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1、Unit 5 Topic 3 测试题(100 分)、单选(30分)1.A、why doB、why not)2.does outdoor activities?A、How manyB Whatyou like geography? Because it s difficult and boring.C、why don Every day.C How longs .D、How doD、How often)3. We all like our school life a lot. We thi nk itA、boringB、easyC interesting)4. What timethe scho

2、olevery day? At 4:05pm.A、do, finishB、does, begin C is, overD、does, over)5. There interesting news in our school newspaper. I likeit.A、many, readB、much, reading C、a little ,seeD、a few, watching)6.less ons does he have on Tuesday after noon?Only two. P.E and biology.A、WhatB HowmanyC、Which)7. do youour

3、 school?Very beautiful.A、What,like B、How,thinkC、What, thinkof D、How, like of)8.? It s Mon day.A、What time is it today?B、What day is it today?C、Is it Mon day today?D、What s day today?)9. Tha nk you for helpi ng me, sir. .A、It s a pleasure B、You re welcome C、Of course )10.story books every day? No, bu

4、t now IA、Are you reading, readB、Do you read, am readingC、Do you read, readD、Do you read, am not reading)11. This isbook. You can lear n a lotit.A、an interesting, onB、a useful, fromC、an easy ,inD、an useful, on)12. What s heavorite,do you know? Basketball, I think.A、 subjectB、 class C outdoor activity

5、D、 activities)13.is your sister, Lin da? She is readi ng a book in the study.A、HowB、What C Where)14. It s 9:15 nowhat class? Math. They have a math class every day.A、do they haveB、are they haveC、are they having D、are having)15. There re seven days in a weekiursday comes afterA、TuesdayB、Wed nesdayC、F

6、riday D、Mon day、完形填空(15分)“ Good Time” is a program(节目)of ABC radio.Jim Green is an announcer(播音员 for the program. Most of girls 1boys like theprogram. They 2 like Jim Gree n. Some of them ofte n call him and tha nk him 3 hisD、difficultB、classD、 How muchD、 A and BD、Whohard work. There are many 4to hi

7、m every day, too.Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk 5breakfast. He 6 to office at 7:15.The program 7 at 7:30fe plays the new records( 唱片)of the pop songs and music for his listeners(听众).At 8:00 it s8timthe news.Jim finishes work at 10:30.He goes home 9 his car.

8、 He 10 newspapers and listens to music after supper.He thi nks his life is very in teresti ng.()1.A、andB、withC、butD、about()2.A、tooB、soC、alsoD、either()3.A、toB、forC、ofD、at()4.A、letterB、lettersC、frien dsD、calls()5.A、atB、withC、forD、calls()6.A、getB、 goesC、is goi ngD、gets()7.A、begi nB、beginsC、fini shesD、o

9、ver()8.A、toB、forC、ofD、in()9.A、byB、inC、onD、take()10.A、looksB、watchesC、readsD、sees三、阅读理解(20分)AToday, we re having an English cTse.teacher sees a boy reading a story book and says, “ Bill, what do you usually do after lunch? ”Bill gets up from his seat, but he doesn t know how to answei回答).He thinks fo

10、r a while and then says, “Wait for supper. ”The teacher isn t happy and just at the moment,sees another(另一个)boy sleeping. The teacher is getting a little angry( 生气)now, but he d oesn t want to show it.Then he asks, “ And you, Jack?Jack s dmate (同桌)wakes him up(唤醒他).He stands up and answers, “ Me, to

11、o. ” 根据短文,判断正(门误(F) (10分)()I.The story happens发生)in class.()2.When(当的时候 )Bill is sleeping, his teacher asks him a question.()3.The teacher is happy whe n he sees jack is sleep ing.()4.Jack s teacher wakes him up.()5.This story tells us Jack and Bill study hard in class.BPeter is seven years old. He

12、s a stiedit of Grade One. He doesn t like schodt. Ssnday today. The little boy doesn go to school. He is playing with a ball near his house. His gran dmother comes to him and begi ns to talk about his school with him.“Who s the best student in your class, peter?” asks the old woman, “Of course, I am

13、. Peter an swers(回答).“Why? asks the grandmother. “In my class only I can answer my teacherqUestion.”“ What question? asks the old woman. “ He often asks us, who doesn t understand理解)me? Only I put up my han ds(举手),an swers the boy. “ And who is the worst(最差的)in your class? ” “Our teacher is. “ Why?

14、“He can t answer the easieR容易的)questions. says Peter. “ He always asks my class mates to answer!1. What grade is Peter in?2. Why doesn Peter go to school today?3. Who is talking about the school with Peter?4. Can Peter understand his teacher in class?5. Who is the worst(最差的)in Peter s class?B: 1.B: Because it s very interestingB: Yes.B: 4四、补充对话(有一项多余)(10分)A: What s youavbrite sport?A: 2.A: 3.A: When(何时)do you play basketball?A: How many P.E classes do



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