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1、Test 22听对话回答问题。(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目; 听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备 选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。()1. How did Tom go to work todayAB()2. What ani mal does the man like best ?CAB()3. What does Ann s father d o ?ABC()4. Where did the woma n go last summerABC()5. How many st

2、udents haven t got the booksA. Five. B. Thirty-five.C. Forty.()6. What d id the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A coat. B. A tie.C. A watch.()7.What is the time now?A. 7:00 .B. 6:30.C.7:30()8. Where does the con versati on most probably take place?A. In a school library. B. In a hospital. C.

3、In a shopp ing mall.()9. Why did Andy s mother stop him going over to Billy s house?A. He did nt clea n up his room B.He did n t wait a minuteC. He will leave later.()10.What s wrong with the woma n?A. She has a stomachache . B. She has a fever. C. She has a toothache二听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分)你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,

4、各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一段对话。()ll.Why does the man know the Disney Park in Los An geles so well?A. Because he once worked in Los An geles.B. Because he once studied in Los An geles.C. Because he grew up in Los An geles.()12

5、. When was the first Dis ney Park ope ned?A. In 1955.B.In 1985.C. In 1965.听一篇短文,回答第1315题。请根据内容从 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信 息记录表。Floor of the 2 roomsOn the 13.floorPrice for each room14.per ni ghtFree meal15.Things to bringID cardTime to arriveOn August 16()13. A.fiftee nth.B. fifth.C. ten th.()14. A.$ 50

6、.B. $ 300.C. $ 150.()15. A. Breakfast.B. Lunch.C. Super.听一篇短文,回答第 16-20题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入测试的第三部分。 ()16. In which country did the story happe n?A. It happened in America . B. It happened in Australia.C. It happe ned in En gla nd.()17. Why did Jack stop his car? ?A. He wan ted to see who the driver w

7、as.B. He didn t want to pass by first.C. The road was too narrow for the two cars to pass at the same time.()18. Who was wan ted by the police in this passage?A. Jack.B. The driver in the America n car.C. Neither Jack nor the America n driver()19. What did Jack do whe n he had read the n ewspaper ag

8、a in?A. He made a teleph one call. B.He drove to the police.C. He drove to the City Ba nk.()20.Who caught the man in the red America n car?A. The police.B. JackC. NobodyW: How do you usually go to work, Tom?M: On foot, But I went to work by car today.1key: CW: Do you like the lion, Joh n?M:Yes, but

9、I like the monkey best.2key: CM: What does your father do, Ann?W:Just guess. He ofte n catches some bad men.3key: AW: Last summer I went to Hainan isla nd.M: Oh, that s a wonderful place to go.4key: AM: How many stude nts are there in your class?W: Forty. And thirty-five of them have got the books.5

10、key: A第6小题。M: Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?W Almost . I got a watch for my husband, but I can t seem to find anything for myfather. He would probably like a coat or a tie.6key: C第7小题。M: The suppertime is at seve n.W: We have to wait for half an hour before we have supper.7key: B第8小题。M E

11、xcuse me, is it my turn now? I have been waiting for some time and I was wondering W I m so sorry . The doctor is simply too busy to see you right now8key: B第9小题。M Bye, Mom. I m going over to Billy s house .W Wait a minute , Andy. You have to clean up your room?9key: A第10小题。M: Y ou don t look well t

12、oday. What s the matter?W: Nothing special. I m runnin g a temperat ure.10key: B第1112小题。W: People often say that Disneyland is a favorite place for visitors.M: Yes, it is in deed true.W: Could you tell me someth ing about it?M: Certa inly. There are quite a few Disn eyla nds around the world. I stud

13、ied in LosAngeles for three years so I know the Disneyland there quite well. I often went there with friends in our free time.W: Yes. Please tell me about the Disney Park in Los An geles.M: The Park was ope ned in 1955 and it was the first Disney Park in the USA and also in the world.W: Thank you ve

14、ry much! M: My pleasure.11-12key: B A 第1315小题。Hi, Peter. Thank you for your telephone call. I m glad to tell you that we havetwo double rooms ready for you now. The two rooms are on the fifthfloor. They facethe Red Sea, so you can see it well. The price for each room is $ 150 per night. Every mornin

15、g from 7:00 to 9:30, we offer free breakfast, but you have to pay if you have lunch and supper in our hotel.Don t forget to bring your ID card with you. If youhave any more questi ons, please let us know and we shall be pleased to help you.Weare looking forward to welcoming you to our hotel on August 16. Wehope you will enjoy your stay with us. Thanks aga in for choos ing our hotel.Keys:BCA 第1620小题。The big red America n car was much too wide for an En gli



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