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1、implementaci del pla i indicadors de punt focal nacional i elaboraci dinforme danlisi estadstica professional. C acumulat en aquest sector de negocis estadstiques i la informaci histriques i responsable de la collaci per establir estadstiques compte professional, manuals i grfics. D s encarregada de

2、 guiar el sistema professional de base unitat estadstica dobra, informes i original registres gesti professional, implicat en lobra original. Departament de estadstiques generals per intercanviar les prctiques estadstiques, estadstiques de lorganitzaci de laprenentatge professional. 38 taller la res

3、ponsabilitat de lEstadstica: sincerament implantar nostre sistema destadstiques, mtodes i normes. Botiga de la fbrica sistema proporciona tot tipus destadstiques. inspeccionar la implantaci dels indicadors daquest taller, puntual, precises i complets les declaracions peridiques per unitats de fbrica

4、 i lanlisi del text. C administra les estadstiques de taller i informes i estadstiques acumulaci sistema, organitzaci daquesta estadstica de taller, crear compte i proporcionat informaci per aquest talleristes i un assistent personal bona. D establir plaques de destinaci o lemulaci del grfic es va a

5、nunciar, juntament amb els registres pertinents de gesti del personal del taller, responsable de Contable guia operativa treballador en canvi el grup. article 39 de la divisi destadstica, principis de gesti centralitzat integrada, tot va informar informe, CC, planeja vendre una cpia i divisi del tre

6、ball s el segent: Corporaci de mrqueting, responsable dexecuci del contracte, capacitat de producci, venda de nous productes com ara els informes. B planificaci i programaci Departament, responsable de perfils dempreses, els ndexs tcnics i econmics, sortida, valor, rendiment, informe daccident emple

7、at, protecci del medi ambient, seguretat i mesures tcniques de protecci laboral i dies, deu dies, mesos, el procs de producci i producte canvia en informes i la implementaci dels nostres departaments, informe mensual docupaci. C el Departament laboral s responsable el nombre dempleats, salaris, prod

8、uctivitat, utilitzaci, fixa les hores de treball i els canvis en el temps empleat i assistncia, els sous, salaris i altres informes estadstics, responsables de formaci del personal, personal informes com empresarials, culturals i tecnolgics daprenentatge. D Departament de subministrament: responsabl

9、e de lenviament i recepci de matries primeres, accions, consum, eines i valors i consum, principalment matries, material auxiliar, utilitzaci dacer, transportar equipament i explotaci del, material conservaci, reparaci i reciclatge i altres informes. Control de qualitat oficina: responsable dinforme

10、s de qualitat de producte. Serveis i equipaments: responsable de diversos tipus dequipament i el nombre dutilitats, manteniment, acabament,leading cadres awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to two lead by

11、example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that two is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the third revolution the rise of rapid changes in our life are fe

12、eling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. Two is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, c

13、omplement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the two is to help cultivate independent judgment in numero

14、us miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary posi

15、tion. Now, some grass-roots work in the the old way didnt work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass convincing and identityBehind are likely to be party members and leading cad

16、res themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. Two is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. Giving up two effective, mu



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