

16、tients to make other choices if the negative profile is found.1.The text is mainly about( ) .2.The achievements from Human Genome Project enable researchers to( ) .3.The purpose of the author in mentioning the three researches is to( ) .4.Sarada and her team are convinced that( ) .5.In the 3rd paragraph, the word alteration means( ) .问题1选项A.the search for effective cancer treatment drugsB.the goals of cancer



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